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About Pete

  • Birthday 09/29/1978

Personal Information

  • Location
    Newcastle upon Tyne
  • Occupation
    Data Processor *Yawn!*


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    DS, Game Cube
  • Other Systems Owned
    PS1/PS2 PSP Dreamcast
  • Favourite Game?
    Mario Kart DS, Street Fighter Alpha 3 or FIFA 07
  • Gender

Pete's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. I remember hereing that actually, Man I wish the F1 game was decient .
  2. Imo on other consoles maybe but not on the Wii, that introduced the Pro Evo motion controls which are the best way to play a football game. I can still enjoy playing a football game with a pad but the new Wii controls are even better IMO. No just no....
  3. So Codemaster screwed up Dirt 2 on the Wii and now it looks like this will be fail as well, Typical, Wii owners 'deseve' a good new driving game - lazy Codemasters >
  4. I bet GAME are one of those not stocking in store - game suck . Oh and why is it taking sooo long for this be released in Europe? -it is out in the States.
  5. Pete


    lol, Classic mate, classic.
  6. Pete


    I think this game is amazing, Im on the 'Court Yard' Level with the zombies, anyway I play this game for a couple of hours or so then leave it for a few days n come back to it and its great to play that way - I have no idea how close to end I am. I am loving the game play in this one, so responsive n fresh (imo) so much fun (if brutal lol) to play. I can really see me replaying levels at whim when I finish this, it is that good. Plus of course theres the hard mode and the ! objectives Ive just learnt about reading this thread. The graphics - amazing its like playing a graphic novel (if this did not sell 'to well' due to the fact its in monocrome (apart from the blood) then I really do worry for mentallity of the general public, lol). Looking for brutal chain combo ways to butcher the goons is a new classic video game moment for me - I think this could be a future classic.
  7. Ha your self Yes as I said I have a head for big games but what you find good I find boing in this case.
  8. Metroid Prime - Far to easy to become completely lost - I have a head for big games but I just gave up on that one - ridiculous. SSB Melee and MK Double Dash - the worst in theres respective series by miles imo. Oh n I love Sim City and Super Monkey ball (both single and multi player)-fantasic games! (also loved Time Splitters).
  9. If the games are burnt to the discs in the right mannor your dont need a boot disc. I will PM you.
  10. What you said there mate pretty much sums up what Ive been thinking as well. R.I.P. MJ.
  11. Played this at mates the other day on his Megadrive, this game owns- multi player especially - knocking your mate off the playing field is cheap but funny- I did this a couple of times, lol.
  12. Hope you enjoy your new game. Ive kept mine, I was going to trade it in but they said they needed something with my address on at the gamestation I tried to trade it in at - is this standard? or just a backwards policy of that shop I wonder (I was having to live in Sunderland at the time, lol) (they would not accept the printed balance Ide got from the bank (as I needed it for other purposes) not 10 mins before. Im glad I kept it now, as if my Wii breaks one day (touch wood it won't) I will have something to play my cube games on at least - it a wee thing of console anyway so does not take up much room.
  13. Pleasing 'der hardcorz' (sorry but on a personal level all I think these labels are so lame) and sales are two different things-not totally but still they are. If you mean people who really love there Wii for it's motion controls jumping ship to Sony or Microsoft, I cant see it happening, as for new buyers, the Wii is known for it motions controls though blanket advertising, this is enough for the casual buyer, a 'hardcore' gamer should be aware of motion plus, be aware of titles up and coming such Sin and Punishment, Tatsunoko Vs Capcom, Metroid Etc and also be aware of titles out there allready such as Mad Worid, pro evo overkill etc - the softwares there I think. As for a serious gamer thinking (for example) Well now the PS3 does what Wii does so maybe I will just get a PS3, with the credit crunch that may be a bit of a factor but I think the apeal of buying that cool little white box with Wii sport as starter game will still hold lots of appeal. Also PS3 is still expensive, some people who are not new to gaming may just purchase a Wii - as I did. Oh and the new 360 new controls seem like they won't take off to me . As a side note I mentioned finding labels lame, sure there are people more into games and gaming culture than others (im playing thunder force 4 right now!) and maybe hardcore gamer is a handy way to describe a certain type of gamer on line but anyone who would call them self that in life might as well where a t-shirt saying 'WOMAN STAY AWAY FROM ME 100% GEEK HERE' lol. For Sony the Eye Toy was never much more than an after thought, maybe there new motion controls could well be the same - I would not be suprised, they do consoles ok, can develop good games, (little big plannet- also- and sure If ide like a machine to also play Street fighter and Soul Calibur 4 on others will too - but apart from that on personal level I can easily do without the rest of the games on the platforms) but inovation aint there thing imo.
  14. Maybe not all the cars but I do have most unlocked im fairly sure.
  15. Im playing again now for the 1st time in ages (gave it ago again to reavalute my opinon before posting -comment above) now finding it ...ok, Ill keep playing maybe there is a better game to be had here if stick with it. Looking for to Nitro now also.
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