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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. However, I don't think they'd be talking about the thickness of the grass if it was made out of plastacine.
  2. Bu surely you need to know the spellings for hiragana ね?
  3. "Euroshko" is completely wrong- it should be "yoroshiku".
  4. Well be happy that you're not doing Salters; I hate that course.
  5. It looks like its made out of plastacine... maybe it's a beta version. The dialog box just says something about how "being endless is no end" and how thick the grass is- so no clues there.
  6. Let me guess: OCR Salters Chemistry for life? I'm taking it for the first time.
  7. I wouldn't quite call myself Wapanese (depends how you define it)- I'm just obsessed with Japan. It doesn't mean I think I'm Japanese. But meh... maybe that it Wapanese... If so, so be it! Oh, and I don't just learn Japanese from anime. 毎日日本語を勉強します! There- something actually in Japanese (although I'm not too sure of the kanji for "benkyo"). EDIT: Fixed.
  8. So who's in the middle of AS exams? (I had one today, got one tomorrow, one the next day and 2 on monday)
  9. Yeah I'm learning Japanese. [something in Japanese]
  10. Yeah, they say that, but it actually means "selfish" (as from a Japanese person).
  11. Um... 3/5- it's a bit small, so you can't really see what's going on, but it might look better if it filled the box. It's a tree that follows fibonacci perfectly.
  12. But cows are killed to make cheese; the cheese is clotted using an enzyme called rennet which is found in cows' stomachs. Unless the cheese is vegetarian, in which case a different clotting enzyme is used.
  13. 4/5- those things are funny (wtf are they anyway?) but its a little dark and the movement can get annoying.
  14. But do you have vegetarian cheese?
  15. Do you know what "wagamama" actually means?
  16. I'm talking about Japanese ramen. That's why I haven't tried any yet; I'm waiting until I go to Japan (which could be ages). There are a few real ramen places in the UK, such as wagamamas.
  17. Paninis pwn cheese on toast anyday.
  18. Those smaller dogs (like the one in the second pic), tend to be preferred by cat people. I think its because they behave more like cats. Anyway, I have no problem with dogs' mouths; in fact, I'd love a dog like the one in the top pic.
  19. Well I'm interested in just about all aspects of Japanese language and culture, but I haven't investigated the food very much. I have attempted making smoked salmon sushi before, which worked to a degree, although the rolls were too big so the nori kept breaking. I would like to try other Japanese food, especially Ramen.
  20. I think we're a special exception due to the amount that we have developed, but we're nevertheless animals. And I think the most important development that sets us apart from other animals is language (rather than just signals etc.)
  21. Hmm... I don't think I'm addicted to anything, apart from maybe pure apple juice. Oh, and I generally have mozzarella at least once a week.
  22. I don't think humans are "supreme beings" in any way; I'm just pointing out that all the evidence suggests that human brains are significantly more advanced than those of other animals, which seems to be simply by chance. And yes, feelings and emotions are simply terms for electronic processes in our brains.
  23. Well, firstly, I don't think fish conciously realise that they are in a small tank; due to internal reflections it looks infinite and thus like the sea. However, I do realise that being in cramped conditions could be bad for them, but I don't think the fish themselves realise it. I also think that although fish don't have a short memory span, this doesn't mean they have feelings or are "clever" in the human sense. I'd imagine that they would run purely on instincts, as most animals appear to do so. The only animals that don't are ones with brain sizes approaching that of a human (eg. elephant, dolphin). This would mean that they are unable to, as such, have feelings such as boredom. Finally I think it is unlikely that they would feel fear; no animals seem able to do so, due to their inability to anticipate.
  24. You really should watch it- it's by far the best anime I've ever seen.
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