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Everything posted by Tetzcatlipoca

  1. Haha well I'll leave it to you to prove me wrong in the future then! I just have the pouch that came with it, which is a crazily tight fit ... it is pretty cool though, because you can still control it through the pouch. I haven't got a screen protector, I don't really like them, I like my screens naked! It's a strong thing anyway, I've lost track of how many times I've dropped it, and all it has to show for it is a small scratch on the screen which doesn't really bother me.
  2. I find the Game Boy ones easier, especially as I can play them anyway, and just relax! Yeah, that's going to be my big hurdle too, I've never actually finished it ... that's the idea of this marathon!
  3. I'm gonna guess Elite, because it looks like it could vaguely be a star ...
  4. So it's the summer and the weather sucks, so what better to do than have a Zelda marathon! Since the timeline is a bit ambiguous, I'm not going in any particular order, just playing them as I feel like, hoping to get them all finished again. I have all of them in one form or another, be it on the GC collection or GBA NES Classics, but it's sure to be fun ... I've just finished Link's Awakening, so I'm thinking of moving on to Oracle of Ages now ...
  5. I have a good few games which I've never finished, but really should get around to ... mainly Beyond Good and Evil, Viewtiful Joe 2, and several Resident Evil games (2, 3, Code: Veronica, 4).
  6. I think the best music I've ever heard in a game is Golden Sun. For a Game Boy game, the music was amazing ... sometimes I turn it on just to listen to the file select music! And some very honourable mentions for Streets of Rage, Sonic 2 and Super Mario World!
  7. I got a Zune brought back from the Us for me for Christmas, and it's by far the best MP3 player I've ever had. The screen is big and everything's clear, the album art is huge and the sound is brilliant. You'll never use the wireless feature, but that doesn't matter ... the software was terrible at first, but it seems to have improved with the updates so there's no problem now. I think Haggis' review is an accurate description of it all.
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