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Posts posted by Monopolyman

  1. It is still beyond me how people enjoyed Old Boy so much. To me the film had good ideas but was a over-complicated mess that got lost in its own mythology. Didnt match the hype what so ever



    I don't really understand you're critisism, but I thought what made Oldboy such a fantastic film was the obvious and well organised style, and the well plotted, paced and mature storyline, which came to a shocking, twisted and ultimately one of the best twists ever.


    One thing that I didn't like about Oldboy, however, is (and I'll use a spoiler thing for this just in case)...



    ][/"]...the hypnotist.I think our protagonist would still not recognise his own daughter even without the hypnotist, and the idea that locking him up for 15 years and then the antagonist hiring a hyponotist to make sure he does not recognise his daughter takes the edge off the ending IMO."][/


  2. EDIT: Yeah The Village too....


    Really? I thought it was one ofthe worst twists in anything I've seen.



    Anyway, I'll agree with Oldboy and The Usual Suspects. Also Memento. Surprised that hasn't been mentioned yet.


    One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest


    Just awesome. A brilliant tale about a criminal faking a mental illness and being sent to a mental hospital, he finds the way the nurses treat the inmates appauling and tries to escape/start a rebellion/many other things. This film sure as hell established Jack Nicholson as one of my favorite actors. As with some of my other favorites like Kane and 12 Angry Men, OFOTCN is brilliant because of it's characters. All the quirks they have, from stutters to outright megalomania, they're all well defined and interesting. Especially the Chief. Man he's awesome.




    12 Angry Men


    Except for about 3 minutes, the entire film takes place on one set. A bit like Dinner with Andre, but good. It's about 12 jurors, 11 of which are convinced that an 18 year old stabbed his father to death, and only 1 (Henry Fonda) is sure of his innocence.

    This film was brilliant. It has everything I think makes a great movie in it. It's moved forward by it's dialogue and plot, it's characters have enormous impact on the viewer. Each one is defined through their small talk, their doodles, the arguments they put forward. It's pure plot and suspense and I love it.





    Two of my favourite films ever. 12 Angry Men, I don't think I have seen a film with such a rich study of characters on such an important topic , which is made more impressive because the film didn't last any longer than 100 minutes. It's also an old fashioned story with a message, with the message being 'the system works', which I suppose is why I loved it so much. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is also an exteremly compelling movie, and has prehaps the best film ending, probably ever.


    Anyway, I haven't posted here in a while, so here are a few films I've seen recently. I can't be bothered with write ups, but still, here you go...


    Transformers '07- 6/10

    Transformers '86- 7/10

    Dog Day Afternoon- 10/10

    Chinatown- 9/10

  4. What about Catchphrase, Knightmare, Whose Line is it Anyway and The Crystal Maze?


    I watched The Crystal Maze this morning, with Richard O'Brian. Fucking Legend, and one of the few people on TV who could pull off baldness.


    But what do we have these days...Braniac?

  5. Shizzle from the old school pisses on this new shit.


    A-Ha - Take On Me.


    Peter Gabriel - Sledgehammer.



    Aye, I agree with Sledgehammer. he first video I thought of when I read the thread title in fact. I thought the Take On Me video was shit, though.



    Also, Bittersweet Symphony by The verve. I can't be arsed youtubing it, though. Everyone knows it, anyway.

  6. Got any worries?



    If I get the grades to get in for a start. I think I might have fucked up Maths.


    But if I do get in, I'm doing Civil Engineering at Liverpool Uni. Freshers week starts on the 22nd I think. Staying in halls, and catering as well. The whole shi-bang.

  7. Ghost Dog: The Way Of The Samurai

    Superb blending of genres. Whitaker is, as always, amazing.

    A modern day Samurai epic. I love almost every single thing about this film. As far as I'm concerned, this is Jarmusch's best film... and that's saying a lot, considering I love both Down By Law and Dead Man.

    In short, a fantastic movie that breeds originality from every single pore.



    Yar,love this film. One of my favourite films of the 90's, even. Though I viewed it mainly as a representation of the downfall of the NY mafia, amongst other things.


    I never saw anything else by Jarmusch, though.


    Anyway, I saw four excellent film recently, so, here goes...



    Good Night and Good Luck


    This is my kind of film really. Set amongst the early days of the cold war, a news anchor and his team stand up to Sen. Joe McCarthy and his communist which-hunt. Perefctly reflects political corruption and influence of mass media of today, which shows that nothing about them has changed over the last 50 or 60 years. The black & white cinematography also gives the film it's 1950's smoke room style. Ran out of steam towards the end a little, however, I still think it's one of the best films in rcent years.



    The Godfather pt.III


    I know this is far from a popular film, and I can certainly see why some did not like it. Acting was pretty poor and the plot was over-complicated. However, I liked it, both as another chapter in the history of the Corleone family, but more importantly, as a story of Michael's redemption. This was probably my best viewing of this film because I only just saw pt.II recently, and looking at Michael begging for redemption in pt.III after that is truely heartbreaking. It has it flaws, but personally, I think The Godfather pt.III is unfairly rejected





    I don't really know what to say about Alien which nearly every one else knows. It's still one of the most suspenseful films out there, nearly 30 years after it was made. Seeing the alien is as chilling as ever, and seeing everyone get picked off one by one couldn't be shot any better.



    A Beautiful Mind


    Maybe it was because I've been studying maths and psychology for the last two years, but I really liked this film. Based on the life of John Nash, the film brilliantly portrays his fall into schizophrenia, and his battle to fight it. It is a truely inspiring story with quite a rich, although slightly over-sentimental ending.


  8. Captain Zapp Brannigan: If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes should fall like a house of cards. Checkmate.





    Chief Wiggum: Uh, Mrs. Simpson, I have some bad news. Your husband was found DOA.

    Marge: Oh my god. He's dead?

    Chief Wiggum: Oh, wait, I mean DWI. I always get those two mixed up.

    [a woman walks in]

    Woman: My name's Mrs. Phillips. You said my husband is DWI?

    Chief Wiggum: Uh... why don't you talk to that officer over there? I'm going out to lunch.



    There's many more, but these are the two quotes that come to mind when I think of The Simpsons and Futurama

  9. First of all, that was the best thread title in N-E history.



    Anyways, I used to get erections randomly for no reason, usually when in school listening to my teacher talk about costal erosion and shit like that. I suppose it's just bordem which triggers it off, really.


    Doesn't happen to me much these days (I mean, not randomly). I manage to keep my penis under control. There is a particularly hot girl I work with, however, which her presence has almost lead to some particularly embarrassing moments.

  10. Born to the Mob


    It's a biography of Ex-New York gangster Frankie Saggio, who is apparantly the only man who has ever worked for all five NY Mafia families. It's a bit like Wiseguys (AKA Goodfellas), but they focus quite alot on Frankies betrayal and turn to FBI informat. It does have it's fair share of flaws, for example it lacks some deail and gets a bit boring towards the end; never-the-less, and interesting read. Recommended if you're into mafia and gangster stuff.



  11. The Host


    It was OK, but nothing special. It started off well and the ending was exciting, but in between, the plot moved very slowly and became very tedious. It had a vaugely interesting political subplot, however, which gets a few points from me, but still not all that great a film.





    From Russia with Love

    This and Goldfinger are my two favourite Bond films, which is quite ironic, because they are at completely different ends of the Bond scale. Goldfinger introduced the unrealistic yet exciting world of James Bond with supervillains and bizzare plots which set as a template for later Bond films. From Russia with Love however, is prehaps the most down-to-earth and realistic Bond film of them all. The plot is indistinguishable next to other cold war spy thrillers, and the action scenes are modest and reaistic, for example, the fight on the train with Red. This, in my opinionmakes a more exciting Bond film than the Bond films in the last 20 or so years, yet FRWL still has he characteristics of a Bond film (Gadgets, girls etc.). Not only is it one of my favourite Bond films, like I said before, but one of my favourite films ever.



  12. The Warriors


    Got out this film the other day, and I have to say it is one of the most entertaining as hell. Very low budget and as camp as the living end, but the fight scenes (which, ironically, are very few of) are done very well, and the plot is very simple yet so engaging. A dated but never the less an excellent film.





    I'm also half-way through watching The Godfather pt.II again, which is probably another 9/10 again.


    Should go and see the Simpsons movie soon as well.

  13. Hot fuzz... just amazing. Best thing since bendy straws... 10



    Aye, it's fantastic. I only saw it the other day, and it's probably the funniest film I've seen in a long time. I love the references too.




    I also got around to seeing You Only Live Twice Yesterday as well. I used to think it was Connery's worst outing as James Bond, but rewatching it yesterday made me realise that it has some neat action sequences and a surprisingly intellegent & engrossing plot. Not the best, but still pretty good.#



  14. I just watched the first episode over the internet, and I have to agree that it is fantastic. I love the what the serial killer does to the bodies, and it looks like the method the killer uses could be a major plot point in future episodes. The character introductions are very well done as well. You have a very good idea of the characters personalities after watching the first ep., but not too much.


    The next episode isn't up, so I suppose I have to wait a week to watch it, but yeah, great show.

  15. Donnie Brasco


    A bit of a disappointment. The first time I saw it, I thought I didn't care for it much because I was tired when I watched it, but after watching it again, although it's a pretty solid gangster filck, the idea about Brasco going to far into the mob life wasn't pushed far enough, and Brasco's and Lefty's friendship completely washed over me. There were some good scenes, however, like the Japanese restaurant.


    6 forget about it's out of 10


    Battle Royale


    I always liked this. It's a fun little exploitation movie that you cannot turn away from. Bloody as ever, as crazy as hell. I didn't really like it when they intercut the action with small clips of the 7th graders life before taking part in the BR act, however, but that is my only major critisism. Great film.


    8.5 murdered Japanese school girls out of 10

  16. Those people in (often busy) car parks who clearly park over the white line, therefore effectively taking up two parking spaces. That is my greatest driving peeve. Most others driving annoyances are people just being a little dozy or rushed, but parking in two spaces is just down right selfish.


    If I ever come across someone doing that when the car park is full busy (albiet, not too busy), I'd have a good mind to park right in front of them, and hope that they retuen to their car before I do.

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