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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. I managed to play good number of simple games yesterday (Tuesday) online. Didn’t have too much trouble though I did get matched with a few people that just decided to back out before the match and then got matched with them again.
  2. Finally started on the Kwik-e-Mart. Here's the progress so far (half way done) the way the shelves are built is really amazing to see them come together. I adore these Simpsons sets and so glad I have finally got them.
  3. Awesome rewards for the top three there @Glen-i very happy with my 3rd place. Declaring always in for the tasks too. This could be fun or just plain strange.
  4. Well GP1 wasn't the best for me but I was able to make up for it on the other two. Also of note is the amazing banked and totally meant it shot that hit @Glen-i
  5. Have to agree with you fully there. I'm playing through it and I want to like it but there's just that something missing. It could have been so much better. I feel like you just play a game of tennis with a super easy CPU then play a puzzle, then beat a boss. Which are OK but they are just hit the ball back, get a zone shot and hit the glowy point. And then to top it all off, you don't even get a cut scene when you collect the stone, just Toad saying "yeah we got another one". Some of the courts in there do have fun gimmicks and I hope we can play them in online matches but none have come up. Online with friends is where this game is at though, we just need a patch to select full games (or at the least full sets) I'll take a 6 game per set, best of 3 sets match right now.
  6. Yup. I just never really power up many Pokemon. The only one I really have been it my best MewTwo at the moment. Otherwise I’ve just been storing it.
  7. Got mine today so I’ll be up for some doubles matches if we can get them going.
  8. Back on the track after my week away. Should be an insane night.
  9. Last night it was down to level 30+ players. So it will probably be all players by the weekend is done. Here’s my code for anyone that’s wants to add me. 8252 6297 0301
  10. Thanks @S.C.G I missed playing. But it was for the better good. Had a nice day. We met in town (I drove over to her) and spent some time just walking around town and some of the parks, a little Pokémon Go thrown in as I play and she used to but was interested a little. Grabbed some food in a little cafe then went back to hers for a little bit. Just put on Netflix, had Back to the Future part 3 on and was just chatting and making comments on the film. We will chat and meet up again at some point. Today really was just to meet up for the first time.
  11. Been lurking in here but now I have something to share. So after three failed long distance relationships I have some thing a lot closer. Been talking to a lovely girl for a while now and we have arranged to meet up tomorrow. Nothing special just meeting up to chat and then decide on what to do depending on weather. I’m not rushing anything and not expecting anything though we have enjoyed talking on the phone and had some laughs together.
  12. Didn’t think I’d be saying this but I may not make this weeks races. @Glen-i could you have a backup host? I will let you guys know if I can make it though.
  13. Yep. Been reading up more and that pretty much ruins that idea. Even then it seems stardust costs are high when you are just first friends.
  14. The only reason I want trading is for the stupid regionals. But now I wonder how easy it is actually going to be to just add someone that you know in USA to get a Heracross etc.
  15. Results have been sent to @Glen-i for all the hard work. Battle mode done me over big time and I know it wrecked my average again. Otherwise a fun night and a decent finish for me after some weeks of not. I only have a few highlights to add in a bit.
  16. @Hero-of-Time I was just gonna post this too, looks interesting. I’ll be keeping an eye on this one.
  17. Has anyone identified the games on the Switch on the background of the Direct? I thought maybe they were hiding some new games there but can't make anything out. I also have tried to see if they were ones already released but don't recognize any of them. The screen just looked more blurred than normal to me.
  18. I have no idea what I just watched but I liked it. And yes I got a very Deadpool vibe from it too.
  19. Ooh. What do I win for getting the most bonus points? It must be something amazing, right?
  20. Ugh, what a night for me. Terrible item roulette, was getting bananas in 5th all throughout Wild Wild Woods for one. Got slaughtered at some points too when I was doing good. I blame @Glen-i for the above one. And here's a bonus typical Mario Kart moment that happened to me in a race before the league.
  21. awesome fun building this, there’s even a picnic basket in the boot. It now sits in front of my TV.
  22. @Sméagol I would like to update my tally after registering all my games that weren't registered that's quite a move up the table.
  23. Final tally for me. Only got to play a bit last night and some today so not as many games as some of you, Best I did was a semi final which I lost to a Toad player. Had this amazing 33 hit rally earlier today too. Shame it only got the tail end of it. It was awesome.
  24. Played a few games of this today so far. Was not feeling it with all the specials and stuff, but then I had a game against someone that was similar skill to me and my mind changed on the spot. Some amazing rallies and this fun point.
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