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Everything posted by James

  1. Playing some dirt 3. One of my fave games. Slight delay but its something you can get used to. Very impressive!
  2. I got into the PS Now beta trial, looking forward to giving it a whirl tonight.
  3. I wouldn't say he was inconsistent, he probably has been one of our best players this season.
  4. Tidy little win for Liverpool, Sterling had one very easy chance, one middle of the road chance and scored from the hardest which is what let's him down sometimes, his finishing. I know he's not an out and out striker but if your turning down 100k I think you gotta take your chances better.
  5. Any tips on Father Gascoigne, I think patience is the key but what about when her turns into a werewolf thing, he goes ape shit on me and I don't stand a chance.
  6. I beat cleric beast after more than a few attempts, at one point I must have had him on 1 percent and fecking died, I had 7 blood vials left! But finally got the bugger!
  7. popcorntime.se is your friend, even has Chromecast support for android
  8. If you used rest mode it will hold the game session in a suspended state and you can resume where you left off. (make sure you turn it on to resume the game when entering rest mode)
  9. Wait cleric beast is the first boss? No wonder I can't beat father Xmas. How did I get to him first, so many answers! If you time his attack right with your pistol he will fall to his knees, go up to him and attack him with R1 and you will do some super attack that will cause massive damage. (You may already know this)
  10. I started reading it thinking this can't possibly work, how and why, then the old brain clicked in and was all duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
  11. Christ this is hard, finally getting to grips with it now, but still haven't progressed very far, unlocked the odd gate here and there!
  12. I leave it in rest mode so it starts quicker and also it automatically downloads patches and updates overnight so I don't have to wait 3 hours for a patch to download for a game I want to play but can't cos a blooming patch needs to be installed.
  13. Why do people want to turn it off and not use rest mode..... You haven't tried connecting to EA's servers on FIFA
  14. Yeah fair enough, but I imagine fighting a werewolf with your bare hands for 30 minutes isn't fun for a lot of people and would put them right off it.
  15. Did I miss the bit where it told you how to equip a weapon! 30 minutes later I had to Google it!
  16. GTA V is currently £20 at tescos for PS4 and Xbox, whether it's a glitch or not is a different matter, but worth a try. http://www.hotukdeals.com/deals/gta-v-xbox1-ps4-price-glitch-20-tesco-direct-2173750
  17. I might be around Sunday evening.
  18. I got a free film...
  19. Tomb Raider definitive edition is 10 quid in the flash sale, so tempted. Played it on the 360 and was one of my fave games.
  20. They will, then PayPal will credit your paypal account with £10
  21. Had problems earlier today, but just managed to redeem it, up yours amazon.
  22. Well it's doing pretty well on metacritic..... http://www.metacritic.com/game/playstation-4/bloodborne
  23. I think mad dog posted the wrong link. Since it says vouchers must be claimed in 2014....the new deal is you get 50 quid of spend through PayPal. PayPal will then credit your account with a tenner...
  24. Same as OlliOlli then
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