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Everything posted by Problematique

  1. I think Xing is part of a faction that has an interest in Laos. Why, I don't know, maybe they're competing with the Company for the rebuilding contracts and having Scylla would allow them to get ahead of them. I don't think Whistler was dealing with Scylla just for the money.
  2. I'm thinking Wyatt's pretty evil now. Changing my tune on that one.
  3. I think they've set it up for Michael to die actually. Whilst the original focus was on Michael and Linc's relationship, they've shifted that onto the safety of the country and finishing off their father's work. So now if Michael does die at the end, assuming that they do take the Company down, it doesn't make the whole story redundant like it would've done prior to the shift in focus. I'm not too keen on Wyatt compared to Kellerman, Kim, Quinn, Blonde Agent (who Mahone dispatched when he ran over his son) and even Gretchen. He's simply not as terrifying as he doesn't have the steely glare or the psychopathic smile. He's smart...but lacks a certain something the others had.
  4. Watched the first one, second one is being torrented.
  5. I've still not gone for Madden Wii yet. I've always been a PC Maddener because of the third party updates etc. With that out the window, I'm back on Madden 04. Football Freaks are doing a Madden '09 update for PC on '08 so I may just use that instead. On a semi-related note, how's Seattle's Training Camp going? In fact...I don't know what you guys have been up to recently. The only thing I know is that we signed your backup MLB...
  6. Whilst Maths A Level is important, it's not necessarily a prerequisite for chemistry. One of my friends on my course (at Oxford) didn't do A Level maths but she's doing fine (just finished second year). First year requires a little more work under the circumstances, but it's fairly doable. In any case, Organic and Inorganic chemistry require very little maths as it is, physical chemistry will be the only problematic one. And there are very few people who don't struggle at one of the disciplines!
  7. WHY SO MANY FUCKING QUESTIONS?! I'm shit at them because I don't want to sound like a pompous tit, nor do I like brown nosing the company in question. On paper. I just want their money.
  8. I'm doing terribly. Several branches of Waterstone's, Blackwells and Cycle Surgery have failed to get back to me. Blah.
  9. Sennheiser are the way to go...I've got the PC161 and they do the job well. Headsets aren't quite as good quality as normal headphones (and make you look like a knob :p) but they're still not bad.
  10. ATi have done a really good job with the R770. I'm waiting until Jan or so to get the die-shrunk version (next step up). I'll probably go with the X2 version of that (and might extend it to X2 + single card crossfire for 3 cores. If it scales well). I would get the R770 now but I only got my GTS 512 in March and I need to be buying a new monitor soon (hopefully a Hazro).
  11. Er, let's see. I've never actually properly blubbed. Although intensely moved at points. 1. Link's Awakening. It remains an incredibly heart wrenching game (in glorious 8-bit). 2. TP. That was another sad one. (probably don't need spoilers to be honest seeing as 99% of the forum have probably finished it.
  12. Good olive oil is brilliant with breads and vinaigrettes etc. I cook a lot with olive oil and stuff just because the end result does taste a little better than if you were to cook with sunflower oil or the like. I only use nut-based oil if I have to heat something up a lot (olive oil is bad when it starts smoking). I also tend to drizzle things (not everything) with it just before baking. I've always been puzzled by adding oil to pasta water though. Tried it once, honestly didn't get it. I salt the water before I use it. And I also drizzle oil on the pasta after cooking (or unsalted butter). But during? that's just strange. Honestly, once you end up using it properly you'll use it all the time.
  13. Hmm, I can draw pretty strong parallels between OoT/TP and Knights of the Old Republic/Mass Effect. The latter games are excellent pieces of work in their own right and should score 90+ on average. However, the moment we make comparisons it's very easy to bring out a lot of negatives which would be swept under the carpet in other cases. Both games suffer a lot from the lack of content outside the main story after the first half of the game...both worlds seem much emptier compared to their older counterparts and in general a little less complete. Both games are a little less atmospheric than the earlier games...I found that there is a lack of a sense of impending doom in both TP and ME which was captured in OoT and KotOR. (ME also has many fewer random conversations and interaction with crew members). It may just be me but maybe developers are relying more and more on visual techniques to enhance the atmosphere now that the line between virtual and real life is being increasingly blurred. Yeah, we're a long way from lifelike but much closer than we were 12 years ago. In the end I feel like the quality of the gaming itself is very high...however, the production is becoming in little less meticulous across the board - although a large majority of gamers won't really notice it. I'm not saying that Nintendo are becoming sloppy, far from it. But a little more effort all round could go a long way to removing OoT from the Gamerankings top spot
  14. Social drinking: Gin and Tonic. Or a pint of ale. To get wasted: Dark Pango from Hertford bar. 2x vodka, 2x Bacardi, 2x Schnapps and 1x JD, grenadine, blackcurrant and lemonade. Only 6.50 too.
  15. Depends what you buy. For example, cheap gin tastes like dishwater. Bombay Sapphire tastes godly. Bombay every time.
  16. I don't eat Tesco value foodstuffs on principle just because they can't be particularly good for you. I love Nissin noodles, 35p. Especially the Sesame chicken ones, they're amazing. You can get quite a lot of cheap and good stuff in chinese supermarkets.
  17. Well, carbonic anhydrase makes the species H2CO3. In a solution at physiological pH it's going to dissociate into HCO3- and H+and you'll have an equilibrium set up between the dissociated and undissociated form. The higher the concentration of H2CO3, the more it will dissociate. The more it dissociates, the more acidic it becomes. If I want to go into detail, H2CO3 has a reasonably low pKa (dissociation) value (apparently around 3.6) due to resonance stabilisation of the HCO3- anion. At pH7, the majority of H2CO3 molecules will be dissociated. The second pKa is around 10...so very few molecules will be completely dissociated to CO3(2-) and 2H+. I think you're thinking a bit much about "standard" neutralisation with water as a product...water has a relatively high pKa (16) and so if you neutralise an acid to form water, you will not get significant redissociation, thus neutralising it. Hope that helps!
  18. Oh lahdeedah Mr Expectations :p I also bet I'd fuck the whole thing right up if I dropped a banana skin or tortoiseshell in it...
  19. Mario Kart is much truer to life than you realise. In my 4th year of my degree (Chem), I do a year of research. My first choice group is in bioinorganic chemsitry. Basically, the project is working on fuel cells with enzyme catalysts, specifically laccase (involved in the oxidation of oxygen to water). What synthesises laccase? . . . . Mushrooms. I rest my case.
  20. Not so much over the soundcard chips and more on their horrible driver support and suing people who unofficially developed more stable drivers. The chips themselves are good (I personally have an X-fi but it's developed by Auzentech. Their engineering is superior).
  21. Don't want films to be honest. Also not a big fan of Creative (got beef with them over their soundcards...) Picky much? :p
  22. Hmm. Since my old MP3 player screen mysteriously broke on the ski trip bus. Yeah. Anyway. Is there nothing which is 30Gb and small? Because I'm having difficulties finding one. Have the manufacturers not thought that it's possible to have 30gb of pure music or something or that if you want 30gigs you *must* want to put films on...
  23. Group theory is not win. Not as far as symmetry goes anyway. I'm sick of rotating octahedral basis sets in my head.
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