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Posts posted by Monopolyman

  1. Hmm. Whenever I see South Park on, I always feel repulsed to watch it, but when I do watch it, I think it's hilarious. I don't know why I'm not compelled again, but that's just me.


    I'm interested in some of the new episodes, such as the Scientology ep. and the Family Guy one. Y'know, the episodes everyone is talking about. Maybe I'll scrounge Youtube for them to see if some cretin has put them up.

  2. Anyone who thinks 9/11 was a set up by the U.S. government should have a look at this web-site:




    It basically gives a logical explanation for the most prevailing claims leading to the whole conspiracy theory. It's pretty spot on imo.



    As for the whole United 93 film, In my opinion, I think it's too early. I mean, it wasn't even five years ago. People are still getting over it. You can say that the main theme is more about sacrafice above anything or something, but seriously, let it settle for a bit first.

  3. Get a job. Preferably in the gardens down the road, picking weeds and all. I've been hearing they pay up to £10 an hour, but I'll settle for anything. It's not too far either, so I don't have to spend anything on bus fare or anything.


    Not much else, though.

  4. It's disappointing for blockbusters, I agree, but if you really look, There have been some decent, if not widely celebrated films (like every year, really).


    For example, Brick, Lucky Numver Slevin, Walk the Line, Slither, and more or less all the Best Picture nominees this year, which were all relesed in the UK this year (except Crash), and The Propositon looks good too.




    S.O.A.muthafuckin'.P FTW!

  5. well...


    - Better organisation of the police force, ie. more police on the street.

    - A 'life means life' policy, amongst other stricter prison sentence.

    - Block tuition fees (and possibly scrap Uni fees all together if the country can afford it).

    - Block this 'no smoking in bars' thing.

    - More money into an alt. resources program.

    - Possibly arm police officers.

    - If it is at all possible in this country, make democracy more direct in the UK by encouraging more referendums and initives.


    A couple of contreversial ones now...


    - Try to legalise cannabis in the UK (with limits, of course).

    - Make the UK constitution codified, ie. to be set in stone, and to be a bitch to add or alter.


    and also, to initiate the re-rise of the British Empire.


    Just Kidding


    Not really



  6. Knights of the Old Republic


    The whole Twist basically. No point putting it in a spoiler, seeing as everyone who has finished it know what I'm talking about, but yeah, great moment.


    Oh, and the Jade Empire twist aswell. Stand with KotOR on twistiness.

  7. Have you guys seen Oldboy?


    that has some *vicious* fighting in it. There's one scene in particular that pits the main character with a hammer in his hand against about 20 guys in a corridor. It's amazing.


    I thought the one near the beginning was quite cool. Y'know, "Can 15 years of imaginary training come to use?...Apparantly so" or something like that.



    But my vote goes to more or less between La Motta and Sugar Ray in Raging Bull. There was some brutal punches thrown there.

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