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Everything posted by DomJcg

  1. Luck? obviously theres 2 forms, our young enterprise group was to sell roses tomorrow so we went to the shops to get them, but the shops were closed for the whole day. I got back and got like 10 msn messages that my school is closed tomorrow, therefore if we had got the roses then we would have to keep them til after half term when they may have died. luck? or perhaps pure chance and probability
  2. space invaders on xbox?
  3. Ah the traditional American way i see
  4. Suuuuure thats what he wanted everyone to think, but he was actually caught because he sucks! and i don't know, nuclear mines thrown around dyson? yeh that sounds about right
  5. *steals trick book, reads it, then lays a mine in the least expecting place where the JBA would find it aka in jack bauer* And a random place would be anywhere hence everyever you may step could be onto a mine
  6. *lays a mine somewhere random for a JBA to step on* Hah! avoid that :P
  7. why not both? you get the hammy taste of chicken and why not throw beef in there for good measure
  8. why is the army guy in the pic (damn 15 post rule!) only wearing a skin tight uniform? One more reason to join GLA, we have fashion sense...
  9. Because GLA are the way to go, your groups named after one person. We have the support of many people and the name reflects that...i think.
  10. as a new member, i declare my creepy undying support for the GLA! may jba rot
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