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Everything posted by mike-zim

  1. yeah basically up yours EA
  2. Where did he avoid answering the question? from that extract he answers all the questions. and elaborates. so i think it a bit deeper than a "ready made PR-style answer".
  3. that has made my day. iwata talking makes me re-assured. i am happy now. i dont care if nothing else comes out of the GDC
  4. just to hear what the legend had to say is all i want:bowdown:
  5. if sony copy the revmote i will personally go into every game store and torch em. i will be so pissed off. EDIT: also i think it is too late for a copy. developers are so far into development for release titles it would be impossible to have these games modified in time for a november release.
  6. Well today is just dragging. i really cant wait for Iwata to show his stuff.
  7. i agree 100% cant wait for burning crusades.
  8. cool. would i be able to have links and stuff?
  9. it is still too far away
  10. i have a wireless router. i have 2 pc's on it. i am trying to network them but cant even get them to recognise each other. it is really pissing me off.
  11. what did you do that on??? that is exactly the type of thing i am looking for.
  12. no i don't need the link. the way i interpreted that statement was that they were not going to fully disclose the rev's stats. that wouldnt be too bad cause i dont care. if they keep gaming things back till after E3 i will be annoyed. EDIT: oh yeah that vid was class.
  13. i can't wait. it will be a good day tomorrow.
  14. i have recipe take 1 hammer add 3 swift bashes and the result will be a healthy happy glow. Next step go down to PC world and get a better router.
  15. i want everything to be revealed. i really do think that ninty will be taking the piss if they leave it any longer. by E3 there will be absolutely no reason to keep anything a secret anymore. so if they say well there is still more to be revealed after E3 then i will be a disgruntled customer.
  16. thanks guys there is some really great information there. i will give it a go. and let you know the results.
  17. i know that but i have been starved of Revo info for so long!!!
  18. I think this will be a kick ass. i really cant wait. especially with the disappointment that was D.I.C.E
  19. i dont know if i this is the right place for this thread. i want to make a web site. problem: i haven't got a clue where to start i am a bit of a novice when it comes to the net. i have been on this forumn for a while now and there are alot of you who seem to know about this sort of thing. please can you help me.
  20. Serenity a solid 7/10. it had the potential to be 10/10 if they had made it 1 thing or another instead of trying to make it part comedy part thriller alot of sci-fi. 100% sci-fi would have made it 10/10 imo.
  21. bollocks!!!! why should it change? it is not like we are saying women cant play football ( as in being allowed to, because i have seen womens football lets just say it doesnt fill stadiums). what is wrong with a womens league and a mens league. there would have to be 4 changing rooms. AWAY mens AWAY womens. women wouldn't want to share changing rooms (understandably) so why should they share the same team? it is much easier the way it is.
  22. damn right. hey third parties jump on the nintendo band wagon. be original for once.
  23. another thing that is relevant to both developers and gamers is the controller shell. if that is the only thing to come out of GDC i will be over the moon.
  24. Jav you took the words right out of my mouth. electronic gaming is just an extention of gaming in any other form. card games board games. it will evolve and we will get bored of it eventually of that i am certain. i dont play as much as i used too. i find as i get older i have other priorities. gaming begins to slip down the list. so it will happen with everyone, with few exceptions. the question isn't will gaming expire, the question is how long can companies keep their audience interested in gaming. expanding their audience is the key.
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