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Brian Mcoy

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Everything posted by Brian Mcoy

  1. Mcoy will know once the fake Mcoy is dead that the town is that ever bit safer, Mcoy would then focus all efforts on helping the town with it's other problems.
  2. Mcoy will only vote for the person who is pretending to be Mcoy, Mcoy thinks this man is a FAR BIGGER problem then some small mafia group. Mcoy is helping the good people every night anyway.
  3. Mcoy wonders why you call him a loser when you're the ones pretending to be 20 year old women on the internet
  4. Mcoy hopes that is a joke, Mcoy know the lower league is where all the action is at the moment!
  5. Mcoy wishes to point out that the lower league is VERY tight Mcoy can see the top 5 spots being anyones at the moment as many people have 7 to 13 points Mcoy is looking forward to the next games
  6. Mcoy hasn't lose any socks recently, Mcoy has had the classic 1 sock goes missing though.
  7. Mcoy wants to die on his birthday Mcoy would blow out the candles before falling headfirst into the cake dead
  8. Mcoy is always Mcoy but Mcoy knows there is another Mcoy out there trying to do annoying things and Mcoy wants him dead
  9. Mcoy change vote: Nobody Mcoy thinks either people are messing around with him or someone is behind making other people doing the third person talking, Mcoy will not vote someone until he can clear a few things up.
  10. Mcoy won't change his vote unless Tellyn proves that he is not Brian Mcoy Mcoy vote: Tellyn
  11. Mcoy likes all sorts of cookies Chocolate chip White chocolate chip Smarties Mcoy always gets them from Sainsburts
  12. Mcoy is insulted Mcoy can drink beers and alcohol on it's own, Mcoy just prefers it with something else, Mcoy doesn't think that makes him a wuss.
  13. Mcoy can't think of a worse fear, Mcoy's worse fear would be losing someone in his family Mcoy guesses.
  14. Mcoy isn't actually messing around this time, but that dosen't mean Mcoy will speak in first person. Mcoy thought about it, Mcoy never really liked drinking much as Mcoy always felt a bit sick after having a few bottles of beer. Mcoy especially hates wine and things like that, Mcoy guesses you start to enjoy different types of drinks as you grow older. Mcoy however does enjoy having alcohol in another drink such as vodka/beer in a lemonade as it makes the drink a bit sweeter. Mcoy wants to ask you this question anyway What do you think about alcohol? How much and what type do you drink? Did you eventually warm to other drinks as you grew older? edit: Mcoy apologizes if there is a thread already like this, if so lock/delete this thread
  15. Mcoy would turn up if the time is right
  16. Mcoy wants to know why certain comments were removed
  17. Mcoy will let you off the loose if you tell Mcoy who it was you targeted and let Mcoy know what your power is. Mcoy finds this outrageous, Mcoy wants to know who put this on you and if it's reversible.
  18. Mcoy thinks that is because you are not Brian Mcoy.
  19. Mcoy wants his role as well.
  20. Mcoy just ate the fifth cookie in the pack, Mcoy would like to mention these are small cookies.
  21. Mcoy hates it, Mcoy thinks your avatar is the cause of the downfall of mankind every day Mcoy vote: -10 fuck you (( Mcoy really loves you ))
  22. Mcoy wants your views on cookies
  23. Mcoy likes the change Mcoy vote 1/10
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