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Posts posted by Monopolyman

  1. It turns out the cinema has now risen the Tuesday the prices to £4, yet it's still their cheap day.


    That's not a bad price these days, and if it's a Vue (I assume it is), you can get a coupon for £1.50 off valid for 2 weeks, which doesn't sound like alot off, but that takes tickets on Tuesdays down to £2.50. That's pretty good.

  2. Well, OK. My view on Shawshank is that, to me, isn't really that special for a drama, and it always seemed a bit flawed to me here and there. It also doesn't help when my expectations are jacked up when nearly everyone else who seen The Shawshank Redemption consider it the most spiritually life changing film ever.


    Although, considering the films I've given 4 or 5 to, 5 does seem a little harsh. I might consider jacking it up to a 6. Might.

  3. Well, in the last week or so...


    300- 8/10

    Billy Madison- 8/10

    Boyz n the Hood- 9/10

    Curse of the Golden Flower- 6/10

    The Departed- 9/10

    The Shawshank Redemption- 5/10


    Can't be arsed with any write ups at the moment, but, y'know, I think you can all live without it.

  4. Well, I don't know too much about this, so I could be talking shit here, but if Scotland were to get independence, it's going to be reletively poor, so it's going to have to leech alot of money off the EU, meaning the government are going to have to give more money to the EU, or EU expendature is going to become more diverse to cater for Scotland. Considering most of the us arn't fans of the EU now, Scotland becoming independant is really going to piss off the new UK.


    So to answer the topic question, probably not.

  5. I'm OK with my local cinema (Vue). That's because on Tuesdays ticket are only £4, and £2.50 if you have a coupon which they give you every time you buy a ticket; and I get Tuesday afternoons off and so take advantage of this, so going to the movies is as cheap as shit to me.


    But yeah, cinemas usually so fuck you in the ass.

  6. You see, Sven Goran Erikson record as a manager for England was the best in 25 years, and only about a percentile from the best ever, so way back in July when everyone was like "Wahey, a new manager!", you couldn't necessarily expect England to become the world class team we were a few years ago so quickly without a reallygood manager, and McClaren just isn't that.


    I'm not really all that surprised about the result either, but I don't really see any point about ranting about it either.

  7. Doesn't anyone listen from anything for the 60's. The Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan and Velvet Underground are three bands/performers up amongst the best ever. Beatles, Kinks, Animals and Marvin Gaye were also all good, amongst others.


    I'll also add, for other decades:


    50's: Rat Pack, Elvis


    70's: Pink Floyd, The Eagles, Queen


    80's: Michael Jackson, Beasties Boys to some extent (Not a fantastic decade imo)


    90's: The Verve, Foo Fighters, Oasis, Blur


    00's: Kings of Leon, Gorrilaz are also pretty good

  8. Meh, it was nice back then, but watching it now, I just get bored.


    Pfft. It's probably the most entertaining Bond of the lot. The only part I would consider boring is when Goldfinger waffles on for about 5 minutes towards the end. From Russia with Love is also fantastic.


    Anyway, watched Raging Bull again. I didn't think much of it the first time I watched it, but I definately enjoyed it more this time around, although I still found it dull at some points.





    And as were so obsessed with Bond now, I have a look at one tonight. Maybe a Timmy Dalton one.

  9. In my class at the moment we were discussing referendums that have taken place in Britain in the past, and one of them was "should Northern Ireland remain part of the United Kingdom or join the Republic of Ireland?" in 1973.


    Now I, and most of my class were of the opinion that Northern Ireland should join the Republic, but looking at the actual results of the referendum, 91% of the population voted in favor of keeping Northern Ireland in the UK. Now I was wondering, how would you vote if this referendum took place tomorrow, (and if you're underage, imagine you can vote). Yes or no to keep NI in the UK?


    *This is not meant to offend any people in NI btw, just opinions etc



    I could be wrong here, but I think catholics boycotted the referendum. If they hadn't, then the vote certainly wouldn't be so one-sided.


    Anyway, I'd vote with the majority, as in it should join the republic.

  10. I do Government & Politics at A2, so pretty damn involved.


    Although lately, I tend to be more interested on the international side of politics these days. I'm also tend to be more interested in American Politics than British politics.


    Never-the-less, I'm still interested on domestic issues. Try and read the paper as much as possible. I generally support labour, but I wouldn't say I was that strong a supporter. I'd ramble on more, but I'm too tired and stressed out.

  11. Babel

    I didn't get it myself. The pacing was terrible, editing was boring, the film it tries to say more that it can and is ultimately quite pretentious. How people see it as one of the best films in the last year I cannot see.




    Dazed and Confused

    I think this is probably the 3rd time I've rated this film on this thread, so I should probably give it a rest now, but still, it's a fantastic film about the 70's. the soundtrack is just an amazing collection of classic 70's songs everyone will like, all placed perfectly within the film, and Linklater (the director) brings the spirit of 70's high school kids to life so well. Still one of my favourite films of all time.




    Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

    I never realised how great an actor Robert Downey Jr. was until I saw this film. I knew he was good, but man, how great was he in this movie? Anyway, a lot of people have been saying how overlooked this film is, and I have to agree, although probably because it's a prime example of a neo-noir film, which is the genre which fills up about half my DVD collection. The script is sharp, as you'd expect from a neo-noir, and is pretty funny. In fact, at times, it can be a riot. Never seen that in this sort of film. All who appreciate a smart, witty movie should see this.






    Oh, and for the record, Kill Bill is awesome.

  12. Yar, I heard about this. It's directed by the same guy who directed Fight Club and Seven. It's also been getting pretty good reviews so I'm told. I don't know much about the actual case itself, so I'll probably end up seeing it if I can, but I don't think it's not out for a while over here.



    Edit: 20th of April, apparantly.

  13. Blow


    My kind of film. Spans the life of a man; set in the outlaw world but leads to something deeper. A bit too slow paced in parts, but otherwise a fantastic movie.






    Liar Liar


    Classic Carey. Had me cracking up throughout the whole film.


    "I'm kicking my own ass! Do you mind!"


    Watch the outtakes aswell.



  14. Kevin Spacey- Frikkin' legend. Fantastic performances in every movie he is in & a complete nutter


    Al Pacino- Same as Spacey. Just see Dog Day Afternoon or Heat


    Mark Wahlburg- For waving a 13" penis on screen. Also awesome in The Departed


    Sean Bean- Same reason as everyone else here


    Ewan McGregor- Simply a great actor



    As for hate, well I wouldn't say hate, but there's something about Tim Robbins that makes me want to punch him in the face every time I see him on screen.

  15. I'm sure there are lots of people who are interested in guns and explosives, should they be allowed to collect them?


    Actually, I believe if you have special permission, you are allowed to collect guns. Though I suppose then you could argue that those who want to own swords must have a licence of some sort, but then again, swords arn't exactly as discrete as guns.

  16. What I hate about Christianity is that it always changes what it believes. It's the dumbest religion of them all in my opinion.

    "God Created the Earth in 7 days".....'next year': "Na...he didn't really, but he started the Earth off and I now believe in evolution because it doesn't mean God doesn't exist, it just goes against everything else the religion states that others don't":indeed:


    Christianity doesn't change, it's followers do.



    It's also amazingly hypocritical: God sends you to hell for being a ****....He's also very forgiving...:wtf: etc etc


    God is forgiving if you repent your sins and you are truely sorry. You can only forgive someone if they ask for forgiveness.

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