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Posts posted by Monopolyman

  1. 1. Catcher in the Rye- Definitely a book all teenagers should read. Probably my favourite of all time because I'm more or less Holden Caufield.


    2. The Twits- Why? because it was so much fun for me to read when I was a kid. No one who ever read The Twits will ever forget the constant pranking part of the book.


    3. The Godfather- I haven't actually finished reading this yet, so I'm not sure if I can put it in, but so far I'm totally compelled. Hell, it's even better than the movie. At least it's so much more detailed.

  2. It's possible that the answer is 44, in that the command is "add the numbers".


    The only numbers we're actually given are 19, 5, 4, 3, 2, 6 and 5. It does not say "add the numbers of the results of these sums".


    They tried that several times apparantly, but yet, no winners.


    However you could interperet as the sum of 19, -5, 4, 3, 2, 6 and -5, which leaves with the answer 24. That might be it.

  3. Are we getting stupider as a nation, or are those who believe they are intellectually superior just like to point out stupidity more often, or condemn 'stupid things', in a sort of snobbish lifestyle?



    And I also don't agree with this stereotyping of those who watch Big Brother idiots. Some of the most intelligent people I know watch it, and enjoy it so, and the psychological bit they have on Sundays (Not sure if they have that anymore) does put up an antithesis to what the show is labeled as.

  4. I think this year I'll do what I did last year; write a letter to ask for a job, and send it to about 10 or 20 stores. Then again, I tried that last year and I got one responce from Woolworths. I got an interview there and needless to say, it went tits up. Better luck this year.



    I might try this job agency thingy-ma-bob, though.

  5. Just saw it now. Good humour, exciting from start to finish, and it was one of those films which just had everything (you know what I mean here). It was actually one of the best films I've seen all year. I didn't realise how much of a great actor Johnny Depp was until I saw this.


    Having said that, the ending dragged on a bit, though.

  6. Ah, this has been bumped again. Well, I've seen quite a few movies in that time, so here you are then...



    Do the Right thing


    Excellant film. I thought it was going to be one of those fuul on balck power films etc., but actually turned out to be a well explored theme of racism. Very good, Mr. Lee.





    Donnie Brasco


    Pretty good romp about an undrecover agent code named (you guessed it) Donnie Brasco, trying to infiltrate the mob. Decent scenes, but on the whole a tad boring.


    If you enjoyed this film, though, you may want to check out a book called 'Born to the Mob'. It's about this gangster (surprisingly!) who worked for all 5 NY mafia families; but the important thing is that it parralells this film, or, at least the start of it. It is a pretty good read.







    Watched this the other week, and I thought it was one of the best ever. Well scripted, very brutal (woodchipper, anyone?), and just an all out great film. And scandinavian accents too! I'm always facinated by them.







    DeNiro, Pacino, awesome opener, better ending and the infamous shootout in downtown L.A. One of the best action movies I've seen to date.





    Live and Let Die


    Very good, depite some daft deaths. I love Bond films and this is no exception. The snake in the bathroom escapade is a scene to watch out for.







    Small indie film which is one of the biggest mind-fucks out there, but I just didn't get it. I either just got so bored I became confused and got lost in the polt, or I got so confused I became so bored and just switched off from the film. Either way I did not enjoy this film. Some nice directional stuff and all, but I wouldn't recommend it.





    Seven Samurai


    A long film, but I'd rather have that than a rushed one just to fit the wider audiance. Engrossing plot, and pretty exciting too towrads the end. I like how far they fully explore the theme of honour and sacredness of the samurai (e.g. when one of them [can't remember names, ha, sorry] cuts off a knot at the back of their hair, which is apparantly a symbolism of sacredness to the samurai and cutting it off would be showing disrespect, but he did so to help a small boy, and so shows this samurai reads deeper into the the samurai's code of honour). Anyway, if you're interested in this sort of thing, I fully recommend it.





    The Sting


    Rented it. I thought I would love this considering these sort of films tend to be my bag. It was pretty good, but I was a tad dissapointed with it. The end was very good though.





    Walk the Line


    Wasn't sure about this at first, as I only really listen to Cash's 'American albums (not saying his earlier stuff wasn't bad though), but I watched it anyway, and I'm glad I did. Turned out to be one of the best biopics I've seen. Joquain Pheonix was brilliant as Johnny Cash, and was generally a well told account of his life at the top.

    I must say, aswell, it was pretty sad, Johnny's life as a child, though.



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