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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. I had a one time opportunity to investigate, and thats what I got. I'm 99% certain that the information is reliable.
  2. Not accusing you of anything, just repeating what I've been told.
  3. I have no reason to disbelieve the info. Maybe you want someone to investigate you because you appear good when investigated?
  4. I've been told that Tellyn "likes killing". I'm not an investigator, but that's what I've been told. It could mean he is a killer, and likes doing it, or it could mean something else, I'm not sure what to make of it. Thoughts?
  5. The more I listen to it the more I love it. Should be absolutely awesome live, roll on June.
  6. Stick them in a glass of coke overnight.
  7. The only Bjork song I have is "Triumph of a Heart" which was on a compilation album I got a while ago and I really don't like it. Dunno why I even still have it actually >_>
  8. No way is it 2, 4 or 5. 1 is possible I guess, 3 I'd say most likely.
  9. Hahaha, if true thats funny as hell, my sister loves galaxy.
  10. That was...really boring.
  11. I'm not voting for R_A until she says something.
  12. "one of the last" suggests to me that she wasn't THE last, which would surely be the killer?
  13. http://uk.movies.ign.com/dor/articles/863515/legend-of-zelda-movie-trailer/videos/legendofzelda_filmtrailer_040108.html IGN's april fools. Pretty good actually.
  14. Could be Bierko from Season 5 of 24?
  15. Fuck, my friend just got me. He told me he was going to be at one of the Easter revision classes but didn't want to go alone. Me being the kind sort showed up at 10am, and was left for 2 hours with the class div.
  16. You can tell already just by the way you said that that it's gonna be an April Fools.
  17. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/page/item/epeng001.shtml?src=ip_potpw Hahaha.
  18. I'd just like to say that Rokhed looks like Noel Fielding in some of those pics. Dunno if thats good or bad for either of them.
  19. I can't think up anything creative to do to my parents this year
  20. Oh Rare, you're such a tease...although I must admit, if they release BK + BT on XBLA with the Stop n Swop features, I would so buy them. Actually I'd probably buy them again without it too.. >_<
  21. How did you get role blocked? You were interviewed, were you not?
  22. How did you know his then?
  23. Which would suggest Jamba could be evil, and the covering he's doing for Dom may be mafia related? Dunno, I have no idea who Bandit Keith is.
  24. I'm assuming he(Bandit Keith)'s a good guy, or you'd have voted for him?
  25. To whoever is L; it would be mighty useful if you could explain the reasoning behind your info. I don't know if thats possible for you, but if it is, then please do it.
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