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Everything posted by Demuwan

  1. Thank You. My day has been made.
  2. Does it wash away the scars of mediocrity on the Wii?
  3. Just watched a BBC piece on how hard it is to find a Wii!
  4. Hahaha loving that quote, sounds like its come straight out of the gaf.
  5. Lucky git. Have fUn:yay:
  6. Oh I see What a Dickhead!
  7. Where do you put them all Stalin?
  8. Not quite following you here. What exactly do they do? Why does this effect your relationship with her.
  9. Me Likey:)
  10. I see what you mean. Well at the end of the day life is a risk. Sometimes you just got to gamble. Try to find out how she feels about you, then if the feeling isn't mutual you're probably doing the right thing. Keep me posted: peace:
  11. Is it an Essay. If so I feel for you.
  12. So cool
  13. Yeh I know they're awesome. Been looking for them everywhere but can't seen to find them. They just have the generic ones in the UK:( . Might have to order a pair off the net.
  14. Get Galaxy over Assasins Creed. You won't regret it. Oh and Spag Bol is always good:heh:
  15. Ahh nice. Are you doing Natural sciences then. Im doing Nuffield (Edexcel) not the most exciting one in the world:indeed:
  16. Ahh I see. Well their nice trainers anyhoo.
  17. Oooh Nice. Are you a girl? If not controversial and nice:heh:
  18. Classic
  19. Im just doing the Classic Addias Stan Smith. At the moment. Can't go wrong with a pair of those.
  20. I agree, if you've got 4 controllers 3 friends on the sofa, can't have much more fun than smash brothers. *gaming wise anyway:indeed: *
  21. Most I've ever spent on a pair is £85:heh:
  22. TBH don't really like any of them.
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