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Posts posted by Monopolyman

  1. Carlito's Way


    Brilliant film. Fantastic ending. It's a good old fashioned 'ex-con trying to go straight' story, but told so well and some of the scenes are just so intense, such as the 'incident' on a boat, which makes the film so gripping. I won't give away too much, but I strongly recommend it, especially if you love gangster films.



  2. To be fair, Jackson hasn't performed for a few years, and in that time had went through a highly publicised trial, which couldn't have been good for him.


    Anyways, Although I think Michael is innocent, most people don't, so, in my opinion, he should really do an O.J. Simpson and keep a low profile...


    ...which leads nicely onto another contraversial story from this week.

  3. Patriot Games


    I was expecting an all out action film, but got a decent political thriller, which is just as good. Harrison Ford & Sean Bean were fantastic in it, as was James Earl Jones, who's appearance was a nice surprise. Also a very good story & script involving the IRA. You don't see many of them these days. Strongly recommend it.



  4. And another thing with this james bond this they have actually removed all the smart talk and gadgets. To me they are removing the best bits of bond. And bond carn't have blonde hair.



    Yep. I agree. They tried doing that with 'Live and Let Die', but the exclusion of gadgets contributed partially to it's mediocre reviews and lukewarm reception. They were brought back in the next film, though. It k=just doesn't seem like Bond without the gadgets.



    But I am looking forward to Casino Royale. I was watching Film 2006 yesterday, and they spent so much money and effortigh-speed crash between a truck and a side of an aircraft, and they left it out the film. Bloomin' 'eck. Maybe that means they're way better shit in the film.

  5. La Cosa Nostra: The History of the Sicilian Mafia



    Haven't picked it up in ages, but it's pretty good so far. It's basically the history of the Mafia (surprisingly) told using mainly small storie, examples and anecdotes of.

  6. Thanks everybody. I apperciate the thought. I would get drunk, but then again, I got shit loads to do this week, and a massive hangover wouldn't help. That, and I'm not a big drinker. Maybe this weekend.




    That's awesome



    I thought we have the sticky birthday thread so we don't get loads of these...


    Prehaps I'm special.

  7. The Deer Hunter


    A bit disapointing for me. First of all it had no editor, and also the first hour, and the last 10 minutes or so, seemed way to slow and over-drawn, especially considering that so little time of the movie is set in Vietnam, which is the heart of the movie, and sort of made me (along with a couple of other minor critisisms) detatched from the characters and story. I didn't completely dislike it though. The acting was some of the best I seen and the plot itself was a good yarn about the effects of war on men.







    Probably some of the best fighting & foot-chase scenes I've ever seen. Wasn't much of a fan of the bits in between, but still made out to be a decent popcorn filck to spend the evening with.



  8. I sort of agree that the death sentence is not fitting for what Hussien has done, but at least he was brought to trial first to face his crimes against humanity, unlike some members of Al-Queda, or even other wanted members from his regime.



    Also, this sentence was given just two days before the U.S. mid-term elections. Fantastic timing, isn't it?

  9. Any more possible outcomes anyone?


    I heard an interesting theory (from someone here, I believe, come to think of it) about an eternal dream, which I suppose is similar to another world or afterlife.


    A lot of people seem to link death to being before they were born, but come to think of it, everyone was always living somehow, so I suppose looking at it that way, you can't really link it to that, therefore any possibility is probable.


    But then again, I'm too tired.

  10. Bloomin' 'eck, whats with this board getting so deep all of a sudden.


    Anyway, I suppose the simple answer is that there is none, or that each person creates there own reason. I suppose that's the atheist point of view. Then again, I can't really think of more of a reason.


    Why do we build up our lives with so much joy and excitement when it all ends in nothing?


    Isn't that basically the answer as well, though. You are born, 70 years later you die. You have to find a way to waste the time in between.

  11. American Beauty

    Fourth or Fifth time I watched this masterpiece. It's one of my all time movies still, and I'd probably enjoy watching it at least 5 more times.




    I also watched this recently. I'd probably give it the same score. I was pretty damn impressed by the storytelling and the depth of the characters; and certainly was an excellant film.


    also just saw Taxi Driver. 9/10. Also great.

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