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Everything posted by navarre

  1. And the fact that unintelligent people like you are the only ones who want it prove it'll never happen. You've clearly not thought this through, and seeing as I defeated you on every point (which you've duely ignored), you've come up with no reason as to why it should happen. You could never have Persians, Arabs, Shias, Sunnis, liberals and radicals under one flag. There is too much indifference.
  2. navarre


    I'm sick of this sort of arrogance from people who've clearly never suffered from any disorder in their life, let alone acne! I did have treatment, it worked after 6 months, I stopped. It's now coming back, so I do have the option of getting medication, but it's a lengthy process, and I'm frankly embarrassed.
  3. No response to my earlier points? The perennial crap you are spouting is nothing short of stupidity. 'Masses of people' cannot simply rise up and overthrow dictators. If they could, they wouldn't be dictators in the first place, would they? It would be very hard to overthrow a government even in a country like Britain, let alone a dictatorship! The difference between the dictators in Egypt and Saudi Arabia, and the reason we don't overthrow them, is because they don't have appalling human rights records. Have you been living under a rock for the past years? The Muslim world already has accepted the US/UK invasion of Afghanistan! Hell, Turkey even has troops there, and the Afghan army is one of the largest anti-Taliban forces there is. Pakistan is actually a mess because of morons like the Taliban. But anyway, if arresting and fighting terrorists is being sub servant to the US, it's no wonder why so many Muslim countries are doing it. That's because their version of 'sharia' would focus on the extermination of Jews, Hindus, homosexuals, atheists, probably Christians, would take away almost every 'God-given' (ironic, I know) right from women and have the death penalty for almost every crime possible! So, forgive me if that sounds a little 'extreme' to the West, but we live in secular democracies where most of us have moved on a bit from the Medieval Period. Exactly. This is not an Islamaphobic war. It's good to know that some Muslims actually have recieved an education! I know. If living by the laws of a fictional diety as prescribed in a fairy tale is your thing, by all means, go an do it. Just don't subjegate anyone else.
  4. That's one interpretation. But the President doesn't have the power to anyway.
  5. navarre


    So, I had really bad acne last year, until the dermatologist prescribed me some isotretonoin. It did the trick, didn't have a spot in months. I cam off it last year, but now the acne is starting to come back. I fear I'm fighting a loosing battle and that I may have to take isotretonoin again (at least I know it does the trick). So, the question is, did you ever suffer from acne? Did you cure it? And how long did it last? It's really starting to get me down, sometimes at night I just lay there and it's all I can think about.
  6. They may be a bunch of mental cases, but the Iranian Government are by no means anti-semitic. The nation's 30,000 Jews suffer very little persecution. I don't think being a Muslim is an excuse for having silly views! I hardly think Afghanistan and Iraq qualify as the 'Muslim world'. The Iraq war may be controversial, but any war that fights the Taliban, even for the wrong reason, gets my approval. Fighting the Taliban is a human duty, not a religious or political one. Europe was a mess in the Second World War. If we are to fight evil, we have to be prepared to leave countries in a mess. Oh, and the Afghan elections will let the people decide, so that's one issue fixed. Really? Where are you getting these statistics from, is it just generalisation? It's all to well to make statements like 'atheism's increasing' or 'most atheists like capitalism', but without facts, they're nothing. Then they should have thought about that before they decided to keep Osama bin Laden in hiding. That's because the Taliban's tactics are the most cowardly encountered yet byy NATO forces. They use civilians as shields, knowing full well the consequences. Lots of countries have Israel right near them, you don't see them striving for nuclear weapons. Maybe if Iran wasn't so damn hostile towards the Israelis all the time, they wouldn't fear a nuclear attack so much. Typical paranoia. In case you hadn't noticed, freedom of religion is granted in Western countries. Contrary to popular belief, exterminating Islam isn't on the top of leader's agendas. It seems to me that your views are nothing more than inconcievable rubbish, advocating the evil of the Taliban, endorsing the nuclear armament of Iran and attacking the West.
  7. With most people in the developed world living in urban areas, more of the countryside is being destroyed. Obviously, it's not a major issue as of yet, but it begs the question; which is better, the city or the country? From my experience of living in both, I'd have to say the city is just that bit better. I like being in crowded areas, not in quiet ones, so the city is ideal. However, I love the countryside when it's near a town- for example, I lived in Northumberland for a few months, near a town called Alnwick. Even though it was serene surrondings, I could drive into the town (which took around 10 minutes) to get things or meet people. Discuss.
  8. Happy birthday mate. Reminds me, I need to get Pokemon Platinum.
  9. I think (and don't quote me on this), that people on the lowest attractiveness level will always fancy people on their attractiveness level and above. For the record, I don't find Angelina Jolie attractive. Kelly Rowland might be a more fitting example.
  10. That's true. Scientific research has shown that people on the same 'attractiveness' level attract each other, ie, two sterotypically ugly people are far more likely to be attractive to each other that an and ugly person to a good looking person.
  11. What a pointless bit of information. The lack of photos of women from the past may deem the study redundant, but seriously, how can you have 16% more children to an unattractive couple? It's really rather silly.
  12. From what I've studied, WW1 is the worst war in history. WW2 had more casualties, but didn't involve trench warfare. Lest we forget these men who at Somme, Ypres, Passchendaele and Verdun made the ultimate sacrifice for a 'family row'. RIP
  13. Yes, when the US were killing thousands of Taliban in their initial invasion in 2001 simply by the Air Force, it was feared those air missiles would come into use. The Taliban most likely do not have them any more.
  14. Meeting new people. I'm not shy as such, but exactly what are you supposed to talk about with someone whose hobbies and interests you know absoloutely nothing?
  15. And IED (bomb, in short), has destroyed that armoured vehicle, and the satirical message of the image is that had a helicopter been readily available for transporting those troops around in, the explosion would have never have destroyed the vehicle and the troops in the first place.
  16. I think their place of birth is rather irrelevant. Here in the UK, it would be excrutiatingly difficult to recieve training as a terrorist, whilst in the Taliban's Afghanistan, training to be a terrorist is the norm.
  17. I suppose it's the community's ability to have a mature conversation. We can talk about sex, sexual orientation, politics, peadophilia, racism, homophobia... I just can't imagine many other forums where that could happen. The members would either be embarassed, close minded or immature.
  18. If Zap Brannigan (Billy West) leaves, then that's the best character on Futurama ruined.
  19. I actually believed my post to be light hearted. Obviously, no offense to any Scot on here. In fact, it's nothing short of a compliment.
  20. Oh yes. No other community in the world other than Scotland would involve an airport employee on his fag break punching a burning terrorist to the ground. They should have taken a picture and put it on the 'Welcome to Scotland' sign on the Anglo-Scottish border. Most, if not all, consipracy theories, are devised by bunch of seniors with too much time on their hands who meet every Saturday morning with a laptop's access to Wikipedia and the internet to try and make the government of a democratic, liberal society to look like a bunch of totalatarian lyers who keep their own names secret from the public. It's ridiculous.
  21. Well then, let me make the correlation clear, so we don't have to debate the matter again! The number of troops fighting the Taliban is the independent variable- it fittingly goes on the x axis, wheras the dependent variable- the amount of terrorist attacks on the West (yes, that's me and you, in other words)- goes on the y axis. Now, here we can see the nagtive correlation- the more troops on Afghanistan, the less attacks on the West, because the less men/ground/weapons the Taliban have to train terrorists. And before you start claiming the only terrorist attack on the West since the Afghan invasion has been 7/7, let me stop you there- MI5 and the like uncover several terrorist plots a year, with the Glasgow Airport attacks and the Trans-Atlantic plots the most publicised. See?
  22. I wasn't popular or unpopular. I had a good group of mates to chill out with. Although, I'll admit, I was a bit of a gangster- I had close friends in higher years, who would 'have words' with someone for a fiver. Other than that, no one really gave me grief, and I got on with everyone.
  23. Hate the bastards. They make swimming in the sea a dangerous job. No brain or heart. Just water, floating water, with a bunch of nasty stings. Pointless. If I were Jesus, I'd ask God to get rid of the bastards, hopefully with little or no damage to the ecosystem.
  24. Declare independence, buy a whole lot of AK-47s and armoured vehicles, employ a bunch of old-fashioned men reminscent of Britains 'Golden days' with the Empire, send them out to conquer a bunch of little-known African tribes, take their resources (including oil), become an industrial superpower, purchase nukes, and have America play bitch to my foreign policy. Hell yeah.
  25. Erh, The fish? Great post. Sort of reminds me of my earlier post, old chap: The Taliban are evil. They see it as holy war, where Islamic soldiers are fighting Christian civilisations. Oddly enough, even Iran, perhaps the most hostile of the Islamic states, was prepared to overthrow the Taliban regime, as the Taliban were Iran's enemy. The whole world can see the twisted ideology the Taliban fight for- intolerance of other religions, hatred of women, extreme punishments for minor crimes- and now the Taliban are getting their just desserts. I can only accept that post in a light hearted manner, because I like to believe most people on here have an IQ higher than a three year old.
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