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Everything posted by ashburnham

  1. so is this game out now? can't find it anywhere it looks quite cool, i really love basic casual games like wii sports just bit concerned it wont be as addictive as wii sports but if its a decent price then will probably get it. public liability insurance
  2. i can't wait for this to come out, some games just dont feel right with the wii remote and hopefully this will sort it out.
  3. Batman = 11/10 Saw it last night - AMAZING!!! Joker was worth the entrance fee alone
  4. Saw it last night - awesome! Not been a big batman fan but thought i'd go and see what the fuss was about and now i want to go back to the beginning and go through all the batman films again. i'm hooked on the story. p.s. two face will be back...
  5. My friend and I always buy FIFA every year for our respective systems. My friend is the PS3 (and XBOX) owner and I am the Wii (and PS2) owner. FIFA on the PS3 is a must but this year and my friend will almost definitely get it but last year I got FIFA 08 on the Wii which was a bit of a let down for the avid FIFA player. I think I should of got it for my dusty unused PS2 instead. The Wii is a bit of a "gimic" as such and FIFA should be a "Serious" game. Feel free to put all the gimicy stuff in there, but give us the option to turn it off and play it like the good ol' FIFA we know and love. Anyone know whats happening with FIFA 09 on Wii thats different to the FIFA 08 version?
  6. Yeah, me thinks I will get the official one. Amazon do free delivery over £15 so the £16.48 is a delivered price. The cheap ones can end up being £6+ by the time you add postage so I guess we are only talking £10 difference in the end. Unless someone suggests a cable that is actually better than the official Nintendo one at the same price or less (hardly likely) then I guess this is the way to go.
  7. I'm sort of hoping someone has already done that and has the answer to my question. I'm sure if I got a cheap one it would look better but would it look as good as the top price one? To be honest I will probably get the expensive one but hoping someone might say: "the XXX Cable is exactly the same as the official Nintendo Cable but without the Nintendo badge and is half the price"
  8. Erm... thanks for your input but this doesn't really answer my question
  9. I'm just about to buy a component cable for my Wii. Just wondering what difference there is, if any, between the official cable (£16.48) and a cheap version (£2.14 upwards). [Prices taken from Amazon by the way.] I have read that several of the cheaper leads are really bad quality and obviously I would avoid anything with such a review but surely there must be several cheapy cables out there that do exactly the same job as the official one without having to pay for the Nintendo badge. Any help or previous experiences much appreciated.
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