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Everything posted by Mimternet

  1. This is just incredible, probably some of the most impressive technology I have ever seen and it will be available in everyone's HOME in a year. Coupled with the backwards compatibility and internet, it feels like the gaming industry has been building up to this moment. Hyped doesn't even begin to describe how I feel about this. This is the future and my favourite company is bringing it. Bringing it big style. How can anyone go back to the Sony PS3 and Xbox 360 controllers after this? They seem so outdated.
  2. Wireless means eating into the battery life = not good. I can deal with a small wire.
  3. It's still a prototype so I wouldn't read too much into it, clearly things were being changed right up to the last minute. A & B makes more sense to me. It's simpler.
  4. Zelda - walk and manouvere around a 3D world in 3rd person with the analogue attachment. For fights and other activities switch to an over shoulder positions and use the controller as a sword/fishing rod/ arm to interact with the baddies and objects. So perfect. This set up would work for all 3rd person games.
  5. There are already Revolution demos, the proper game demos will no doubt come at E3. The controller must only just have been finalised so only now proper development can get underway. October will be good for DS WIFI, they had better get moving. A Nov/Dec release of WIFI Mario Kart isn't far off...
  6. I don't think we can say that it won't work for some things. This is all about new experiences, taking games forward. The controller expansion allows for any number of new methods of interacting. When we don't know anything about the games or the other expansions there is no way we can say it "can't" do anything. All we know is that it can do a hell of a lot of stuff no other input device can do. The demos looks strong and the sensitivity and design is well thought out. This controller is, to put it simply, revolutionary. It is beyond exciting. It's leaps and bounds above anything I expected and so well thought out. It makes Sony and Microsoft look boring. To the person who asked "can we use the Gamecube controller for Revolution games" the answer would be no. There's no way they could make a game to take full advantage of that controller and then go back to the old way of controlling. And I don't understand why anyone would want to, it's like playing a Gamecube game on a SNES pad.
  7. Following in the line of the NES and SNES, I thought that Mega Interactive Nintendo Game Entertainment System would be great. The MINGES.
  8. It's blocked boo hoo hoo.
  9. I'm at work and all of the major sites are blocked! Could someone post a link to the direct Iwata download or if possible do me a massive favour and upload it somewhere so I can download?
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