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Posts posted by Dufniall

  1. Got to HR8, and after a few quests I wondered when I would get the notification that I got promoted to HR9. When suddenly bam! HR20 urgent. So that escalated quickly haha. And now I'm ready or my HR30.

    Kind of undecided what I want to do next. Started using the Lance more so I'm upgrading that. But I don't know what armour I want to go for. Maybe Diablos as it has good Lance skills.

    • Like 2
  2. Got a couple of birthday presents this week:


    My first Japanese whisky, it's not the most expensive one and a blend but I'm curious how it will taste, will give it a go tonight!


    Gave this a go already, about 2,5 hours in and pretty enjoyable! Storytelling is great, world looks vibrant enough and I love the Greek mythology setting. Plays and looks a bit rougher than BOTW but I think I'm going to enjoy my time with it.

    And I spend my christmas bonus/birthday cash/money reserved for holidays but can't go anywhere fundings and treated msyself to this baby:


    A Yamaha TRBX-505 bass guitar. Along with some better quality cables. Loving it so far, I'll muse about it later on in the Musician's thread. :p

    • Like 1
  3. I made it to HR6 yesterday so I'm getting close to that magical HR7! I was still donning a Low Rank (but fully upgraded) Almudron set. The urgent quest Mitsuzune wiped me and a bunch of randoms out pretty fast though, so I grinded a bit to get the High Rank Bishaten set. That went pretty fast as I joined a Bishaten hunt that was over in 5 minutes. :grin: After that me and a group of randoms took down the Mitsuzune.

    So I finally was able to use some decorations as well. Upped my defense and gemmed in Horn Maestro for my Hunting Horn. The set also has Wide Range so it's a pretty decent supportive set in combination with the Hunting Horn.

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  4. 3 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

    I can't fight any of the new monsters because they're locked behind getting to HR7, even the village quests...

    And now the red tick on 6 star village quests has turned blue, so the game is actively telling me that there's more single player quests, but I can't have them.

    That's just torment, man.

    How far can you up your HR by doing the single player challenging quests (forgot what the name is)? The ones you get from the village counter where you have to take on multiple monsters? I haven't done them, but the way it's described it sounds like they can up your hunter rank in single player?

  5. 10 hours ago, Kaepora_Gaebora said:

    Made some more headway this evening, just had my kinship stone brought to life in the ponds and then...

    Anyway, avoiding spoilers, have you found a way to automatically save the game? Or is it just when it prompts you to after a certain cut scene?

    I haven't played more yesterday, so the only save points I found were the autosave shortly after the character creation, and that you can save in your house. I hope there is an autosave or at least frequent saving, as on mobile I'll probably play it in short bursts.

  6. 1 hour ago, Kaepora_Gaebora said:

    I started it on my lunch at work yesterday, enjoyed the snippet that I played but...I couldn't seem to find the option to save, and I had to go back to work, so I lost all the character set up stuff I'd done 🤦‍♂️ I'll presume you have to get to a point to be able to save it, either that or I was just being an idiot 😛

    I just started this myself, and about 5 minutes after the character creation it saves for the first time. So you were pretty close! 

    Runs pretty smooth so far and the touch controls are sufficient, so let's see if I can stick with this!

  7. Good to see an update inbound! I've finished almost all Village Quests (only have a couple of gathering quests to be done), and just reached High Rank in multiplayer.

    Loving the game still. But one thing that's bugging me is that multiplayer is one big chaos. With 4 players and 4 partners, it basically is a giant whirlwind around the monster, and it is a lot less intense than going solo. It's also a bit harder to see the monster's signals about the move he is going to pull off, although the "incoming!" shouts give away that a big attack is inbound. Basically online with 4 players is pretty easy since everyone is constantly bashing a monster, stunning it, toppling it. I hope it gets a lit more structured when (if?) the difficulty ramps up. For now I may go solo for some quests, but I think 2 or 3 players without Palicoes/Palamutes would bring a better balance and challenge.

    Another point of critique? There are just so many options haha. I have no clue if I am maximizing my equipment and weapons, something I never felt in other MH games. But with gems, skills, rampage weapons, switch skills, petalaces,  Palamute and Palico skills, there is just so much that I feel like I'm missing half. On the other hand, I'm still breezing fairly easy through quests so no need to deep dive in it yet.

    Other than that, still enjoying it a lot and it's time Capcom starts churning out that extra content!

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  8. 11 hours ago, Dcubed said:

    Nice, but what they say in that tweet isn't entierly true...

    3DS had every Shantae game playable on it until Half Genie Hero was released much later.

    Theoretically the same can be said for the Game Boy Color/Game Boy Advance. As it only had the first Shantae on it, so that's the whole series. ;)

    • Haha 3
  9. Ready Player Two is done. Yes, as said above, it's not a great book.



    Where Ready Player One went in all directions with the references, this one just picks a few main topics and goes with those. Prince, first Era Lord of the Rings, John Hughes. If the topic is of no interest to you it means you're just reading and not getting any of the references. Of course this was the case in part one as well, but it felt a lot like there was something for everyone.

    Didn't get on with the cast as well. Wade becomes this unlikeable whiny rich boy, but gets his redemption arc and love at the end, no surprises there. Would have half expected him to run off with Lohengrin but that would have been too far-out I guess instead of playing it very safe. The rest (Shoto, Aech, Art3mis, are just there and don't get any development at all.

    The plot is mediocre at best and the deus ex machina sword needed to slay the bad guy is just hauled in by some off-site characters?


    Where I really enjoyed part 1, part 2 had some okay moments but for the rest it's a step back on all levels.

    Didn't really know what to read next so I just picked something from the shelf and it's John Grisham's A Painted House.


  10. 9 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

    Probably not for me (ironically given I'm a photographer), but it does look really great! 

    Well I'm an IT specialist but I wouldn't play a game where I would have to advice people about their IT hardware infrastructure so fair enough. ;)

    • Haha 2
  11. A pretty decent showing but not the greatest. House of the Dead remake was a nice surprise, as I loved HOTD2+3 on Wii. The trailer did look like it didn't have gyro controls though. Oxenfree 2 is a very nice surprise, curious about that one and it makes me want to play through 1 again. More Annapurna is always good news. Road 96 has potential but I wonder if it works in practice.

    Not that impressed with OlliOlli, I'll rely on Tony Hawk for this year's skateboarding fix. :grin: The rest didn't really tickle any fancy for me either.

    Official confirmation that Turtles is coming to the Switch was the best news though! Looks great, can't wait to play that one.

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  12. Curious to hear if you got the cassette players fixed @Goafer!

    As looking for shows is not really an option now, we decided to make a video so that we have some material available to show possible venues. We covered Think from Aretha Franklin, and I'm really happy with how it sounds and looks!

    It is quite in line with what we usually play with the band, which is basically covers of popsongs but with downtuned guitars and heavy drums (double bass etc). This is one of the lighter ones, but I think it's a good first choice to throw on YouTube.

    All recording, mixing and video editing is DIY, so I'm really happy with how it worked out! Major props to the drummer who did the mixing and compiled the video. I recorded the bass guitar at home with my DI, and did some backing vocals in our rehearsal studios (where all of the video content is recorded as well).

    Curious to hear what you guys think, and please be critical as this was a lot of fun and we want to do another video soon, so any feedback is welcome!

  13. *bump* Forgot to mention this earlier but the Octo Expansion is on sale from €19,99 to €13,99 in the eShop. I think it's the first time this DLC is on sale. The sale runs until tomorrow midnight.

    Won't bump the other thread for it but the Fire Emblem Warriors DLC has the same discount.

    • Thanks 1
  14. 13 minutes ago, bob said:
    1 hour ago, Ashley said:
    Well I've been in the UK the last two years ago nyeh!
    It's because it's my friend's birthday early April so usually either going on holiday with him or going to whenever his parents are at that point. 

    My wife and I celebrated our first few wedding anniversaries in Vienna, Toronto, Tokyo, California, Lisbon and our back garden, so I know how you feel.

    Going by that list your back garden sounds like a place you just have to visit! Can I make a booking for summer '22?

  15. Google photos just reminded me that 3 years ago I was standing here and photographed this very photogenic llama. Truth be told the environment adds a bit to the photo as well.


    I travelled quite a bit but our trip to Peru still feels like the most special. It was the first time in a truly different culture, and some of the stuff just felt surreal. Like standing on Machu Picchu as above, seeing condors take flight in a canyon or flying over the Nazca lines. At the end of the trip we stopped in Brazil for a weekend as one of my best friends who emigrated to Brazil was getting married, which was actually the reason we picked Peru (we just happened to have a good reason to be on that side of the world).

    I'm not a person who likes to dwell in the past but a year of working from home and not going anywhere means these kind of flashbacks are making an impression. Last year we visited some beautiful parts in the Netherlands which was very nice and relaxing as a break from working from home, and we've also travelled through Europe a lot and you don't have to go far to see the most amazing things. But there are just some things like above that you just can't find around here.

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