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About upier

  • Birthday 07/09/1981


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  1. I prolly have to go with Tetris!
  2. Congratulations! They deserve it! They took a bold move, they made a very nice machine and they should get some rewards for it! Too bad I don't like the idea and I sold my Wii after 3 weeks. I guess I am just not casual enough for it - and being able to have only one system - the Wii can't be my choice! Gratz nonetheless and all the best for the future!
  3. I've look through my usual suspects - and it seems that very few sites even sell GC games these days and those that do - have just the worst selection possible! I am specifically looking for Baten Kaitos and Tales of Symphonia. PAL and new. (I'd import them from the US but with the whole 3.0 Wii update - that's kinda out of the question I take it?) So anyone know about a store that would have them? Thanks!
  4. Yikes! Actually atm - waiting for a bit would be the best option. Unless one really wants to play Zelda or Resi4:wii - then they should wait till games that they might like come out (which basically means IF a player isn't a fan of Nintendo-magic they should wait to see if N does the same old Gamecube mistake - completely forgets about Third Party Devs! Because if they do like the N-magic - they they prolly already have the Wii becaue of Zelda) And the Core never was a good option and it certainly isn't now. It's either Premium or nothing with the 360. And keeping in mind the hardware issues + the fact that they need to do another promotion even with the current price drop - I'd suggest holding off the 360 at least till X-mas! Once the Premium 360 drops to 300 Euro (or 360+a free game for 350 Euro) and it gets fixed - THEN there will really be no competition unless one REALLY wants to play Nintendo games. The 360 has an amazing games line-up while the Wii has an amazing Nintendo-game line-up! And it really doesn't matter how we try to spin it - Nintendo games (although being very good) just don't suit everyone - while the VERY NICE selection of the 360 games just might! Just not at THAT price and with the hardware issues!
  5. I'd much rather look at the laziness issue from the other side. Not N as a dev but rather as a console maker. N throws out those 4 brilliant games per year - but the sad part is ... that's kinda it. That's kinda all the games one must have that year. And then there's the personal taste question - and some of us are now under those 4. Yes - SUPERB for a dev - not that godly for a console maker.
  6. 1. Mario - being the reason why I got the game - was a huge let down, Wind Waker looks and plays amazing but I hate the sailing, Resi games - the first two were amazing but I never liked the genre, playing shooters felt a bit odd. Resi4 and Killer7 were amazing - but the Wii edition puts it into shade. So was Tetris - but then again - what is to be expected from what I consider to be the greatest game of all time. 2. Yep, none of my friends do console games. Well, they actually do very few games AT ALL. Despite me getting the Wario mini games and Donkey Konga - which got their attention for exactly 2 minutes and then they were bored by it again. Computer (or outside) games nation FTL I guess.
  7. Oi guys! The problem: Wii remote. Whenever I press a button - all four blue lights quickly light up and nothing happens on the screen - including the Power button. How the problem started: I turned Wii on (including the remote) - then dashed away for a few minutes - got back, selected the game, started it, and then the game asked me to press A+B - I did and nothing happened. Switched batteries - same problem. Tried syncing it - the lights lit up and still nothing. Unplugged it - turned it on after like 10 mins - still nothing. Unplugged it again and will wait a bit longer this time. Any thoughts? Thanks! EDIT: Sounds like this: Yes this happens to me and a few others have mentioned it aswell so dont worry. It dont happen that often to me but it is a little fustrating when it does. Will see if it will work. Any other ideas? EDIT 2: Nada. Tried it a few times -still only blinking and nothing else. Will keep it unplugged a bit longer (at least an hour or so) - and I'll see what will happen then. EDIT 3: And whole lotta nothing again. Prolly broken. Being taken back to the store in the morning. (and to think I got the Wii because I chose not to support a console that would prolly break insanely fast ) EDIT 4: And problem fixed. They gave me a new Wii.
  8. My first thought was: Get a Wii. Then came the: OMG!!11 But I didn't really like the Cube games - how about if I were to get a 360 instead? So I kinda made up my mind to get a 360 - just waited for a bit of a price-drop. Then came the horror stories about RRD and it seems that MS will only drop the price by 50 bucks - which isn't enough for me. So I went out and ... ta-dah .... this Monday I got myself a Wii! With Resi and Zelda I already have more fun that I had with ANY Nintendo game last gen (Soul Calibur 2 was godly though!) - so I am quite glad I got it! BUT keeping in mind that both the 360 and PS3 have some godly games (already out (Gears, Lost Planet, Viva) or incoming (Resi5, Alan Wake)) - and if I were to obtain enough money to get a second console I just might think about it. But currently I need to get a router, some points and then Mario 2D-style games here I come! And next month Super Paper Mario. So the whole saving up for a second console will just have to wait a bit ....
  9. Oi! Thanks for the info! I went to the store on Monday to pick up the Wii - they had Resi and it was multi so I picked it up. Currently it doesn't feel any different to the Cube version so I have no idea if it is the edited one or not. BUT it really doesn't matter since the game is a blast. BUT thanks again for the info - I'll keep this in mind for future games!
  10. Ola! Guys - can you help me out? I am wondering if Resi4 Wii was localized or is it multilanguage? I am looking at the German version and I am wondering if I can select the English language? Thanks!
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