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Strange Cookie

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Everything posted by Strange Cookie

  1. Nice! I do hope that there is a significant single player campaign, like the expansion for S2. Yes, I'm one of those weird people who primarily play Splatoon for single player. That's not to say I'm bad at Splatoon (which I am) or that I'm not a valuable teammember (which I'm not). Still, there is an significant amount of lore...
  2. I think Rebel Strike wasn't awful... just not as good as the previous entries. Still, in a compilation it wouldn't be as much of an issue. Just like Halo 2 was a lot better received in the MCC than when it was originally released. The shortcoming are more easily forgiven. Speaking of... wasn't there at one point an Xbox-version planned? I seem to recall something among those lines. Verstuurd vanaf mijn SM-A528B met Tapatalk
  3. It's not quite what I was hoping for, especially when it comes to legacy-games, but at that price, it's not too bad. So I'm in! Verstuurd vanaf mijn SM-J530F met Tapatalk
  4. Deserve it it does. I love scrolling beat'em ups (weren't they used to call beat'em alls?), so I'm lapping this up like there is no tomorrow. Which us ironic, since it's arriving next tuesday. But you catch my drift. So when is Disney Afternoon coming to Switch, Capcom? Because as a Nintendo-fan, I'm inclined never to be satisfied. Verstuurd vanaf mijn SM-J530F met Tapatalk
  5. At first I was excited as hell, then I began to suspect it was a Smash-announcement, then it WAS a Smash-announcement... I have to admit. If it had ended there and then, my phone would have been smashed (Hah!) on the wall. Never have been so happy to be trolled. Verstuurd vanaf mijn SM-J530F met Tapatalk
  6. Yes. Yes! A million times YES! Best news from the Direct, imo. With The originol on 3DS and nr.3 on the way, it's a good time to be green. Or a dreadful time. Luigi never quite seems competely happy about it for some elusive reason. Esoecially since he's now 'passed on' himself. ;p Verstuurd vanaf mijn SM-J530F met Tapatalk
  7. Rather funny, this. I was downloading the latest update for Bomberman, and when it was done, the Switch told me it was "Sucessfully downloaded". No, that's not a typo on my part.
  8. I finally got me a copy, and I am very, very pleasantly surprised. It's way more fun than I thought it has any right te be. I must admit I somehow missed Bomberman of NES, SNES, Saturn and so forth, so I'm something of aa Bomber-virgin. I can already tell there will be epic multipayer battles in times to come. Oh, yes, there will be. : D
  9. For me it's quite simple. Am I interested in Non-Nintendo games on the Switch? Hellayeah! Even though I have a PS4, I'd like to see more third party support. Lego City, Minecraft, Skyrim on the go? Eat that, PS4! So what you have Persona 5? Ha! That's... actually a great game. Not on Switch, though, so on PS4 it is. Payday 2? Didn't interest me before, still don't care for it now. It's not exactly the pinnacle of third party games to begin with. Ultra SF2, Skyrim, Disgaea, Xenoblade and others on the other hand... Now those are games I'm more than willing to talk about! So it's not indifference to third parties. It's indifference to Payday 2. And, let's be honest. Best games on a Nintendo platform are usually Nintendo-games.
  10. But Lego City: Undercover is an enhanced port that launches on all three consoles simultaneously. Then again, how does one explain Disgaea 5... Sure, that's a 'complete edition' so strictly no straight port, but Rayman Legends is a 'definitive edition'. Either there is no rhyme or reason, apart from third parties not being that enthusiastic about porting their games, or Ubisoft just being lazy. Anyhoo, I wouldn't mind a new Punch-Out. Maybe Arms will fill that spot, but while it seems fun, Punch-Out is more puzzle than fighter to begin with.
  11. Actually, I'm shocked nobody mentions a new game in the Doshin The Giant-series. And you call yourselves Nintendo-fans! Seriously though, it was rather fun.
  12. Well, aside from the usual Ninty-franchises, and keeping in mind that most Xone and PS4-games are too delanding for Switch (A hard truth. Dishonored 2 on Switch? That's reaching a bit...), I'm thinking: - Resident Evil 4: one of the best games, on-the-go? Yes, please! - Disney Afternoon Collection: because it are friggin' NES-games! - Project Zero: just make it scary again, like PZ2. - Mass Effect Trilogy: the universe in your pocket. - An Eternal Darkness sequel/ remake: or if not that... - Gamecube on VC: just don't ask me how yo solve the lack of analogue triggers. Then again, how many games really used it. The 'click' can be replicated with L/R or L3/R3. - Saturn-games on VC: because dream we may... Did I dream it up, or did Nintendo prohibit ports of already existing games for the first 6 months? Ik would explain why Rayman Legends and Skyrim are only due this fall. Though I can see Skyrim taking a lot if time porting and optimising. Dragon Quest I&II is a seperate case, being a compilation. MK8 Deluxe is not a strict port on paper, and maybe the rule is more 'flexible' for Nintendo-games.
  13. I'll admit I've been sceptical about the Switch in recent months (hence my delay in purchase), and while not every doubt has been erased (Yes, I'm looking at you, third-party-support), I'm absolutely LOVING the system since I bought it last week! The portability if the thing really is a wonder, and very beneficial for me. I can't always spend a lot of time in front of the telly, so to just take it with me on the train, bus, abroad or anywhere is a true godsend. And while it's not the most powerful system outthere, BotW stuns me way more than Horizon: Zero Dawn, an excellent game in it's own right. It just feels... good!
  14. Good news all around, then! Zelda is still getting the most playtime, but LC: Undercover is my current 'guilty pleasure'. Such great charm and humour!
  15. 1080p docked? Weird... It doesn't look like that on my TV. Colour me surprised!
  16. My (non-gaming) girlfriend and I had a go with Snipperclips yesterday. Best fun we've ever had while watching the telly (Please, no sexual innuendo). Indeed gets hard rather fast (DON'T!!), but loads of fun. I quite like coöperative games, even if the missus is up for some occasional sabotage. Makes it all the more interesting!
  17. Interesting. Mind it's in docked mode, though.
  18. Another trip to work... Still in Kakariko Village. Damn those Cucco's! Damn their beady eyes!
  19. This game is an expert at distracting you. I played BotW today on the train to work, which taked about half an hour. I previously just visited Impa in Kakariko Village, so I'm ready to proceed on my epic quest! Because this tainted land needs a True Hero! Zelda is in mortal peril, so no time to waste! Tallyhoo! ... When I arrive at work, I'm still in Kakariko Village, pondering which clothes deserve my hard-earned rupees.
  20. It definitely worth it if you find it cheap. It's still a great game, better than on WiiU and portable, if you can look past the shaky framerate. What still annoys me, though, is the sloooow camera. It bugged me in the WiiU-version and had come back to plague me once again. FYI, just installed the day-one-patch, but haven't noticed any changes in framerate, loading times or otherwise.
  21. Well, it's definitely better than the WiiU original... just not as good as it could have been.
  22. The framerate is definitely better when docked. A near stable 30 fps with occasional dips. Haven't been able to try 2-players. In both modes, it's not bad, but just know it's there. Framerate-affinicados, beware! That said, it IS a pretty good looking game! Funny thing I've just noticed: on some loading screens, you get the icon of a spinning disc. On Switch. :p
  23. Mind, this is without any kind of day one-patch installed. With the street date horribly broken, I've had some time with the Switch-version of this great game. Because it really was and still is a great game. Genuinly funny, full of easter eggs and sly references abound. Nothing has changed. Aside from the technology it's running from. The Switch-version is, on a technical level, far from ideal. Framerate targets 30 fps, but ofter dips below in outdoor scenes, especially in handheld mode. It's far from unplayable and better than on WiiU, but you feel it's rather a rushed and unrefined port. That extends to other versions as well: run it on PS4 Pro and you're looking at a more stable 30fps for outdoors and FMV and 60fps for some realtime cutscenes and indoor levels. Better, but still unimpressive for a console that can run Rise of the Tomb Raider at a near smoith 60fps. Pop-in seems identical across all platforms. Loadtimes are better, but still rather long That said, it's a nice looking open world game. Some effects, like the water reflections, are very good looking! All in all, it's great to go back to Lego City. It's just a shame WB didn't go the extra mile on a technical level. And that goes for all platforms. I still prefer the Switch-version. There are framerate drops, but they don't get in the way of gameplay. Dwitch has all the effects from other platforms, but as said before, not saying much. But... Lego City on the train? Yes! Yes, please! All in all, a somehow disappointing port of a great game, but one I'm very happy to revisit! It's still fun, just not a technical showcase on any platform. Still, it's portable, and that makes a lot if difference to me. Oh, and for some reason, the RRP for Switch is €59,99, but for PS4 and Xone €49,99. Oh, and no need to install 13GB.
  24. And another nice thing to note: those red gamecart cases? They fit nicely in an indentation beneath the Switch itself. There are even LT and RT- shaped indentations to make the Switch 'comfortable'. Little details, but nice ones! On another note... Typing on a smartphone is definitely not my thing... those spelling errors!! Horrendous!
  25. I've bought the official carrying case and BigBen screen protector, which had excellent protectors in the past. I'm happy to say they don't disappoint here either! The case is very high quality, and wide enough to secure a Switch with joycons attached. It keeps the system secure and plenty if space for chargers, gamecarts, etc. Very happy! The screen protector us the usual Bigben quality, so no complaints there. I've also got a charger and a charge grip. They simply do what they are expected to do.
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