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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. I got the same scout rifle at the end of the raid as you Daft (Confluence). Not tried it out yet! This along with the void primary auto rifle I have makes for some good haul from the raids so far for me. :p
  2. The 6 of us raiding last night said we'd team up again this Tue, just confirming it's this Tuesday (tomorrow) at 8PM. @Daft (and Eric) @Dan_Dare @Shorty @lostmario
  3. Yeah when you buy the PS3 version you get the Vita one free (and vice versa). Only still works now if you do this digitally (previously you could have put the PS3 disc in to have the same effect). And once you get one of those versions digitally, you can buy the full game unlock for the PS4 version for just over £3. In my case, the only way I could buy the PS4 game unlock was to find it in the PS4 store under 'all games'. Doing a search didn't work for some reason. Guessing the glitch is over now though.
  4. I got the Vita and PS3 version free and the PS4 version as an upgrade for like £3. something. Nice! Thanks @dazzybee.
  5. Happy birthday man.
  6. There's also that relatively new one on ITV1 called Tipping Point, which, while it has questions involved, can be ridiculously random based on the puck going pretty much wherever it wants. Hate that show.
  7. I honestly don't understand why things that are there on one console aren't automatically there on the next. Just seems pretty weird.
  8. This is fine for me.
  9. Yup, not to mention that the PS4 and Destiny bundles were amazingly priced. I don't doubt that a heck of a lot more PS4 copies of the game are currently owned.
  10. Another thing I hate about it is that if you deal, they 'play on' to see 'how you would have played'. To rub in how much you could have had. Complete and utter shit, really. There's absolutely no way, unless you had precisely planned out beforehand the order of boxes you would open for the entire game, that you would have opened the boxes in the same way. Choosing to play on rather than deal would be a different kind of stress, and most likely you'd have played differently. Everyone on it is also an incredibly superstitious moron.
  11. According to an update on Savygamer you can get the Vita and PS3 versions this way then just pay £3.XX or so and upgrade to the PS4 version (so the PS4 version isn't free, but cheap).
  12. I can do it Sunday at 3PM for the foreseeable future. Sign me up.
  13. Sounds good. We can basically only do this once a week anyway, so if weekend works better for people then that'd be sweet.
  14. Oh tomorrow? Can't do tomorrow sorry. Weekend or any other day I could! Real shame as I wanted to do it again with you guys.
  15. I guess that would work, but maybe with a timer (similar to holding square to interact with things) to equip new weapons. That way going into the menu in a cumbersome fashion is gone, but they've still got a handicap to reduce overpowering.
  16. While I think quick weapon changes would make the game more manageable I can see why they've done it. In their last game, Halo, they only let you have 2 weapons at once. I think they're just being a bit too mindful about not letting you be too powerful.
  17. To be honest I've never thought of it like that... I guess it does add a level of planning to the game rather than allowing you to destroy everything. Same goes to how you lose ammo when you switch weapons - makes it seem more like a design choice than a lack of thought.
  18. That's fine, but he either can't or doesn't want to try hold down a relationship, right? Just highlighting the irony about him taking the highground here when most people in the topic are probably looking for a relationship rather than meaningless sex. Based on his previous posts (goalpost-gate), he seems like the kind of guy who views women as little more than meat to adorn his man parts. No one like that is going to do any looking down.
  19. I love the idea that the more times you do the raid, the more stuff you get that lets you rinse the raid next time. There's quite a lot to do in a day given that most people only have a few hours to spare on weekday evenings. 10 bounties (plus whatever events bounties there may be), the daily heroic on L28 and a daily public event. Then whatever exotic weapon bounties you have, too. I often find I don't complete it all in the hour or two I have in evening session during the week. And that's if you don't choose to do stuff on another character too to get more ascendants.
  20. You have to buy your equipment. Relying on drops is absolutely not the way to go, unfortunately. Unfortunately you missed the Queen's missions which basically give you a body armour and headgear legendary for next to no work. =/
  21. Didn't think to record sorry. Loving the new auto rifle, at max upgrades it has the same attack as the exotic suros but it's also void element. Pretty good for a primary weapon for future raids (also does more damage to Oracles).
  22. Yup, ready for later. Apparently this is a much easier and more efficient way to tackle Atheon: As I suspected, only one person deals with the Oracles initially when they get warped, both the relic holder and one other need to kill the mobs first. Too difficult for just the relic holder to kill all the mobs.
  23. All day pretty much.
  24. I will most definitely join you @Daft
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