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Everything posted by Kav

  1. Limited Overdrive Protocols I’m afraid. There are a few you can collect in the game and then you can get them also by:
  2. I bonded with 12 Legendary Cores today... I used the specific Boosters I need and my character has 729 Luck... still no Rare Blade out of a Legendary yet!
  3. Attack on Titan chapter 102 is all kinds dis of awesome! It’s all going off now!!! Next issue in April though... I hate to wait so long when it’s this damn good!
  4. Still chasing my final 3 Rare Blades. The number of Legendary Core Crystals I’ve opened without one single return of a Rare Blade is bordering on ridiculous, it must be over 100 now! I average 10 Legendaries a day from farming them on my commute to/from work and I’m yet to pull a Rare Blade from them!
  5. It was a top-level dick move by the author, haha, I love it! So many questions raised but for all the right reasons! This manga is gold!!!
  6. I’m feeling exactly the same with One Piece at the mo... although I just know they won’t as they’ll deal with...
  7. Well we wouldn’t know as he’s not been given the chance. With Morata having been out of form/injured he should’ve been given a run of games... but when you’re not selected you lose match-sharpness & confidence.
  8. Given the amount of time I spend gaming at home these days I don’t know if I’ll bother, I don’t play enough really. I might just stick to PS4 for my online fix, as I prefer the online games on that console, and just use the Switch for gaming on my commute.
  9. We are woeful! How does Bakayoko keep making the team?!
  10. It’s needless shit like this that really grinds my fucking gears! Cheers dude.
  11. Aubameyang to Arse. Giroud to Chelsea. Batshuayi to BvB (loan). It’s done, if all but confirmed. I feel for Bats a bit, he’s not been given a decent chance of a run of games in the team. Just a bit-part player. He’s got a goal every 48mins for us, he deserved a chance at a run in the team!
  12. I guess I was just pissed at it so much because it didn’t get delivered when it should... that I’d been without it until last night, I was desperate to get online and hunt with mates. That you’re forced to sit through so much crap at the beginning it just boiled my blood! Haha @Hero-of-Time can you decipher which are story missions so I can just ignore them outright? I’ve never cared about the single player in MH.
  13. Mate, it was better on the WiiU/3DS! Unless there’s another way of gaming online, but from what @Blade has told me (and what I’ve since read) there doesn’t seem to be!
  14. I don’t see me playing this often to be honest. I do most of my gaming on my commute and only get on at home a night or two a week. I’m gutted they’ve made these awful changes... it’s so fucking cumbersome! This is the reason I stopped playing Nintendo games online, the functionality is too annoying to make the games enjoyable!!! I’d rather still be playing MH4U, it was much better!
  15. Ok, so I didn’t realise that you can’t just go online and hunt from the get-go like you could on other Monster Hunter games... no, in World they decided to take the Nintendo approach to online and make it fucking wank! I hated it. Dragging you through all those cutscenes and bollocks, making you do shit on your own before you can do anything. Then when you can team up (only managed 1 hunt with @Blade after all that fucking time) you have to do it some some fucking moronic way! This has put me off playing the game completely, all night I’ve been wanting to switch it off and just play Xenoblade! Absolutely fuming at what Capcom have done to the game!
  16. That’s how I had my Party during the first half to 2/3 of the game.
  17. Nice one @S.C.G We’ve one space free if anyone else fancies it? If nobody else here is free and your mate isn’t too high rank it’s no problem him joining.
  18. How does everyone like to have their Party set up in this for fights? My preferences changed late-game so I’ll spoiler mine: I like to control Rex and have Nia act as not just the Healer, but as the starter of Driver Combos with her inflicting only Break... I then finish them off with Rex. I make sure to have all elements in my Party so I can build up all the orbs from my Blade Combos for max damage when using a Chain Attack.
  19. The Mrs just let me know that my copy has just dropped through the letterbox! Fuck yes!!! @Blade & I will be on tonight if any low rank hunters fancy joining us? (Only low rank, or those with low power weapons if that’s ok, as I fancy a challenge from the off. I don’t want people wailing on the Monsters and taking them down too quickly - there’s no fun in hunts like that until late on in the game when you’ve experienced the hardships from early on)
  20. It is! I’m farming Relentless Arduran for them but not having any luck in getting the last few Rare Blades at all! I’m using all the right boosters when bonding too!
  21. I’ve got a 32% Luck increase on my character and I must have opened nearly 50 Legendary Cores now... I’ve not had a single Rare Blade from a Legendary Core yet!!!
  22. I know your pain, these last 3 Rare Blades are a killer for me! The RNG is horrible!
  23. I’m fully caught up on The Promised Neverland now, thanks for the recommendation @drahkon Anyone that hasn’t read it should do, I highly recommend it too!
  24. I’ve just read the first 15 chapters and am fighting off tiredness... soooo good! I’ll go to bed though and carry on reading tomorrow. Thanks for the shout out about it, great recommendation!
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