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Everything posted by amkrisis

  1. This is why i would like to know the actual use of leaving standby internet on. I know that the channels might not work properly (but it's easy to turn it on for a while) but does having standby internet off affect the mii plaza and messaging services? There must be a way to fix this right? I mean, it's even hotter in standby then when it's on completely
  2. I bought mine from Gamefreax.de It is a premod though
  3. Feel free to add me! Don't forget to PM me
  4. Thanks! I will do the same, i want to test if the im/friendlist thingy works with standby internet turned off... so let's hope it does!
  5. aren't the im's stored on a server? (like emails for example) this would be better for people that have the standby internet off (like me), you could just grab all the im's when your wii is on (and nicely cooled ) Haven't been able to test this since nobody has added me yet. Update: will test this tonight since librarian is going to add me, but if anyone has tried this before, please reply
  6. Hi Just a quick message, does anyone want to add my wii number? Please reply or pm if you do so... I want to test this feature but haven't had any succes doing so just yet. Thanks! Edit: this might fit better in the online gaming forum?
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