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Everything posted by Kav

  1. As hard as it as and as much as you don't want to, I'd not see each other again. You've both cheated on each other, that to me says it all, you don't belong together. I'm just dead against cheating, there's no reason for it and if you both truly cared for each other neither would do it. That's just my view.
  2. Kav


    Just need to do the Raid more to get Raid gear really, that and collecting upgrade materials, urgh.
  3. I think this might be one of the reasons why I've not been absorbed by the story and why I find it lacking and not as good as people made out. It shows as I'm still at the part where I last mentioned simply because I've not played it since, I've not had any desire to pop it on. The multiplayer for me is stronger than the campaign but then that pales in comparison to Battlefield (I know they're different types of games but Battlefield is just so much more fun) and I also prefer Destiny, even though I've done practically everything on it!
  4. So, is anyone still reading Shingeki No Kyojin? ...because OH MY FUCKING GOD?! I love it man!
  5. Kav


    I've got myself a few exotic weapons now, it's been a good couple days of Destiny for me. I've got: Thorn - hand cannon. Universal Remote - shotgun (sits in the primary weapon slot). Ice Breaker - sniper rifle. Pocket Infinity - fusion rifle. Super Good Advice - machine gun. ...and I've got the bounty for Bad Juju - pulse rifle.
  6. Kav


    Tried my first Raid with @Blade and a group of randoms last night. They've all done it before so I was the total noob not having a clue what was going on (they hadn't explained well)... whereas the majority imof it was fun the final boss felt like it was just hard for the sake of being hard and not fun at all... although at this point it was almost 5am do it may have just been that I was too tired, haha.
  7. There's always a queue @tapedeck! Although mine is on hold at the moment, I've had a couple really good dates with a girl I met on POF. We've said we'd meet for a third and I hope it continues to go well as I fancy the pants off her. She's a really nice girl, pleasant, funny, smart... and outrageously hot too!
  8. One Piece has been fantastic for so long now, utterly brilliant... I loved that revelation!
  9. Cheryl Cole is so hot that if you were to shag her I'd blow you off right after just so I could see what she tasted like! I wouldn't really of course, but to stress the point. Haha I am so thankful for party chat mind. I don't play on my WiiU because it lacks it, I'd be on it much more if it had!
  10. I'm actually getting alright at flying the helicopters, I've won a few aerial battles now, if it seems easier I'm looking forward to giving it another go.
  11. Kav


    Blade will be up for it too.
  12. Kav


    I'll be up for a Raid sometime once you guys have done it, if anyone does fancy doing it again that is.
  13. I'll look forward to popping it on again then! It'll be next week but if you and anyone else fancies a big Battlefield night sometime I'll be up for that... @Blade, @Fierce_LiNk, @Cookyman, @Choze?
  14. Switched my WiiU on to sort out the menu into folders... nice addition. It went straight back off though as I'm too busy with my PS4. If only they'd patch in party chat I'd play the WiiU more as it's much more fun chatting whilst gaming. Well, I'd be on more if they'd release more online multiplayer games too... and of course if those games then had voice-chat I'd be on even more than I would if they release without voice-chat. Smash Bros and Splatoon... god I hope for voice-chat.
  15. I don't know what to make of Zankyou No Terror after it ending, I must admit I was hoping for a lot more from it. I have been and still am enjoying Sword Art Online 2 mind.
  16. Kav


    So has anyone heard that any packages that the postmaster has which are purple will remain purple after the patch if you don't take them from the postmaster..? I think @lostmario's brother mentioned it but I'm not sure whether I should risk it or not as I've got 3 purple packages in the postmaster.
  17. Kav


    It can be a mixed bag. Some nights it won't be an issue and then others, like last night, it can happen into double figures. Its infuriating. Especially seeing how I took all the steps Bungie advise on their site, I've opened all the ports they say to open, my NAT Type is open (type 2) and my download and upload speeds are both good. Yet still it's screwed and Bungie don't seem to be doing anything to sort out the issues many are having. When I first opened the ports it worked well but after the hotfix it went haywire again. Bungie haven't said anything different in regards to any other ways to resolve it. They've just gone quiet on the issue.
  18. Kav


    If people drop out and you're short I'll join you guys. I just think that I'm best not being in the first team in case I get disconnected.
  19. I'm alive, haha. Don't think I'll be arranging another date with that girl, sorry guys.
  20. Kav


    @Shorty, I'm having so many connections issues with he game it may be best me dropping out... I don't want to be disconnected whilst in the middle of the raid leaving you guys one man short. @lostmario, looks like you're in.
  21. Kav


    @Blade has just kicked me out of his team in PVP because I was doing too well... I was on his team! You'd think he'd want someone decent on is team right? Oh no, not Blade. That's just nuts! It's my birthday today too... Blade, you just booted me on me birthday, that's just mean. So mean.
  22. That United are above Liverpool is quite hilarious. Super Frank scoring for City again. Us sitting pretty at the top of the league with Costa scoring yet again.
  23. Kav


    That Auto Rifle is the dog's dangly bits! I didn't have enough so I went for the exotic Hunter's helmet. I'm fully kitted out in Legendary & Exotic armour now. Loving it!
  24. Kav


    @Shorty if there's space, or a second group, I'd be up for it. Level 27 Hunter, RadKav82 is my PSN ID.
  25. Kav


    @Jimbob & @CoolFunkMan You can join a faction but still have your XP go toward the Vanguard and Crucible, just don't equip the item from the faction and your XP will be earned as normal. It's only when you equip the faction gear that the XP goes toward them. @Ganepark32 some people are just getting disconnected, they may not be dropping out, it could be the network boots them. This has happened to me a fair bit and was happening to @Blade last night too (usually doesn't happen to him at all), Bungie have confirmed there are issues and are "working on them to improve stability". I love the Scout Rifles for the Strikes and other missions but prefer Auto Rifles for the Crucible. I've currently got Legendary Scout, Fusion and Sniper Rifles and I've got an Exotic weapon Bounty for a Fusion Rifle too. Looking forward to visiting Xur!
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