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About T-Bird

  • Birthday 04/09/1986


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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Would love to play one of you who can do Expert too to test my skillz. I'll try and rustle up a friend code cause the strangers match never works correct?
  2. Seriously. Can't find one anywhere for anything less than £280 or bundled with a few crap games for £240+. Is this normal guys?! What's going on>?!
  3. I say fair play to give him advertisement! 15% to charity and it is one of the best mods i have ever seen. This guy really should work for Nintendo.
  4. My Wii Number: 7239-1771-8892-1140 Anyone else with MP3 I have loads of Friend Vouchers on the go as I've now completed it in Veteran. 80% complete apparently. Took me 15 hours. Will be starting Hypermode soon but would be nice if I could be sent some more Friend Vouchers and I will do the same in return - let me know!
  5. Think I'm about 60-70% through and it's been about 12-13 hours of play. I could do with some Friend Vouchers, I also have a few if spare if anyone needs any.
  6. Yeah we do.
  7. If you really don't want to wait for the UK versions of games. Just buy a US Console and run it through a standard US-UK Voltage Converter. It's a simple plug, which allows you to run it without any modification to the machine. I have had this setup since I bought the console in November and there have been no problems. This is the way to go.
  8. VGP said 20th. Weird. Oh well, it's US so will run fine.
  9. Pre-ordered this game yesterday from Videogamesplus.ca. Should be sent out to me on release (20th Aug) so hopefully will have it by this time next month. I honestly can't wait. This signals the first in the 3 big games that are being released prior to the end of the year and just thinking about it gets me hyped for all of them. Bring it on!
  10. Damn, gotta go find 'em myself now. :p
  11. I love that I opted going for the USA Wii now. Great investment, cheaper games and I get them sooner. That's what I always said and I stuck by it. Can we get a USA release list too (or at least in brackets the USA date).
  12. It doesn't matter 'cause you know when it comes out everyone will get it, and love it, and that'll be that. Another success for Nintendo I say!
  13. As much as I love the Pokemon games and will continue to buy the new Gameboy/DS versions as long as they're released, it would be nice for them to take the franchise a step further as GTA did from 2-3. As soon as I think of a huge 3D Pokemon world, I drool.
  14. OMG! This looks amazing!!! Online ranking?! Oh yes! I battered the first one (imported a US Wii) but got stuck on like the second last Mission (in the chapter that was added on for the Wii version). Got XS on a lot of surgeries too. I wonder how two player will work?
  15. Wow. Latest screenshots have actually really impressed/interested me in this game. I was 50/50 on it before, not really fussed, but now it looks like definitely one of those abstract games I just have to pick up.
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