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Everything posted by Rossatron

  1. Get in! This is more like it. I've only played TopSpin2 on the 360 and although I hear it's not as good as the first one, I really enjoyed it. The controls are a lot more complex than, say, Virtua Tennis, but I think that's what gives it the edge for me. It just feels more like a proper tennis game. Please please please don't screw this one up!
  2. Rossatron


    Mine came in the post this morning, I've spent half my time stroking the tin! (Ok maybe not entirely true) Been such a goon though, I replaced my electro plasmid thingy with the incinerator one instead of putting it in a slot next to it and haven't realised this until I've gone further on and got telekinesis - am I able to go back and get it from right at the beginning? I'm really missing it but part of me just can't be arsed!
  3. I forgot how much I want a proper tennis simulation on the Wii! Has EA ever bothered with Tennis? I can never remember them doing and have always wondered why! I don't see any license issues considering there've been numerous different tennis games with real players from different developers. And considering how they seem to be supporting the console (and have made better jabs at implementing the controls than others e.g with Madden from what I've heard) at the moment would they be a good choice?
  4. Rossatron


    Get in, Game have dispatched my copy as well! :yay: That'll do me - I had plans for Friday evening anyway. This way I have 2 1/2 days of uninterrupted Bioshock goodness! Bring it on!
  5. I found my extra remote in Woolworths, although I live in a fairly small town where they're hardly gonna be in great demand although when I bought it the guy at the counter asked if I'd had trouble getting hold of one so it's clearly something they're aware of and whether they've been able to get hold of more to counter that....well, who knows?! I got my extra Nunchuk from WHSmith (work there lol), saw two on our delivery shelves, thought I'd have one for myself so reserved that and put the display case out for the other and within 5 minutes of putting it out the remaining one had already gone! I'd be surprised if there's ever going to be huge deliveries of remotes and/or nunchuks but places like WHSmith who aren't reserving them and gettin the odd one or two here are there are always worth a check!
  6. I don't think that just because the game's free it's exempt from criticism. We can't complain about it too much, but still... I've got major gripes with the tennis game - I find it so unresponsive it's untrue. I want to play it like a real tennis game and while I admit this was never going to be that, the fact that two swings never seem to produce the same shot (apart from that unreturnable crosscourt return of serve!) is just really bizarre. I flick my wrist wanting to play a crosscourt backhand and end up hitting anywhere but that direction. I hope that there'll be a proper, well-executed tennis sim on the wii because it'd be a really lost opportunity without one. Again I stress that I didn't expect tennis to be that but after all the previews on wii sports made it out to be that tennis was the most fun I just feel really disappointed that it's ended up being as random as boxing! At least boxing's fun! Rant over!
  7. I've had my Wiimotes cut out a few times now...has anyone else seemed to find that holding A + B together seems to sort it out as well? Maybe it was just beginner's luck...
  8. Found some remotes for sale! Whoop whoop! God bless my local Woolworths! I haven't been particularly looking for any extra ones but after popping in and seeing some available I thought I'd be foolish to turn down the chance! Has there been another delivery of them along with the recent batch of Wiis or was I just lucky that nobody's ever bought any Wii stuff in my Woolworths? Still think that £30's too much like, but heyho!
  9. Here's mine... 2630 0063 5936 3291 PM me if you've added/want to add me!
  10. Same for my hmv pre-order! got a call at 9:45 this morning telling me it was in! sod's law that it comes in the day I've gone back home from uni for the xmas holidays! so I've bezzed along the m62 this morning and I'm back now and trying to set it up!! must talk less, play more!! :yay:
  11. Well however many we had in on Thursday night (6 i think!) there were none in at all this morning! Wonder how many people are actually buying WiiPlay solely for the game??!
  12. I think I read on our intranet that we had an allocation of 6, tho I don't know if this was for the initial shipment (i.e. for yesterday) or to cover all of the pre-orders. All I know is that I had the dubious pleasure of ringing the customers up that wouldn't be getting their Wiis until next week! The Jersey store were getting 40 in I think! :shock: I wish my store got 40 in... *sigh*
  13. I've checked a few Asdas. One had received none at all, another last night had 7 to sell and had none by this morning and another one I checked this morning had all sold out as well! Meh. By the time I got to Toys R Us, there was a small group of people outside waiting already and they'd already snapped up the free stock that they had! Argos were all pre-orders only. Apparently my HMV pre-order is in the 3rd drop and should be there next week! After all that disappointment, though, I walked past one of the Wii Tour things in the Manchester Arndale and was asked if I wanted to win one and/or play one! Put my name down to win like, but talk about rubbing salt into the wound! I've bought zelda, a classic controller and some points though just to make sure I'm already when I hopefully get it next week!
  14. We had about 6 WiiPlays in last night! Oh, I work in WHSMith btw, so people are obviously getting them somewhere!
  15. Really need to stop looking at videos on youtube. The wait's killing me! You'd think I'd have more important things to do and yet... Although if I don't get my wii tomorrow that's what I might have to resort to!
  16. For anyone who's interested, I think WHSmith are only getting pre-ordered stock in. I work at one of the bigger stores, and I think we're getting 6 in to fill the 6 pre-orders. Don't hold me to that, but I'm sure the notices I've read have said that. Won't stop me seeing when I go to work this evening if there are any spare! And perhaps seeing if I can open one of the boxes and have a peek at it! I always get to prepare new releases on a thursday night too - I'll just spend all my time looking at the twilight princess manual!
  17. I know, I know...I was gullible enough to believe them and now I'm paying the price! I won't cancel my pre-order just yet as they say I'll get it before Xmas so I'll run around like a madman on friday (or thursday aft!) trying to find where'll have one and if that doesn't bear fruit then another week or two it is!
  18. Pretty sure I saw a sign in Gamestation Halifax saying there'll be a midnight launch too!
  19. First time poster here, just thought I'd share my experiences this week! Had my pre-order with HMV in Manchester for a few weeks now, told I was 50th or so in the queue and that they'd be getting around 500 Wiis in for the 8th (thought it was a likely story but hey, ever the optimist!)...surprise, surprise I got a phonecall yesterday that they wouldn't be able to give me on friday! Grrrr! Now doing a frantic search round to see who'll be getting some Wiis in just to sell to joe public on friday...Virgin say they might be doing! If not, I'm planning my route to Argos, Toys R Us and the rest! Must...have...zelda...
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