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Posts posted by Monopolyman

  1. The ending. What was? huh? wha? Were they trying to...eh?


    Anyway, I thought it was a pretty meh finale. The only moments that really interested in were the Desmond flashbacks (probably the only flashbacks in the whole of S2 that were either interesting or important).


    For season 3, they should really do away with the flashbacks, or have them every 3 or 4 eps. instead of every single one. They're getting pretty damn boring and useless now, and slows the whole story down, as well.


    On a less bitchy note, it would be interesting to see the aftermath of the hatch incident next season.

  2. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon


    Everyone knows about it's excellent fight scenes, and I love the whole complicated storyline and script as well. It also looked fantastic, as in it was just great to look at in terms of cinematography and special effects and all. It is primarily a romance film, which I'm not usually too bothered about, but never-the-less, a great film





    The Last of the Mohicans


    Set during the french-indian wars in North America in the 1750's, the film starts with a dying tribe known as the Mohicans with an adopted white (Daniel Day Lewis) reluctantly take sides with the British to make it to the fort, as the film goes on, a relationship deepens with Lewis and a British colonel's daughter. What made me keep watching was the general historical background (which I am interested in in films, by the way) and then stunning battle scenes. The plot, though, never really interested me a lot and was actually quite boring; probably because it is an adaption of a Victorian novel, which to me, never really were that interesting. But despite that...



  3. Oh, come on. John Doe could so kick Hasslehoff's ass. He's intelligent, a forward planner and such great psychopathic tendencies which is enough to topple most people. All the Hoff does is sit around in a leather jacketsinging some crappy song. In the fighting ring, Doe would take a pound of his flesh, or cut off his nose to spite his face.

  4. The Third Man


    Pretty good. The first half an hour or so of the film bored me to tears, though, and I didn't think it was going to pick up from there, but when Martins discovers the truth, though, it does liven up alot. After that, the plot was more gripping, the pacing was excellent, and Orson Welles was fantastic. A slow start and a rather obscure ending (imo) doesn't make it the classic I was expecting, but still, I enjoyed it.


    Oh, and the Zither music was awesome.




    The Lion King


    I remember liking it as a kid, and I still do. It's fantastic when kid's movies give the older audiance as much entertainment as well. The highlight for me would be 'The Circle of Life' intro (Now that's a song).




    The Crying Game


    Starts off quite slow, although still interesting, if you get what I mean by that. It really does get interesting after the move to London. Then about 20 mins. later there's some heavy shit that you'll probably know whether you've seen this film or not, and the rest of the film is great as well. The last 20 minutes or so is suspenseful as hell. An excellant plot with great preformances throughout, and is nothing like any other movie out there. Overall, despite a slow start, a good British film. There arn't really many these days. Shame.

    And Tony Slattery is in it too. He's cool.



  5. 10) It was only ratified by 27 of the 36 states, meaning it wasn't legislation in the other 9?


    Well, actually, as long as 3/4 of states agree, it applies to the whole nation. Anyway, not that any of that matters anymore, Viper got the last question, so it's Ash's turn now, I believe.

  6. OK, here are my set of questions


    1) What is the 9th track on Oasis's '(What's the Story) Morning Glory'?- Caris gets the point with 'She's electric'


    2) Colin Mochrie, Ryan Styles, Tony Slattery and Josie Lawrence were all regulars at some point on which classic TV show?- Aye, Katie was correct with 'Whose Line is it anyway', and what a show it was


    3) The first AI side-kick in your crew in Knights of the Old Republic is...- Don't worry Zell, Wikipedia served you correctly. Indeed it was Carth Onasi. Unlucky Shino (annoying, isn't it?)


    4) Name that film- ViPeR correctly guessed Heat, certainly Pacino's finest role in the last 20 years.


    5) Name that TV show- gmac wins the point with the correct answer, Without a Trace


    6) This job in question is to advise the mafia don and to make the family look as legit as possible. What is this job? Noodleman is correct to say consigliere


    7) Johnny Depp has played six roles where the name of his character is or is in the title of the movie. What are the names of these movies? (one is sort of debatable) Ninja Mullet gets the point, though the debatable one I was thinking of was Donnie Brasco, but I guess there are two debatable answers. And Sweeny Todd hasn't even finish production yet.


    8) What is my star sign? Aye Platty gets this correct. Indeed it is Scorpio, who's month is just around the corner (wink wink)


    9) "Hello, is there anybody in there?" are the lyrics at the beginning of which song? Moria gets it by correctly guessing 'Comfortably Numb'


    10) In 1865, after the American Civil War, the constitution was changed in the US which would allow black people to vote in elections, however, in some states, most black people were still disallowed from voting, yet these states were not doing anything unconstitutional. How did these states get away with this?- I'll give you that. 'booker gets the point




    Shino - 2

    Twilight_Link - 2

    Rokhed00 - 2

    Noodleman - 2

    Ninja Mullet - 2

    Moria - 2

    Dabookerman - 2

    ViPeR - 2

    Conzer16 - 1

    Dan Dare - 1

    Jordan - 1

    CVD - 1

    EchoDesiato - 1

    Meik - 1

    Monopolyman - 1

    weeyellowbloke - 1

    Platty- 1

    gmac- 1

    Zell- 1

    Katie- 1

    Caris- 1

    Ashley- 1


    Tagged Ash at the end, because I think he was left out from the last round.

  7. The Long Good Friday


    What a legend Bob Hoskins is. The way he walks around London like he owns the friggin' city. Certainly one of the best British Gangster/IRA films I've ever seen. Moves a bit slowly to start I have to say, but progresses nicely. Nicely finished off aswell.





    Battle Royale


    A bit of a disapointment I have to admit. A bit cheesy at times, and wasn't as innoative in the whole murdering thing as I thought it would be. But it did ebtertain me, and I only watched it on youtube, so I might have another look at it when F4 repeats it (which should be very soon, I think)



  8. Though tbh, i think #5 is the cutest.


    Aye. It's so cute I'd, erm... never mind.


    Anyway, they're all cute, though to a lesser extent to #1. Sort of reminds me of Michael Jackson. Soz if that was yours and we were all wrong about who we thought was.

  9. Way ahead of you. Never seen it before, despite recommendations by just about everyone I've crossed.


    On a sort of related note, anyone just catch The Long Good Friday on F4 earlier. Was a pretty good Gangster flick.


    "You can, by clicking this link. The following parts are all in the left hand scrollbar. Nobody needs to miss out this way."


    They have also done that with Clerks, for those who are interested. Not that I watched it illegally on YT or anything.

  10. Well, theres obviously the Beatles history which is worth a look, i.e. Strawberry Fields, Penny Lane, John Lennon's house.


    The Dock is also pretty good, although mainly because it has alot of historical value. Thats also where the Beatles tour starts I believe. Also alot of crap about Elvis there aswell.


    Liverpool Museum is pretty awesome aswell. It used to be shit, but they got loads of decent stuff now.


    Town centre, mostly like most other town centres, but theres a very good record store down the high street, and a pretty decent international (mainly Chinese & Indian) food store just a few shops down the road there. Oh, that also reminds me of a fuck off chinese supermarket somewhere near there aswell.


    And look out for a place called Awesome Walls. It's basically a massive rock climbing place. Only went once several years ago, but for what I remember, it was pretty awesome.


    As for nightclubs, the Krazyhouse is good apparently. Not sure about Pubs though, but there are some in the town centre, and a few jolly ones across the river in Wirral.

  11. is this another one of those films that changes history to make it look like it was the americans' mission instead of the british?


    Nope. It tells it like it was. Actually, I think was a British film anyway.



    Anyway, haven't seen anything to rate since. Lock, Stock is on tomorrow, so I might check that out.

  12. Enigma


    I don't think I need to say that this is a World War II drama set in the background of the attempts to crack the Enigma code, but our main protagonist, some mathmatician is more interested in a past love, per-say, cumalating into the film.


    For the first hour or so, I thought I would probably give this a 5 or 6, but towards the end it really carry the tension to what was a pretty excellant climax. It certainly is a well acted film, and the plot and screenplay were good, but, like I mentioned, the first hour or so moved very slowly, and also, it never really felt anything more than one of those sunday night dramas on ITV (You know what I mean here). Never the less, pretty good, but I might try again, because I sort of drifted off a bit during the film.



  13. It also pains me to see people saying religion is the root off all problems blah blah. I'm pretty much agnostic, but the ignorance of such a statement is bewildering. Religion has done many a good and lead to much progress in science and society. Just look at the arab empire between the 9th - 12th centuries.


    More or less what I was going to say.


    Though personally, I think religion is just a scapegoat for all these so called religious wars, and that this fighting is all for a greater reason (not saying it's obvious to anyone, though). Basically, there would be war between east and west even without religion, in my opinion.


    Anyway, on a semi-related note, this is hilarious...



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