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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. The quote H-o-T posted: It's encouraging Switch sold more than Wii U, because there really was no buzz for that, but quite disappointing it didn't beat 3DS. Although I loved 3DS, there was a disconcerting period after launch where it looked like it might be a failure. Still, at least price isn't given as a huge issue this time. For what it's worth, I do think the wider public has noticed Switch, and understands/likes the idea more than 3DS and Wii U. Yes. Zelda is really hardcore this time. Gamers are sitting up and noticing this one, which might actually outweigh the machine not having much else significant yet. I've just got a feeling that Switch is going to do well.
  2. Well done to @Hero\-of\-Time and @drahkon for completing the game . I had a very enjoyable time playing it last night, just trying to find shrines and towers.
  3. Yes, I noticed that too, and it is the same on the Switch version. Took me a while to get used to the camera controls, as I do normally invert the vertical axis, but haven't bothered with this for the reason you mentioned. Anyway, I'm enjoying the game a lot more whilst, oddly, not disagreeing with what I wrote yesterday. Yes, it's very annoying when this happens, even though personally I wanted the Switch version. Last time I saw it from the other side of the fence, as I wanted the GameCube version of TP. I won't go into it again, but both versions had many changes to them (ie. the Wii changes were applied back to the GC).
  4. It's weird, I love it again now. It really is one of those games that forces you to adapt to it and become a better gamer. Doing so may be uncomfortable, but it's undeniably a good game. The word "phenomenal" is not an overstatement. I've started enjoying it more by not following the story so closely, or rather, not trying to rush it. Instead of heading to the yellow markers, I've adapted these priorities: 1) Find and activate the tower in each land 2) Complete all shrines in that land Then when I've done that, I don't mind heading to a yellow marker that's in another land, if you know what I mean? It also helped to buy all the best gear I can find at the moment, and get it upgraded. Doing so has made battles that much less fraught. Oh man, Nintendo has really done it this time. This is an outstanding moment in the company's history.
  5. It's the most impressive, the most intense and the most awe-inspiring. For me, it's not the best, as I've had more fun in much less time with previous games. However, I don't think any Zelda game can be properly judged until you've completed it and seen how far away from perfection it is. So far I'm thinking the breakable weapons are enough take away a whole point and make it no more than a 9/10.
  6. That's alright, it's fixed now! Thanks @Ike and @Blade for the concern. Did it help that I pressed that button in the middle of the side of the Joy-Con (looks like a "sync" button, for want of a better word)? Either that or I got lucky.
  7. Nope. Completely charged. No, and I've only ever used it in handheld mode with Flight Mode on. Only used Wi-Fi to connect to internet, and never used Bluetooth at all. It appears the connection is physically broken, either on the left Joy-Con or the left Switch rail.
  8. Well, that didn't last long - my Switch has broken. The left Joy-Con won't communicate physically with the main unit.
  9. They were indeed. I never agreed with them, personally. I thought we needed a game world much more fluid than TP, and a little bit bigger, but I still liked the formula how it was. Do you think they ever really wanted Hyrule to be that big though, or is Breath of the Wild more about copying the modern template for open world games? I would say this is lacking Miyamoto and Aonuma's tight sense of design (especially the former). Anyway, it's all academic now, as my Switch has broken.
  10. At the moment I'm alternating between loving the game and disliking it, or at least getting very frustrated. It's just too big. What's there is very good, and the reviewers did not exaggerate its quality, but it's a matter of taste as to whether you actually want that big a game. Breakable weapons totally take away the thrill of getting a new one. It would be much better if they were non-breakable and the game just assumed you wanted the latest and greatest equipped... even if that meant there were 20 weapons for each category. I know it's a big game, and that makes it logical that there needs to be more gradual progression with weapon upgrades, but it doesn't explain the durability mechanic. Nor am I keen on crafting. How do you know which recipes to use, which ingredients to keep or where to get the ingredients? Or the lack of rupees - what's the fun in having shops if you can't buy anything? How do you know what to sell, and what to keep for crafting? I found a "puzzle" last night (not in a shrine), where I needed to use certain tools. But I didn't have that tool, and didn't know where to find it. I could have spent hours trying to find that equipment. In Ocarina of Time, Miyamoto would have left you all the equipment you needed nearby. You had to work out the puzzles yourself, but you had the tools. It seems to me that most of the staff from the N64/GC days have left Nintendo, and they have employed a fresh bunch of young, talented programmers - good on the surface, but I wonder how much love they have for the OOT/MM/WW formula? It's like Miyamoto barely touched this game. I have an image of him and Aonuma hiding behind the sofa as the "kids" did their thing. Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker had that perfect blend of size, pacing and storytelling, and were also quite forgiving. Twilight Princess wasn't quite as good, and was thus extremely controversial, but its heart was in the right place. I think Nintendo has been overreacting to that ever since, making the simple and linear Skyward Sword, and now the totally non-linear Breath of the Wild. Both are so extreme! What I don't think is appreciated, is that Twilight Princess was so controversial not because it was bad, but because it was slightly less than the 10/10, amazing games we had come to expect after OOT/MM/WW. All that was needed was a slight tweak... evolution, improvement. What we have is a very successful attempt at making the ultimate open world game - impressive, but I don't see how we got here from OOT, WW and TP.
  11. RedShell - such a top bloke. Wishing him all the best.
  12. This game is so immense, I can't really believe what I'm playing. I'm running through woodland and climbing snowy mountains, and that's just the tutorial area. I've completed every previous Zelda and can't remember the beginning of one taking so long. Now, I won't lie. I did get frustrated trying to obtain the Warm Doublet, and I don't think I'm ever going to like breakable weapons. However, most of the challenge is due to a steep learning curve, which truly great games do tend to have, as we haven't played their like before. OOT and Metroid Prime spring to mind. Not that Breath of the Wild is all unfamiliar. The puzzle-based Shrines are like a familiar friend. And although you have to approach enemies with caution (even Bokoblins!), a basic grounding in Zelda combat comes in useful. I like how quiet and mysterious this game is. At first I wondered if there was enough story, but there is. It's just spaced apart. I've now completed the Plateau, and the story scene was spine tingling, like this truly is the new OOT. I've got the item that will let me leave the Plateau, and can't wait for more exploration tonight!
  13. I am genuinely surprised by how much I like it. I've linked it to my Nintendo account now, and merged my eShop funds - all simple and straightforward. Only slight negatives are that the controls are a bit small and fiddly. Plus, the unit feels too flimsy to hold from one side only (which I often did with 3DS). PS - Is there a way to import my Wii U Mii?
  14. I scrolled upwards and the saw the legs, boobs and face in the intended order! Oh man...
  15. I love it! I'm not just saying it, I honestly do love it. I haven't enjoyed a piece of Nintendo hardware like this since the 3DS, and certainly not a home console since the GameCube. That said, it's so nice as a handheld I doubt I'll ever connect it to my TV. I'm not kidding; the screen is so nice, my TV couldn't compete in terms of motion. I haven't even played a game yet! If Nintendo can be the masters of hybrids and the masters of handhelds, I really don't need them to make a dedicated home console. One thing: how do you turn it off (apart from Sleep Mode)? Is it OK to insert a cartridge whilst it's in Sleep Mode? Likewise with removing the power supply?
  16. Thanks for the honest opinions, H-o-T. It's always better to hear a genuine opinion about a game (or film) than people pretending they love it just to fit in with the hype. I hope it gets better (for my sake too, as mine's arriving tomorrow!)
  17. Grazza


    It does look extremely like ICO, but that's not a bad thing. I can't believe we can now play something like this on a handheld!
  18. Indeed. I loved the GameCube + Wind Waker synergy too, but it wasn't all that popular. I really get the sense Nintendo can supply what the public genuinely wants this time.
  19. I think we're lucky to have a situation like this again. Hardware, software - everything seems "right". Feels like an OOT/N64 moment to me.
  20. I agree with you, but I'm going to give Zelda the benefit of the doubt in this case. Usually when a game is actually terrible, the embargo is for day of release, whereas Zelda is usually about 7 days before. 1 day before is something I'm not used to, but maybe I haven't been paying attention to the wider industry lately. With Breath of the Wild, the worst thing I can imagine the reviews saying is that maybe it's not worth buying a Switch just to play a (slightly) better version. That could actually make people delay buying a Switch. But I'm not worried that the game is outright bad. My 3D Zelda list: 1) Wind Waker - Sheer magic. Perfect. 2) Ocarina of Time - Perfectly formed. 3) Majora's Mask - It's good. On balance (and several replays), I think the time limit detracts more than it adds. 4) Twilight Princess - A nice game. Doesn't quite get the OOT/MM quality, but its heart's in the right place. 5) Skyward Sword - I'm not going to bash it; I'll just say the main thing I liked was the "free" motion control rather than the precision sword fights. The Koloktos battle was good.
  21. Yes. I'd have guessed Galaxy 1 & 2 got that, possibly 64, and probably Mario World if Famitsu goes back that far.
  22. There's a name I'm pleased to see again! Welcome back! Regarding the game, the 8-bit mode has really surprised me, in terms of how accurate the remaster must be if you can just switch back and forth. All cleaned up though, so even if you opt for 8-bit, it'll be better than the Master System.
  23. I almost did the same as you, H-o-T, but didn't, as I do actually want the Switch more than I wanted the Wii or Wii U at launch. With those, there was nothing I genuinely wanted to play (I got TP on GC). With the Switch, however, there is at least what is almost certainly the best version of Zelda. Whether that's worth the money is highly debateable, but I'm throwing caution to the wind this time.
  24. I suspect I won't get it on launch day, but I've ordered: Switch (Grey) Zelda: Breath of the Wild I'm going to see what accessories are included, then take it from there. I'm a bit confused, for example, as to whether it comes with an AC adaptor that can be used for the "handheld" as well as the docking station. I'm also a little bit confused about NNID/Nintendo Account/MyNintendo, but I think I've sorted them all out. I definitely had an NNID for the Wii U and 3DS, and I've definitely completed the MyNintendo tutorial, so I believe I have all three; it's just a bit confusing about usernames and passwords. Guess I'm a bit old for this. But I do feel prepared now, and am feeling much more positive. Can't wait to play Zelda!
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