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Everything posted by elitemario

  1. I've had a Purple Cube, that i got at Launch... And about a half year ago i sold that to get the White instead... but when I got it I did not no it was pearl-white... acturally, I dont like that pearl look... but to late... I connected it to my tv, opened the disc-cover to put in my freeloader disc to play my US imported Zelda Windwaker... but it did not work... so i couldn't play anything... so I sold the Pearl crap... and now I have nothing else to play than my DS Lite... So I'm acturally looking forward to the Wii's GameCube compatibility so I can play my GC games
  2. Now I've watched about 4-5 different "Wii unpacking" videos and picture-sets and I havn't seen a SCART-plug (to stick the 3 composite kabels in) jet... WTF? Is that just not something they use in the US or whats going on?
  3. Yeah... All the spoilers are really ruining it But staing off the internet until december 8th, thats too extreme for me
  4. - Wii pack - Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz - Red Steel - WiiPlay + Wiimote - Madden 07 - Racing game (don't know witch one jet) - Farcry, Call of Duty 3 or another - 1 Classic controller - 1 Wiimote - 2 Nunchuckss - Some WiiPoints
  5. Yes, offcause.. I did not mean that people thought the wiimote would ONLY use pointing-control... thats only sonyboys who think that... Im not stupid... I was only talking about the point-controll.. It's just when you look at etc. the demonstration of Zelda and Red Steel that was shown at E3, the guys where pointing at the screen... and so many game-jurnalists and Nintendo representative have used terms like "point at the screen" and "aim at the screen" and "like a lightgun"... And apparently most of the EB Games Store managers, atending the vendorshow, thought that they could acturaly point AT the screen... And please dont get me wrong... I dont think there is any problem in not pointing directly at the screen.... I even prefer not to... But read a few older previews (etc.: http://wii.ign.com/articles/707/707152p1.html ) and search for the word POINT and you see that it really is being described as POINTING and the wii-mote is even called the wii-pointer... and I would define a POINTER as something you acturally point with... not like a mouse, but like a laserpointer etc... Still.... I don't have any problems with not being able to point directly... It's just that I think its been quite clearly described, by media and Nintendo itself, as pointing directly at the screen... and it really shocked me when I "found out" that it wasn't so...
  6. The second picture really illustrates that you can point at the screen!!!
  7. But I really think most people, even most Nintendo fans, thought that you would be able to point at the screen, like a lightgun... I'm not worried... It'll be awsome no matter what :awesome:
  8. Yeah... but then what about the gun-thing Nintendo have showed a few times... If you can't really point at the screen that thing will be crap...
  9. Yes... I agree... But how a console presents itself in the first few minuts is very importent... they did say that after getting use to the wiimote-control it simply was brillient... But what do you guys think about that they couldnt point directly at screen, and the ninntedo guy saing it was normal, and that its more like a mouse-control...?
  10. I've just talked with a few of my ex-colleges from EB Games Denmark... They have just, together with every EB Games/GameStop Store manager, atended a "vendor-show", and played Wii (and PS3 :P)... The guys I talked to both said that they were first shocked when getting to play with the wiimote... thay both asumed (as i did) that they would be able to point the Wiimote directly at the screen for aming... but it did'nt work that way... one of the guys said that he was first holding the controller, not pointing at the screen, and the on-screen-navigation-hand moved smoothly and precise, as he moved the wiimote around... but then he pointet the wiimote at the screen... and the "hand" just flew right out of the screenarea!!! The wiimote actually couldnt be pointet AT the screen, but only around in "free air" - navigation as you would do with a PC mouse... evervy game they played (wario ware, zelda, wii sports and a few other) it was the same... you couldnt point directly at the screen... I, offcause, told the to EB Games store managers (former co-workers) that the Wiimote had to have been badly calibratet, and that it will be posible to point AT the screen... but they both said that the Nintendo-guy showning them the Wii and guiden them thouh the play-session, said that its not the idea that you point at the screen but that yuo just navigate as with a mouse... And then I just though.... WTF... The guys also talked a bit about the aim being a little slow, due to sesiblility... but that could be ajusted... - They also played PS3... and they hated it... almost 400 EB Games Store Managers atended this event, and most of them didnt like the PS3 and the games playable at all... They said that Moterstorm was Slow, and without any speed-feeling... that Fall og Man was just a game coping stuff from other games, and doing nothinh new... no of the games impressed...
  11. Am I the only who thinks that the game looks great... visualy? I really think the grafic is great... actually better then I would have expected from a Wii 3. party launchtitle...
  12. A EA SPORTS spokesman said that Fifa 2007 would be released next year to PS3... and they just can't ship it to stores in october/november 2007... thats when Fifa 2008 will be released... So no 12 months xbox-only-fifa anyway... its just like at E3, when Microsoft announced that GTA would launch eksclusivly for the xbox360, but the (also during the E3 expo) Rockstar said that it would launch on both PS3 and Xbox360 by october 2007... so...
  13. Well... Ok, maybe Fifa07 isn't the game that makes my day I will probably buy the PS3 instead of the xbox360 becuase of the bluray player, linux support (to make that ps3 a HD media-center-device) 1080p, and, let face it, a slightly better performance... But Hi, I might not get either! I had a xbox360 (for a day) but returned because it was so noisy and made a ching-ching-sound when choken, maybe it had a lose screw Anyway, im not going to get a second consol (Wii will ofcause be my number one) till sometime next year, or maybe not untill 2008 (it depends on wether or not I'm going to study abord, in Japan or the US)... alot of things will be different by then, so... Maybe I'll go for the Wii60 setup... nothing is for sure!
  14. Well... im probably going to buy a PS3 sometime next year, to play games like Resident Evil 5, GTA 4, Metal Gear and Fifa 07... but a Resident Evil 4 style game with intuitive Wii controls might just be better than a high-res-fantastic-grafix-ps3/xbox360-game!!! But since I'm as big as a Nintendofan one can be (er, that didn't come out right ) I just love Nintendo exclusive titles! Anyway, Resident Evil is great, offcause, but I'm mostly into the more Nintedoish style games please make Pilot Wings Wii... hehe
  15. Ok, the Wii wont be nearly as expensive as the xbox 360 and far from the PS3.. but with such a great launch lineup I think it will be a rather expensive buy for me... there must be about 10 of the launch games that I'm thinking of buying... but hi, thats just luxary problem, not any thing to complain about... It looks like it going to be the biggest consol launch ever... both regarding sales and launch games : peace: yeeaahaaa I've was just wondering, just how sure are we that the wii will launch in mutiple colors, white and black?
  16. I'm getting: Hardware: Wii console 2GB SD card 1 (maybe 2) extra controlers DVD dongle Games: Zelda (thats my #1) Metroid Red Steel Wii Sport Excite Truck Wario Ware But maybe others aswell... I'll probably end up buying all the games from Nintendo... But it really depends on what the final launch list will look like, and ofcouse pricing of the console, controllers and games...
  17. I'll have to say: 1) Ocarina of Time 3) Wind Waker 2) Majora's Mask I havn't played LTTP yet but i think I'll have to
  18. You should really make som concept art to visualise the style of the game... You can also make a game storyboard, showing a simple gamescene. You can also make a series of dummy screenshots = non playable scenes / stills... and acompany them with a precise and wellwriten text about what "happens in the game" and the genneral idea... Ect... If you need some one to help you with these visual things, mail me at [email protected] - you can see some examples of what i can do here http://www.timnorlund.com (see CGI) - just browse the website Good luck
  19. I know EB has a socalled "vendorshow" in Denmark, for all store manegers from all of scandinavia... I worked at EB Games for about a year, but since I was only assistant maneger, I did'nt get to go to the show... But I really don't think Nintendo would bring the Wii to that show... But i think this fair in Japan is "bigger", so maybe some lucky japanees retailers will play some wii...
  20. Yes.. But the PS3 is not... atleast not on games... I would like to buy my Wii in Denmark, because of warranty issues etc. and if the launce date will be the same in US and EU I'll be able to get my hand on the system on lauch day, and not a few days after, which would be the case if i order a us model... But being able to get games fast and not having to wait for the eu releases is also important... Are you guys importing or getting a EU model?
  21. I remember some talk about the Wii not being regionlocked, but I don't remember any comfirmation about it. Has Nintendo talked about this? and what can we expect? Since we are getting closer to launch it would to nice the know this... If its not locked I'll buy it here in Denmark, but if not, I'll probably go for the US model... so is there any official word about this? or beliveable rumors? Next issue... Im planing on exchanging my 28" philips widescreen crt tv for at lcd monitor, that I can use for both pc use, hd movies and ofcause WII... I'm going to get a 24" (res: 1920x1200) or 30" (res: 2650x1600) and connect the WII via componet input... how do you think this will work? do you think there will be any complications playing WII not more than, lets say 60-100cm from the screen, in terms of the remote being precise etc.?
  22. Most of the games shown on e3 were develloped on the gamecube based devkits... so only a few inhouse nitnedo games (mario etc.) where up to date with the latest devkit... The final dev kits are just getting done, so it just nintendos own games thats based on that... some games where just reasently updated and upgraded to the latest dev-kit... I think the only game 100% fitted to the final dev-kit was Mario... Remember how long red-steel has been in development... most of the development time where on gamecube kits... so ofcasuse the grafics will improve, sine the final kit will not get in devellopers hands until mid june...
  23. First it was a bit naiv to think sony would just copy the "revolutionary aspekt", as a chinees company copy western clothing, bags and games... but they freaking did... and they are just pretending its there own... I was about to puke when that fucking asshole (ken from sony japan) stood there on stage talking about inovation and new ways to play... I really hope they'll pay for this... there had to be a lot of gamereporters among the audience getting the exitment down the wrong thrugt... Do Sony think people are stupid? I hope the worlds gameing comynity will prove them wrong : peace:
  24. They really did it... I never belived they dared... They copyed the FHC... fuck em
  25. I like the simple styled grafics in the tennisgame... i really dont want it to be mario tennis, or some thing as crazy and unrealistic as that... so simi-realistic tennis game with goofy grafics nice and zelda controled by the wiiremote nice move
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