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Everything posted by goron49

  1. The BBC is the biggest brainwashing tool in the UK. They are trying to brainwash people into becoming veggies so then the majority of people will agree with the Muslim's view on meat. This country is slowly turning into a Islamic state.
  2. He's one of the best comedians out there. Better than Eddie Izzard.
  3. Whats so special about a 21st birthday party?
  4. Why do people always think that 'whites' can only be racist? That's a racist statement in itself.
  5. I like films, games, computers, internet, going out anywhere (cinema, eating out) some novels, travelling, science, music and sometimes golf, swimming, bike riding and football.
  6. The Asian doctors aren't the ones going around in gangs and beating up whites are they? Did I say that? No. No I didn't.
  7. The ethnic minorities in this country need to stop being a**holes to be honest. If they don't stop, they should get the boot and return back to their country of origin.
  8. Why are blacks obsessed with gang culture?
  9. Yes. Remember people, we live in Great Britain, not Iraq. They should be banned, they look intimidating and horrible.
  10. Wow.. very good!
  11. It'll still get you into sixth form, if that's what you want to do.
  12. Just stay away from the East end, it's a crime ridden cesspool. The west end is the biggest tourist area probably.
  13. Twice here, I will be moving house again next year (I think) .. I really hate moving house, the most stressful thing ever.
  14. What the hell are you talking about? I'm proud of the amount of contribution to the world that has come from this country, yes I havn't done anything to ehance in any way, but I'm still proud of what people in the past have done to help, enhance and educate the world - all from this tiny country, mainly by the indigenous white British people. Charles Darwin, Isaac Newton, William Shakespeare, Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Horatio Nelson and many more. You're saying these people havn't effect you as a person? They havn't made your lives easier in any way? You havn't learnt more?
  15. The BNP only care for the survival of the native white race of these islands, and there's nothing wrong with that. There are massive arrivals of immigrants from Asian/Black backgrounds that are making the population explode and making the white numbers smaller. The BNP won't go around killing asians/blacks, they won't humilate them in public etc like the Nazi party did (alot of people compare the Nazi party to the BNP, complete fools) they just want smaller immigration numbers. What a load of leftie crap. We have been invaded countless times, yes, by white European colonies with basically the same culture/religon etc.. not by Asian/Black colonies, so it's totally different. Was there any need to say 'white' in that? That was quite offensive and if you said black instead of white the whole forum would be cussing you out.
  16. 1980's miners strike: a full force of police standing triumphly behind the abadoned pit.
  17. I still don't understand the whole point of St Patricks day, other than Ireland being in the spotlight for a full 24 hours for no apparent reason. Why don't we have a St Argentina day or something, why is Ireland so important??
  18. Why can't we just sleep the natural way? And if people use these sleeping drugs that means more hours at school/work will happen. :shock:
  19. So whose got the new Official Nintendo Magazine? Do you think it's an improvement?
  20. Smoking should still be allowed in pubs, as pubs go with the image for smoking and relaxing..
  21. I'm having less and less respect for muslims every day..
  22. Muslims shouldn't be in this country, there beleifs are totally different to us, they're too violent with their religon and they scare many people here. This is why the BNP are gaining popularity every day.
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