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Everything posted by canocha

  1. Looks like they are really focused on those weather and disaster effects!! And it does have that gritty RE4 aspect! (atleast on screens..). I'm expecting awesome lightning effects!!
  2. Fatal Frame 2 was the best one! (made me scream like a baby...) Hope they do a really great job with gfx filters like they did with 2!!
  3. For me it still looks really fat... no lightning at all. I really dont understand the splitscreen co-op.. its weird and its going to reduce the game to 30fps. Just like mcj metroid said.. Just zoom the camera alittle and reduce the distance of view. But first.. lightning please!! Cause it does look good in motion, but flat!
  4. Errrr.. i think the game was delayed in Europe and USA till Q1 2008..
  5. But didnt someone from capcom said that chunks would fly of bodies and stuff? And in the first movies, if i remember correctly, head exploded..
  6. 3 new videos: http://www.inside-games.jp/news/235/23581.html - videos taken down.. SEGA got to them xD Quality kinda sucks.. looks fluid, but not enought links!
  7. They could have had a few more polys to NiGHTS (oh wells...) Anyway i wonder what that Digital pa with 4 colors means..
  8. pedro.. we might get the game on WiiWare (yeah i know.. )
  9. FMV am cry?!?!
  10. Whats up with developers not putting lighting on Wii games?? It makes the car look just a "copy paste" right in the pictures.. blergh
  11. Is it me or does Jill resembles Venessa from PN03 in those cutscenes!? I wonder why isnt RE2 included.. arent both RE2 and 3 happening at the same time?! (or almost) I want some Claire!
  12. Here you go...
  13. Theres no lightning effects on this game... thats what making it look so dull and bland. We need videos too!
  14. Don't they have higher resolution textures.. look at that floor! Well its a Ps2 game after all.. but damn! I like the new character and i hope the original one is included!
  15. canocha


    Okami: The Minigames I really hope its true... Okami is amazing!
  16. Isn't that guy with the hat.. Cid.. i remeber reading it somewhere.
  17. Same Pics but bigger (a few new ones).
  18. FUCKING AWSOME! Look at those eyes..
  19. pedro where can i get that Hi-res cell shaded Majoras Mask pack?? It looks soooo cool! (I've tried Ocarina of Time one.. but it did not look that good) KAWAIIIiii
  20. How can anyone love that.. feels so generic!! I hope for a more artistic cover on PAL region!! (Metroid series.. never got them.. )
  21. Looks like that the 3D glasses thingy is true! I wonder how will it work.. This game should at least have an option to share videos..
  22. Second Page... somewhere! And both pics have 2 characters on it (Taki and Ivy, Mitsurugi and Siegfried)
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