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About cheap-seats

  • Birthday 01/11/1975

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  • Location
    Crewe, England
  • Interests
    Football, Gaming and programming
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    All of them
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    Dreamcast, 360 and NGP
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  1. Lord Lucan has been sighted more than this "game" and it was destined to be a hype-overdose along the lines of "Snakes on a plane" (internet geek salivation, naff film) rather than any worthwhile effort and the fact that this vapourware has allegedly been pulled proves this. It either never existed or they decided they couldn't come up with a decent idea of what it was supposed to do. Very nice arty-design but it was always looking unlikely.
  2. Dunno about mine. Waiting for all the Nintendo biggies but my Wii collection is currently running at about 16 games and I have hardly played on some of them so. Got HeatSeeker and DragonBallZ this weekend so those two can keep me going for a few weeks.
  3. The XBox 360 is a decent enough console and Gears of War looks and plays well but my Wii gets far more use and at the moment, after the huge disappointment that was Crackdown, I'm using my 360 to play my way through Halo 1 & 2 more than any new "HD" game. Thee 360 may be more impressive (powerful, better online etc) but, for me at least, the Wii is far more fun.
  4. Enjoyable and interesting control system. Currently tying with HeatSeeker for my gaming time.
  5. Must be the Nintendo version of a Jedi Padawan practising his lightsaber technique. Isn't it going to be sad when by the time he's six or seven he'll be referring to the Wii as "retro" and "old school".
  6. It was worth reading whilst it lasted but the suspense will be pretty enjoyable....compared to the disappointment when it turns out not to have been worth the wait that particular week.
  7. I loved Twilight Princess too despite not being a huge fan although I still think that "LOZ: Wind Waker" was the most inspired looking game of the GCN/PS2/Xbox era. Excite Truck is great but short. Kororinpa is cool but samey.
  8. Nozomi from "Shenmue"
  9. Decent interview even though he does seem like somebody that would sooner be doing something else but, then again, the score composers are usually ignored in most media types. Ask most people to name a famous film score composer and chances are that only John Williams would occur more than once.
  10. The guy is a laugh just like Mary Whitehouse was for years over here and the likes of the Catholic Church are when they attack Harry Potter books. At the same time though I'd still like to see a bit more variety from Rockstar. Thug-based games or table tennis. Hardly stretching the creativity boundry under the label name.
  11. Carry on. I can take it! :awesome: I may be a new member but I go back far enough to remember writing programs on my ZX81 (before the overheating keyboard melted my fingers) so I'm no gaming newbie. Anyway, I didn't mean to annoy anyone.
  12. The N64 couldn't cope properly with OOT. That game looks brilliant in both stills and motion and will be tons of fun. And what exactly is the "fanbase"? I would have thought anybody that buys a Wii is part of the fanbase.
  13. ..going into the main website and following links. Worked for me.
  14. Very impressive. The movies on IGN showed more "art" and "creativity" in a couple of minute clips than a certain Maxis developer could manage in his whole career. The game looks superb and I can't wait!
  15. Far better than Monkey ball on the Wii and shows just how sensitive motion can be achieved using the wii-mote. Could have done with a bit more substance but it's great whilst it lasts...bit like Excite Truck!
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