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Everything posted by amkrisis

  1. amkrisis

    Wii Fit

    wiifit ... fuck yeah! But BE DAMNEDfor it not beiing out in EUrope around xmas
  2. cheers! I'll try not to forget to update your number then
  3. I added you a while back... not sure if you did the same though (no offence)
  4. Elebits uses the wii code, and imports your friends automaticly straight from the address book source
  5. here's a spoiler: I ACTUALY LIKE MY WII AND IT'S GAMES! Relax kids
  6. Hi Is it just me or is the podcast feedburner feed down? And the iTunes store podcast only goes to ep.15?
  7. thanks for the feedback, i might look into it soon ... perhaps rent both first...
  8. so would you guys say that this game is better/more fun that SMB? i'm thinking of getting one, but since the concept is more or less the same, i'm not sure which one. although i must say i didn't enjoy the GC version :s
  9. my wii is rather small so i guess size doesn't matter
  10. I might pick up this game! Might be fun! Release 13.04.2007
  11. I own a wiikey, and it does what it's supposed to do... BUT i haven't tested NTSC games yet, but might in the future...
  12. yeah ... cus he's pink ... i think he looks more like a retarded italian mafia guy I was thinking the same thing, but that would mean you'd have to hold it upside down, since the plug is at the bottom, AND that would mean that the chord will be at the 'top', doesn't sound to handy tbh. But time will tell i guess
  13. it'll have to be some sort of clip-on thing then, since this game will use both the wiimore and the nunchuck, or maybe a headset? or a micstand? :p the possibilities are endless
  14. might be fun! i'm getting into these rhythm games more and more these days. but does the wiimote have a mic? or are we talking addon hardware?
  15. cool... this site is worth a shot might be entertaining for short shows and cartoons.. Thanks for the tip
  16. OFF TOPIC: Pretty cool site there! Does it run on the wii browser? Awsome! Gonna give it a shot later on!
  17. That sucks PM me your new wii number (if it changed) when you get it back (my number changed when i did a reset with the battery out)
  18. let's hope that it's a limited run of machines that have this. but my guess is that nintendo isn't going to tell which one, since calling them all back wouldn't be nice publicity. Anyway, i'm not going to risk to find out my wii is one for the 'gifted' ones It's going to stay nice and cool when it's off
  19. whoops I'll try to delete mine whoops² Let's see how the 'new one' rolls, if it remaines dead, it will be deleten after all.
  20. Hi there I've made a quick last.fm group over at last.fm/group/N-Europe (sorry can't post urls yet, just a few more posts to go ) Feel free to join! Also, if someone (staff perhaps?) has a bigger image of the logo, would be great! I might cut out the one in the header when i find the time. I hope this is ok with the staff, if not, please do tell.
  21. same here dude, that's why it's off for now...
  22. Another possibilty is that they are stored localy and are sent when both users are online... but yet again ... another wild guess...
  23. I'm wondering the same thing. But i've pm'ed some users on here to add me, and i'm having standby intenet OFF all the time. So if i'm able to receive messages and mii's ... i don't see the point of having it on ... unless you like blue flashing lights ... I'm GUESSING (hoping) everything is done trough a server of some kind (much like a mail server) and that your wii simply checks for new stuff from time to time. Besides, i don't think that mii's and messages are big in size. I'll keep you posted on the whole mii/message vs standby thing if you're interested...
  24. did you leave standby internet on or off? just trying to see if the 'myth' of standbye internet overheat is true or not
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