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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. I got nothin'.
  2. Actually now that I think about it; it's gonna be £130 + god knows how much more for all that DLC I need. The decider on whether I buy it or not; was that rumour of Hysteria by Muse being included for the Euro version proven true/false? If it's true it's a must buy for me, I'm very slightly in love with that song.
  3. Dear lord that was awful. Well, I've only listened to a few random songs after your suggestion :p
  4. Gizmo

    Rock Band

    Well, when this was first announced I remember a price of £200 floating about. I'll probably still get this at £130. Making it 360 exclusive, I don't understand. Sucks for PS3 owners I guess - if I had a PS3 and not an Xbox I'd be going ape-shit right now.
  5. I'd just like to take this opportunity to state that mewithoutYou are awesome. Thank you.
  6. I think mine was about 7 hours when I finished it, but I haven't got 100% yet.
  7. I'm not your friend, buddy! Dramatic gopher was the best moment of it, without doubt.
  8. I was expecting the end credit music to be a rickroll...never happened
  9. Why not just post it multiple times to make it clear?
  10. Like, dodge each pulse?
  11. Well to be honest, with the way Coolness seems to play these games I wouldn't put it past him, if the ransom came from a neutral character (as someone theorized previously, its possible Comic Book guy has some win condition like that?) he would pay it, even if his role is evil.
  12. Thats a thing; how do you avoid the attack the final boss does, that's basically a OHKO? The circles of energy come out from him and just send my flying off, I haven't worked out how to avoid it (mainly because I can't be bothered going through 9 other bosses to get a shot at trying it).
  13. I already listen to both Senses Fail and Silverstein Some of the lyrics are a bit shitty and over the top emo, but I like the music anyway :p Will definately look into those others you mentioned.
  14. Vote: Coolness Bears I don't buy the cover story.
  16. Episode 4 was aired last night. It's awesome, best of season 12 by miles.
  17. I believe LazyBoy said he had info earlier?
  18. Are you saying Santa doesn't exist? Blasphemy.
  19. Loool. You can tell you are a 24 fan. Even without the whole sig/avatar thing:yay:
  20. Hmm, I always thought Alexisonfire were classed as a "metal" band. Oh well, you learn something every day and all that.
  21. The only metal bands I like are the ones who have two singers, one screamer and one orthodox singer. Good example is Alexisonfire (well they have three singers but that's beside the point).
  22. What does it mean then?
  23. My monitor is 1024x768, because my dad likes the icons to be big, and I got sick of changing it.
  24. Well, I don't even know what the information means. Thats all I was given - "Tellyn like's killing." I do however have full faith in the reliability of the information. Hold on, sorry. I rechecked the pm: The info I was given is "That kid sure loves death.", if that changes anything in your assessment of the info Tellyn?
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