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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Which is why you were wrong. For one, it isn't always (see article - it doesn't always suit every game). Second, going with 60 FPS can easily come at the cost of frame drops on these sorts of games. So there's 2 situations that show 60 FPS isn't always 'better'. Did Sony ever say that their console would run every game at 1080P 60 FPS? I am looking but not finding anything. If they didn't, we can hardly expect every game to.
  2. @kav82 not if they can't achieve a consistent frame rate. A locked frame rate that doesn't stutter is far more important than 60 FPS that is going to stutter (which games that are non-Indie/non last gen remaster/non racers can suffer from). It's no surprise that a lot of 1080p current gen games that don't fall into those categories are 30 FPS 1080p. You honestly think they would get this stably running at 60 FPS 1080p given the number of enemies on the screen at some parts? Like Daft says, you'd probably notice 60 FPS initially then you'd forget about it. But if the frame rate regularly dropped then you'd notice it every time. Also @Zechs Merquise, perhaps the reason you've never heard 'such rubbish' reflects on how little reading you do about the things you ignorantly choose to remark upon? It never ceases to amaze me how little you seem to be proud of knowing. Here's an actual game developer (guys making The Order) saying exactly what I just said: link. Game developer > you, tbh. Bungie announced they're looking to make a series as big and likely cinematic as Star Wars, so it hardly feels a surprise that they've gone with 30 FPS. It doesn't surprise me at all that you're passing up on it because of the reviews. You're the one that had a toy-throwing meltdown when New Super Mario World got an 8/10 on here. To be fair, playing the game with friends makes the game, so perhaps you're better off passing it up after all. I guess if you can't insult people, just make stuff up to try and make them look stupid, right?
  3. Doesn't stand out on a technical level is a joke if you ask me, it looks amazing. I don't think 60 FPS would suit this game. It's clearly meant to be a cinematic experience, which 30 FPS gives you. As smooth as 60 FPS is, it has that cheap 90's BBC drama feel to it.
  4. Who cares if it's 30 FPS? That's a weird reason to mark it down. Sounding like a broken record now Choze. You didn't get the game so no idea how you can critique it, especially since the beta was such a small part of the game.
  5. Skirmish is a really good mode (you can revive people too) and I didn't come across the large levels once. It's one or them icons down the left side of the map screen.
  6. Nothing short of epic, indeed. Found out that voice recording isn't enabled by default (switched it on now), so missed out on some earlier clips I recorded. Stumbled across this recording when I was clearly having an 'ah, fuck it' moment:
  7. Is that the one with the central area and the long corridors leading off elsewhere? Yeah, that one is pretty crap too. I could hardly find anyone. :/
  8. Man, they can't retire the 3DS soon enough.
  9. Yeah, that map is amazing in clash. I think what I prefer about clash (aside from the hopelessly too big levels like Moon) is that it's less close quarters. Running between A, B and C makes Titans fare better I think since you know where people are going and most of the bases are in smallish rooms or areas. That moon level is nuts. Way too big and vehicles pretty much dominate it.
  10. Every time you join a raid (the things that really need more than 1 person), it matched you with 2 other players.
  11. I knew they would use the hype against it - "doesn't live up to hype", etc. It is a new IP that cost them £310m to make. Of course they had to advertise the balls off it to start getting money back. They should just review it based on how fun a game it is and nothing else. The game is seriously awesome though, it's top class multiplayer and tight gameplay, wrapped up with some really well designed areas.
  12. Nope, and it still says it's to be despatched on the website. It was delivered by Yodel, one of the crappiest delivery companies known to man. Interestingly as well it says it was sent out on the 7th. So much for it being yesterday. It did come pretty late, too. About the time when I last posted.
  13. Mine has come. LE is big...
  14. I actually have a steadily increasing and slightly horrendous backlog of games that I now have ready to play, such that I don't think I'll be replaying anything for a while. It's funny, when I was younger I used to constantly play many of the same games; partly because of having less games and funds with which to buy more, partly because games used to take longer to complete, but an even greater part was due to local co op play with friends. Three or four player Smash, Goldeneye or Conker's Bad Fur Day were the go to games, back then.
  15. I think this one's pretty obvious - Goldeneye could easily be played with friends on your N64 while PC gaming was very much seen as a reclusive form of gaming back then. At least, it was nowhere near as easy for me to play against my friends in that way, whereas it was on my N64. I also never found peeking too much of an issue, since everyone could see everyone so it pretty much levelled the playing field.
  16. Believe. Believe!
  17. I asked Tesco again on their webchat and they said that their system wasn't updating, and that the games had already been shipped today for delivery tomorrow.
  18. Yeah, I agree. Even if he says a lot of crap, he does make some points that I think most of us would agree with.
  19. People go on about it when there is something new, and sometimes the same arguments get repeated as there are slightly different developments or different members involved in the debate (or their opinion has changed). With regards to new negative info, people always react to things they didn't know, even if they expect it. Every time it's announced that game X isn't coming to Wii U people are going to complain, maybe less and less as time goes on as it becomes more expected that games won't be supported. That said, when there is a great game released people will comment about how great that is, too. I agree with HoT that the state of the forum is a reflection of the current situation.
  20. You're right, it was me who made the comment that Nintendo should become 'me too' in certain aspects. It makes a heck of a lot of sense, really. Zechs replied that Nintendo shouldn't become 'me too' generally, saying software like Splatoon was original and that they should keep doing stuff like that. But I don't argue that - I do think Nintendo make some good software; becoming 'me too' just in a hardware/OS/networking sense won't stop them from making those same games. In fact, the games will be better.
  21. No, but I just used their web chat and they said it would be shipped later today and arrive tomorrow.
  22. And again, that's a big problem. You should learn to accept other people's views and standpoints. I don't give a fuck if my viewpoint displeases you, tbh. I am vocal about the games I like and don't like, and have expressed positivity to recent Nintendo games I have enjoyed (Animal Crossing, Xenoblade, Mario Galaxy, Pikmin, SMW3D, Zelda ALBW). When I am negative about Nintendo's hardware or strategies, for instance, you don't get to decide whether my outlook on Nintendo, or comments, are 'fine'. In fact the very idea of that is remarkably insulting.
  23. @dazzybee If I was a fanboy out for arguing then I'd spend pages arguing with you in the PS4 topic. I don't. When you said the PS4 was too loud, I told you that there was something wrong with your system. When you said there were no great games out, I'm not sure I even replied. If I did, it can't have been much. Truth is, I am a Wii U owner and I have my criticisms about the console and Nintendo's direction. It's the people in this topic that are so insecure that when the kind of comments you make in the PS4 topic get made here, they sure as hell don't get the kind of response you get there. Which I really think is a shame.
  24. The only reason it sits in the back of your head is because you know they are right and you are insecure about it. So you say whatever obscure positive things you can to make yourself feel better, spamming up the place by causing people to be reply in disbelief that you could possibly be defending certain actions that have left certain individuals rather annoyed. Going back again to the PS4 topic - people have gone in with negative comments like saying the PS4 lacks good games, the PS4 is too loud, or the OS sucks. Most people there do not agree with that at all and so don't feel so insecure about it that they need to engage in huge arguments. It's like if someone called you fat if you were rake thin. How could you possibly get mad about it or even feel the need to defend against such a comment? Contrast that to here, where time and time again I see very well worded summaries written by the likes of Flink and others, that can cause people who are insecure to argue because they know, deep down, they have some very good points.
  25. lol, never gets old. Yeah, apparently the characters being deleted means it no longer counts, I think.
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