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Everything posted by mike-zim

  1. i agree. smokers have a choice. at the moment what choice does a non smoker have? breath the second hand smoke or just dont bother having a social life?
  2. i like the last one the best no doubt about it.
  3. burnout was an amazing game. you will be able to pick it up cheap now. give it a go.
  4. i would say that it is better than tennis purely for the multiplayer. single player i would lean towards tennis but not that much. so far i havent seen any mini-games but i am not sure if that is because you have to unlock them. but i doubt it. i think it is still full price but well worth the money.
  5. you have to be very carefull. if this does take off you might have the tax man at yur door asking for a cheque. you would be considered self employed. so look into it before you buy & sell too many.
  6. Wow. sarcasm is still alive
  7. well there are things that i am excited about and we might hear more in the next couple of days. so it is all good.
  8. well i am officiall annoyed oh well wait till the GDC in march
  9. i dont get the whole PvP server & Normal servers. what is a PvE server?
  10. has having sex crossed your mind at all?
  11. if that is true that would be awesome. that is more than i am expecting.
  12. well i have never played any other mmorpg. but wow is really well balanced and entertaining. with the expansion pack coming out with added races and professions it could be good.
  13. that is exactly what i want. a charger for the controller.
  14. yeah i knew about it but i thought this thread could be for actual news but we all got carried away. myself included *expects lockage anytime now*
  15. i hope they are in production. if so i hope they have a massive warehouse that is fireproof with no leaking roofs.
  16. tp will kick ass. that is all i have to add sorry.
  17. i wouldn't change a thing. because of the massive improvement they have made on it from the cube. imaging what they could do with the console after the rev. WOW the possibilities.
  18. I would like to see some non-fps games come out for the rev. use your imagination people.
  19. He speaketh the truth!!! so i think TP info has an 80% chance of info showers, while on the DS front there is a possibility of some info rain on us about 50%. while i do not expect any change with the Revolution front, there is a strong possibility of some criptic drizzle.
  20. reggie speaking!! that means we wont get any really tasty stuff.
  21. yes Zelda info would be brilliant. as for who is speaking i think it is iwata with keynotes but that is a best guess.
  22. well my resulys come out on valentines day so those take priority. any way it is our anniversary a week later so we are going out for a meal then.
  23. So today see's D.I.C.E come to fruition. are we going to get some tasty tidbits about the revolution? perhaps a release schedule, classic shell or final name? any of those would be amazing. if anyone hears anything post it here. i hope that we hear something of sunstence.
  24. £8.99 a month after you have bought the game as well. the game is about £30 but you get a month free. i think it is well worth it. i havent bought a game in months as i am always playing this one. EDIT: anyone on the bronzebeard realm? i am the guild master of a guild called MIGHTY DRAGONZ newly established so if you wana join let me know.
  25. i have this game and it is really addictive. i have a lvl 36 mage. and a 31 priest 15 rogue 8 hunter. i am a guild master as well but i am having real problems getting cash. can anyone tell me the best way to get cash fast?
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