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Everything posted by Kav

  1. I've not gotten that far in the offline game... hell, offline I've not done much at all, haha.
  2. This is an awesome post! So E3 kicks off later today, I've actually got butterflies thinking about it... man I'm a big geek! Haha
  3. 3 to go? You're in for a treat my friend!
  4. 80 Stars in and loving this even more with every star I get! This is easily the best game I've played since the first Mario Galaxy and I'm only a third of the way through it... and it's helped my get over my Monster Hunter addiction, if only until I finish it! Haha
  5. Hell yeah we will. Just give a Call to Arms on here and the N-E Hunters will form a group! ...after a bit more Mario-time anyhow!
  6. This game is pure magic! The level design is absolutely wonderful! I can't stop smiling as I play this!
  7. Yes you can. There's a woman you can buy or sell weapons and armor from in the armory (is that how you spell "armory"..? lol). On a side note, I've made myself a Bowgun Set to use. I thought I'd try it out and see how I like it!
  8. I think everyone should have at least one GS; the High Sieglinde... what a sword! 960 Attack with 420 Poison and a fairly decent sharpness. It's a quest ender! Although there are so many awesome weapons, each having fantastic attributes for specific battles. I tend to use a mixture of GS, LS, Lance and S&S dependant on the quest itself.
  9. Finished with the game? Hell no!!! I'll still be on this almost every night for as long as I can see! With breaks here and there for games like SMG2, Metroid and Zelda.
  10. I have to echo Zechs' thanks here! It's been awesome gaming with you all on this... now you all need Wii Speak as it takes me forever to type anything out without a keyboard and I'd rather hear your voices get distorted over Wii Speak anyway... apparently I sound like Terry Christian! Haha
  11. I love this game! Alatreon is crazy stuff!
  12. Alright! A call to arms for the hunt! We'll be there Mokong!!!
  13. I have one pet peeve while playing this... randoms joining a room listed as "Playing with Friends". Not only do they take up space that your friends could take, they always seem to play for themselves and not for the team! It annoys the hell out of me! Argh! lol
  14. Thanks guys! I think I need to forge myself a SA and Hammer, I've not really used either yet and seeing a few people use them, they do seem a little handy!
  15. What's the "affinity" for your weapons all about? I'm looking to upgrade a weapon and can't decide between attack bonus or affinity bonus for the weapon.
  16. I like a point someone made in regards to SMG2, although I can't remember where I read it. They had said that whilst playing it they thought "this is what SMG should've been like". They then stopped and thought "hold on, SMG is one of my favourite games and I thought it was utterly amazing". It was at that point when they understood just how good SMG2 was!
  17. I know it's knocked Ocarina off top, but I can't help think it wouldn't have done so if the majority of Ocarina's reviews were given at the time of it's release. Half of the reviews for Ocarina are from 2-6yrs after it was released... surely this will have had an adverse effect in the impressions of the reviewers! Even so... SMG2 looks Godly!
  18. To be fair though HoT, you are God on this game! Haha I'm looking forward to doing some higher rank quests, I've been helping people rank up recently and I've not done too much 4 star and above questing yet... I'm itching to get some "+" armor sets and upgrade my weapons further.
  19. It's gotten another 10 over at Eurogamer and it's a well written review too, very much worth the read. That's now pushed it to number 2 on gamerankings all time highest scoring!
  20. Diablos is the one monster that I really don't like fighting! Although at the same time I do like fighting it... if you know what I mean? Although I'm yet to fight Deviljho and Alatreon.
  21. Haha, that is absolutely brilliant! I'm looking forward to hunting this weekend.
  22. I certainly do have to thank everyone for the games we have on this. Monster Hunter has quickly become one of my all time favourite games and I must say, it's mainly thanks to the community with you guys. Thank you! I reckon I might well make HR40 tomorrow, only 900 from HR39 so a decent session should see me through! Can't wait until you're HR31 Zechs, that should take no time to get to either.
  23. Yo Godrick, good to see you on the forums here! Welcome! lostmario's reaction to seeing Diablos for the first time was so good! "WTF?" followed by "seriously guys, WTF?" I loved it! Cheers for the games tonight guys!
  24. Booked the 11th June off work so I can get a full day on this when it's released!
  25. You have to be HR31 at least and then carve on 4* quests for your + items.
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