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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. Yeah thats where the game comes undone for me, because only 1/4 game you play are lag-free. Oh well. At least I only spent £15 on it.
  2. My shitty connection ruins enjoyment once more. This time I took Daft down as my victim, in Unreal Tournament. This game doesn't handle lag well at the best of times plus it's an insanely fast affair so not that great really. Still, got 2 bronze trophies. YESSS!!!
  3. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    Hate engineers. They have no skill and the shotgun is too easy to kill with. :OD lol I think all classes have their place at certain times. I like using all of them but I'm usually a sab or medic with boost.
  4. Go get fucked. Just joking, that's fine as long as you enjoyed it. We'll leave our differences there.
  5. Well maybe because the games look great anyway and I don't want to burn £400 + quid right now? Who cares about what the execs want you to think? They push the HD thing because it is quite a good advancement that needs mentioning but in the end as long as the consoles sell who gives a shit but about the performance you're getting but you?
  6. I didn't find the backtracking a problem, because at least when you got new abilities you had to solve puzzles or go out of your way to get that missile expansion instead of it being plated up to you like you're some sort of baby that can't cope with a bit of logical thinking. Even if you found the backtracking annoying the original still shits over Corruption.
  7. Stop being silly david. I've played the console on a 42" plasma 1080p TV, it looks great, but having it set up in my room on a smaller SD TV is still just as worth playing because on no other home console can I play against 59 other people in a shooting fest online.
  8. You've completely missed the point, yes these consoles look great in HD but the improvement in standard definition is still amazing because it's the actual graphical output that makes the games look great in the first place. And the visuals aren't everything anyway, it's a factor, but I bought the PS3 because of the games.
  9. dwarf


    Yeah that was a screen I linked to but couldn't be bothered to post because I'm still a noob at doing it. Despite popular belief Cole has quite a few powers, recent ones being levitation and the ability to unleash an actual lightning bolt for big wowz. Other interesting abilities too.
  10. dwarf


    http://uk.ps3.ign.com/articles/972/972994p1.html I'm the only one excited for this, it is releasing in just over a month. The few new screens of it are great, especially the boss creature one. The next thing on my list unless something cool comes out on PSN (CRAZI TAXI!!!(
  11. The graphics are fairly good, standard Unreal engine stuff. I have yet to play any of the new maps after installing them because I don't know how to select them.
  12. Btw I have forgotten everything about the campaign and have lost the save-data for it so we'd have to start from scratch unless you hosted or something. I don't have a clue how it works but it seems like you know what you're talking about. And I'm going to have to start going to bed earlier so say start at 11:00 or earlier if we don't play KZ too much?
  13. No way! That is awesome! We could completely cream the opposition and get some trophy hunting co-op goodness going. Must be done! Bloody awesome idea.
  14. Yeah it pisses me off too yet I liked the Timesplitters system when there were only a few health handouts per level at checkpoints. It worked well and provided challenge, whereas Fall of Man was just annoying trying to find the tiny yellow vials. Ah well.
  15. Can you do online co-op? Or do you just mean T.deatmatches. And I might try a few trophies on it but so many of them are really crap ideas.
  16. But Daft, when we do a session of Unreal?
  17. As seen in this?
  18. Whenever I've been to see them they have played well, so maybe I could be your lucky charm? I always go into games with optimism that my preferred side will win. I like West Ham too but for me the prem teams I don't support but would prefer to win in most instances would be: Aston Villa>Pompey>Newcastle
  19. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    Yeah I'm on the fence about buying that map pack. Will be on later so hopefully there will be more killing between the 'Elites'
  20. ^ Good man. And yes, I feel like fragging you some more
  21. It's cause I'm a fan and I seem to bring it up all the time
  22. Just got tickets for Villa vs West Ham this Saturday This'll be thee 5th time I've seen Villa! Woop!
  23. I only played the first Crazy Taxi so I don't know about the second. Original was so fun though, played it on the PSP recently and it brought back loads of memories. Remember being proud of completing the challenges, some of them were crazily hard!
  24. dwarf


    It is sad. The people I know that play WoW spend their lives on it and it's like there's nothing else to live for.
  25. Hooray for no PSN refund! Understandble I guess Never played an Outrun game so I don't think I'll benefit from the nostalgia side of it. Crazi Taxi want!
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