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Everything posted by Dcb

  1. Oh my god, that looks so, so, so, so x1000000 tacky it's untrue. There is definitely no way I would skin my Wii now. Each to their own though, I guess.
  2. Waste of money.
  3. I loved GC's F-Zero, still play it to this day, and that didn't have online. I think if they do make another game, and it's anything like F-Zero GX I will just fall in love with it.
  4. This game is one of those games that looks OK but I will probably never get round to buying. It just doesn't have that "wow" factor for me.
  5. No, I won't shut up. Point being, that F-Zero for Wii could still be a fantastic game WITHOUT it being a title with online functionality. And that is the truth. Of course, if it had online, then brilliant - but it doesn't need it. I'm not too big on playing online, and far too many people obsess over it.
  6. Put it online and i'm interested. Infact, i'd be interested even if it wasn't an online game, but it would need to use analogue control. I don't think it would work otherwise.
  7. This whole thread could be summed up in one sentence: People need to stop comparing this game with Ocarina - and I don't know why people don't like the music in TP. I LOVE the music - I can't get the Temple of Time dungeon music out of my head.
  8. So what's the guy at Kakariko asking for money for to fix the bridge? I'm sure he says Bridge of Eldin. Maybe i've got it wrong, lol. Thanks.
  9. I've been past the desert. I've just finished Temple of Time and am nearing the end.
  10. Question, please guys, How do I cross the Bridge of Eldin? Do I just have to keep giving the guy money to fix the bridge? And if so, where's an easy place to get rupees? Cheers.
  11. I've got six years of radio experience and i'm studying radio production if that helps. I love podcasts. :-p
  12. I ordered both the official ones and MadCatz ones ages ago. I got an e-mail today saying my MadCatz ones have been posted. So, I will be sticking with MadCatz. I assume the difference between that and official won't be too great.
  13. I love WiiPlay. I had great fun on it today with girlfriend and my Mom! My mates also like it. It's just good old fashioned pick-up-and-play fun and I think that's what makes it so appealing. I'm best at Shooting Range, Table Tennis & Fishing!!
  14. Personally I just want the next Zelda to do a few things differently. I want the graphics to be different. Not WindWaker different, but not so similar as we've always seen. So that you look at it, and go, wow. That's different. It's adult, but it's different. I also want them to play with the logistics of it so that it's not just one dungeon ---> bit of other stuff --> next dungeon. Perhaps include a bit of variety where YOUR decisions affect which area you go to next in the game. Zelda is brilliant though, and whatever they do with it, as long as they don't ruin it, I won't mind.
  15. F-Zero GX feels almost impossible on the highest difficulty level. I mean, like almost ACTUALLY impossible. It's so hard.
  16. Everyone slags off Series 7. Yeah, it WAS bad but it was still good, in that, Series 7 of Red Dwarf is miles better than any series of Little Britain or any of those other overrated shit comedies we have now.
  17. 9? The figure 9 doesn't seem a lot, but I guess it is. I can't remember how many there were in previous Zelda's. Do the later ones get bigger because Forest & Goron Mines weren't that big? Does Goron Mines count as a 'temple' e.g. one of the 9 - as it doesn't have the word Temple in it? Lol, sorry for asking random questions. Anyone that can answer, much appreciated.
  18. Right, I've been skimming past a lot of this cause I don't want too many spoilers, BUT, can anyone tell me how many temples there are in TP exactly? I'd just like to know. Just finished Goron Mines. This game is awesome. :-)
  19. Can someone please answer this ASAP. I'm in Kakariko Village and need to get the Hylian Shield. I've tried to get into the shop that sells it but it's 'locked'. I've tried everything and even looked at guides which I never do and they all say to go to Malo's shop and buy the shield for 200 rupees. HOW CAN I WHEN IT WONT LET ME IN? :-(
  20. Will US component cables work on a PAL console???
  21. I got my Samsung 27" from prcdirect for £510. Bargain.
  22. The only reason people say the Water Temple sucked on OoT is because it was one of, if not, THE hardest. I loved it. Sure it was frustrating, but it was one of the most intricately well designed levels in any game, ever. *Defends water temple to his death*
  23. Yeah, I thought the same. Everything about Wii is so much more stylish and appealing. I don't know what was going through Nintendo's mind when they launched with a Purple GameCube anyway. Looking at that and comparing it with Wii, you might even think it was a different company altogether! Wii is innovative and it looks good too. I think that's why people will invest in it. It also looks damn sexy wherever you put it. It just oozes style and that's what Nintendo needed. I can't wait for the games to start rolling through. Zelda is awesome so far. It's a thumbs up from me to Nintendo. My Wow Wii moment was probably my first hit in Wii Tennis. And also the Zelda start screen...sends shivers down my spine, and when you hit a + b together and the sword slashes out of the Wiimote and the TV = brilliance. The whole thing has just pleased me completely.
  24. Am I the only one that LOVED the Water Temple in Ocarina?
  25. Argos came through for me. Couldn't be happier.
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