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About Niji

  • Birthday 04/06/1983


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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Xbox 360 is a brilliant console
  2. Niji


  3. N-europe are trying to get their wikipedia entry updated with CONTROVERSIAL INCIDENTS!
  4. The internet is serious fucking business!
  5. Japan is cheap. Cheap cheap cheap.
  6. IMO They should release Final Fantasy VII IMO They should release Final Fantasy VIII IMO They should release Final Fantasy IX IMO They should release Final Fantasy X I think they were great guys, i never had a chance to play them, we could control the characters with the Wiimote! I mean innovation, hello? And they could spruce up the graphics, the Wii could more then handle Playstation 1 graphics!! Or they could release them for DS, that would be AWESOME!
  7. It's a LameStation game, clearly. I mean, the tanks totally have low polygon geometry, the Game Boy Classic could produce more polygons then that lame excuse of a tank. Infact, the PlayStation 3 has worse graphics than the Master System. And they are charging that sorry excuse for an antique console that has disguised itself as a "Next Gen" outing, £425. It's ridiculous!
  8. More money in MY pocket. That is my reason to celebrate this blessed day.
  9. Niji

    i'm leaving!!

    Japan. S'alright. Would go again, kinda like, Manhatten, except, cleaner, cheaper. That lady in The Yellow House, she totally didn't speak slowly, I mean, all I wanted to know was, where was Like An Edison?? Koko ni this and Koko ni that, that map was lame. Guhhh
  10. Hahahaha. The jokes on you, Sony!
  11. Yes, this game looks like an N64 game.
  12. Niji

    Half Life 2

    When is this coming out to the wii then?
  13. There are plenty games for the Wii that don't use waggle, such hits such as: -Metroid Prime -The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker -Super Smash Bros Melee -Super Mario Sunshine -F Zero GX And many many more!
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