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Everything posted by Owen

  1. Quoted myself..because i'm right! NMH2 will be released in April for Europe.
  2. Would have been nice if it was a European thing only...for a change...but it's a bit strange that there holding summits two days in a row...probably nothing but it'll be fun if it was 'something'. I personally hope 'Pikmin 3' isn't the reveal..don't get me wrong, i think the games are very original..but it's not something i would be 'really' hyped about...i'm guessing i'm in the minority though..and it could bring something extremely different to the table.
  3. Sadly, you could be right. Purely on the basis that you'll only have one hand free to control the game! Didn't think of that before...hmmmm, just gotta wait and see suppose.
  4. Theres no chance of another home-console yet..it's out of the question, i'm sure of it..this probably won't be shown till E3 2011...the vitality sensor is coming out this autumn and i'm guessing Nintendo have a few things for that and theres a game called 'Zelda' everyone raves about :wink:..that'll take us well into spring 2011...the Wii has probably another year or so left yet and thats fine. The DS however, has been with us for quite sometime now..i'm guessing a new handheld would resemble something like a DS (so it's backwards compatible) but also has new features too..i reckon it may be bigger too...perhaps the DS XL was to see the consumers reaction on a bigger handheld? It's a test..just my two-cents..i personally wouldn't splash out on a DS XL as i'm 80% sure we'll see a new handheld from Nintendo this year. My views of course! : peace:
  5. Starfox, Kirby, Mario Party...9 is it?, Luigis Mansion 2, Kid Icarus (does this even exist? lol)..these have been swirling around rumour ville for quite sometime..you never know! I have no idea if Nintendo will announce anything new..but..how great would 'Luigis Mansion 2' be using the motionplus and the vitality sensor? Wasn't the first all about Luigi being frightened? How about if the vitality sensor, sensed this from the player and it effected gameplay? Cool right? Mario Party is pretty predictable really..it will happen eventually..and it will use the motionplus and balance board for mini-games....if i was a bookers this would have odds of 2/1..
  6. Nintendo are holding a media conference on 25th Feb, Nintendo Power are stating they'll have big announcements next issue which is after the European conference... I'm PREYING FOR Luigis Mansion 2 to be unveiled at this event..with release dates for certain games. Thats why we haven't been given a updated release schedule. I'm not getting too excited cause it never reaches the heights of what we always expect..but release dates for games would be cool!
  7. Interesting...i'm still going for a new handheld! and more Motionplus titles please Nintendo!
  8. I can confirm it's the same retail version.
  9. If it's going to be anything, it'll be a new handheld....i'm still not convinced about Wii HD (might as well do HD in there next console now). Just gonna wait and see..might be this 'Vitality Sensor'.
  10. The opening is hilarious and really cool! love it already! : peace:
  11. OK. Oh thanks for answering that, least someone did. Thats brill then : peace:
  12. I don't really care who the virtual boy was created by it still was a Nintendo product which was 3D and made you look stupid. and the DSXL is a dearer price then a DSi and all it has is bigger screens..thats what i was getting at...and besides £300 more for the ipad and you get quite alot more tech.... I don't really look too deeply into these things. :wink:
  13. "I have doubts whether people will be wearing glasses to play games at home. How is that going to look to other people?" he said at a Tokyo hotel. Coming from someone who created the virtual-boy! "It was a bigger iPod Touch," Satoru Iwata said of the much anticipated device shown Wednesday by Apple Inc. CEO Steve Jobs. Coming from someone who is releasing a DSi with just bigger screens! Laughable! Well...i do want one of these ipads..but i can't believe you can't listen to music while surfing the web..i understand putting a ipod in and going through the net...but then..it kinda stops me using the 'ipod' section on it...hmmm i'll only be using it for the games on a bigger screen, surfing the net..and that 'art' programme and the ebooks (which annoyingly won't be availible at UK launch)...but then the price of the 16gb isn't exactly huge. Just thinking out-loud, don't need catty input.
  14. Well Apple normally update there site pretty much immediately with info on the newly announced product, but as they haven't yet...i thought i ask.
  15. How do you preorder one of these things?
  16. Meant to be alright actually...for under a tenner, not bad. I haven't played it though! When does USA/Europe get Dynamic Slash? That game looks brill!
  17. I reckon they cut the numbers because the hype for it has slightly decreased due to the 3 (is it?) delays it's gone through since been given its first release date! I believe it was meant to come out winter 09, was delayed till end of Jan and then delayed again till March. Also like i said before, definately up against MASSIVE competition in March..gamers will go for Final Fantasy and God Of War III...and thats not including the rest.. It will sell a million in time though, sure of it.
  18. I'm sure it'll be April/May, hoping earlier for you guys. VGP have shipped my preorder already!
  19. March 4th 2010 here...and buy it...lol
  20. I reckon a war will play a part in this Zelda. The artwork shown at e3 looks to me like a explosion...perhaps Link will time travel back and fourth to stop certain things happening in the present, a bit like Majoras mask..but the world isn't going to end by a massive moon... I think it's pretty much a given that the sword will leave your hand and have more abilities or the girl he meets has the ability to become a sword..so therefore the 'actual' master sword isn't in the game...perhaps making the sword human will effectively make the game more creative in how you use the motion-plus etc.. Also will Link be flying in this game? Seems to me that the girl in the e3 artwork has wings? and it has been rumoured. So perhaps you'll be doing air-battles using the motion-plus too...someone in this thread mentioned that Wii Sports resort does indeed have many ideas that the new Zelda title will use...the flying, the crossbow, the canoe... i think it'll be beautiful..with a mixture of wonderfully crafted, fairytale locations to areas which have been effected by the 'war' which is going on, it'll be grittier, definately. Thats my ideas anyway.
  21. and i was totally proved wrong! Retro mini-games, better graphics, more streamlined, no-more over world, polished, more action orientated! Incredible! Considered yourself bought.
  22. i'll be worried about the patch eventually bricking consoles or something, i'm not taking the risk!
  23. No More heroes 2 will be April/May. Supposadely Sin and Punishment 2 was rumoured for April too. Nintendo Of Europe will just announce the date of the 'bigger' titles a few weeks before...most of the big titles hit nearer summer to autumn.
  24. Game have now put this up on there website (thanks to my message to them on twitter) however they must have missed the part out where i said 'For £17.99 Pleease'...gonna cost ya £29.99 this time..seems like the success of the original has hiked the price. Probably worth it though.
  25. I think i preordered it from GAME when it was £29.99..probably change it so i don't get a motionplus..but i don't need anymore anyway. I think it'll do pretty well sales wise...boxart looks cool..got cowboys in it..swords/guns..should be alright. They can only blame themselves for releasing it in such a epic month....
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