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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. Anyone else feel that Nintendo upped the AI's game with this booster pack? I've noticed that their banana dropping game is much more coordinated in that they place them in groups or in much more strategic places, like before boxes or jumps. But I've also noticed, and correct me if I'm wrong, but they are THROWING RED SHELLS BACKWARDS NOW!!!!
  2. Great games guys, triple Dark Pit and Triple Yoshi to finish the night, the game always knows.
  3. Maybe I should have started the room for me and @Ike to start. Guess we'll just wait it out.
  4. Will you be able to add on anytime at the end of Smash for loss of time at the start?
  5. Yep, along with Sweet Sweet Canyon these remind me of Sugar Rush from Wreck it Ralph, which by the way was ripe for a racing game based of levels from that, I still don't know why we didn't get it. Anyway, enjoy And this last one I am very proud of
  6. So did anyone actually watch SummerSlam? Pretty much shows HHH is running it from Also the Last Man Standing match between Brock and Roman was actually deserving of the LMS gimmick. What a battle and a wreck and possible the new best ring spot ever. We also seem to have our Clash at the Castle main event with Drew as number one contender, so I really hope they pull the trigger and give us the ending we deserve.
  7. Well that was a fun alternative. One mistake costing you to fall to your death ends your game. Also that night couldn't end any other day than it did. Hero (menu) fight, with me and @Glen-i getting and using Kamikaze to kill ourselves. Hope you are happy with that @Ike 😂
  8. Just had to say well done George for that amazing qualifying session. Mercedes are starting to look like they are getting closer to the top two each week. Great race pace and now some really good one lap times too. It's going to be a good race tomorrow.
  9. Which is why I always take this with a 10lbs bag of salt. Heck even Nintendo could be doing it just to mess with people. They put those in and "let people find it" only to then mess it all up by completely changing it for the next release.
  10. You know me too well, also, thanks you scoundrel! At least Pyra is there, plus Hero (Kamikaze!!!!)
  11. So I kept seeing talk of a leak that has been proving right with the Wave two tracks. Never knew about it so went looking around It seems to be this and that this person was able to see the prefixes for the games that the track was from. And after the release of wave to details this seems right.
  12. Nice, Think it may be one to grab right away being Minecraft it may be caught after a bit more than others. I gotta keep my full set up to date (apart from the two that had P2 variants) I have all characters. So missing a Bayo and was it Corrin that had the other P2 one? Which I've never been fussed about.
  13. Fair enough, honestly looking back at them they really aren't any that stand out or are memorable. Heck, you can't even hold your item behind you can you. I could ever find the way to do it.
  14. Can we just say MK or booster pack, way too many letters. But this is what we need, don't make them all Tour tracks. After playing the Arcade MK whilst I was away, I have thought could those be included. But then they feel different to normal mainline game tracks, they are all wider and just don't seem to have as many corners as normal tracks. I think they really are designed for the arcade machine so that you don't end up crashing every 10 seconds. But maybe tighten them up and have them in Mario Kart Ultimate when they (please please) release it.
  15. A few clips from me from last night. Some great races, I finally got that crown. Amazing close end to that one with @viceview51 here, that could have done either way.
  16. About bloody time. Some nice tracks in there.
  17. Reading @darksnowman play through this again gave me the itch, so I took this with me when I went on holiday last week for somethin to play in the evening. Link's Awakening on the GameBoy was my first venture into the world of Zelda it was my favourite then and it is still my favourite Zelda game (sorry BotW). I had already played though this twice when I first got it, the second time going for the no death route. I love what they did in updating the graphics and the style they went with. It really does feel dream like. Whilst the island is a lot smaller than probably every other Zelda game it still gives of a vibe that it has a decent size to it. Whilst it does have a little non linear to it,, the game does push you in the direction you need to go. Dungeons need to be done in order and as always rocks and holes block your path until you have the right items. But it never takes away from how great the gameplay is and how much I love it. The first dungeon is easy and may seem too easy, but it is the first one after all, and by the time you get to the 7th you are wanting them to be like that. That one gave me issues when I first played it and it did again. I knew the general way round and that I had to get that ball to the right rooms, but it still had me running around in circles a few times until I sorted it. As with the last two times the final boos gave me no issues, I had beaten that so many times on the GB that I pretty much have it down to a tee, but it's still a joy to play and satisfying to jump those arms and hit the eye with an arrow. I'll no doubt be back to play again one day.
  18. I read a idea that it's not so much about the phase now but more the Saga, so we had the Infinity Saga and we are now in the Multiverse Saga. I know they have labeled these phase 4 and 5 but the Saga thing does make a little sense.
  19. Thanks for the games even if we had the worst connection night in a long time. I saved the one match which was the closest of the night. But there were a few really close ones, and some not so close ones.
  20. No idea, Nintendo seem to be very vague lately on DLC releases, just look at Mario Kart. I haven't played Switch Sports since like the first week, and was hoping golf would bring me back into it.
  21. It's this one, so the newer one that's in stock. Not sure how soon I'll build as I have no where to place them.
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