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Everything posted by plek

  1. *le sigh* They've now taken off the Wii and PS3 listing from the site.
  2. Yes! I still have my SNES and a copy of Super Aleste. It's a fun game with some pretty cool graphics for the time. But like Zechs Merquise has already said, Axelay is up there as one of my favourite SNES games. Loved the music and the graphics/presentation! I also recommend U.N Squadron as another good SNES shoot em up.
  3. plek


    cool, looks like a modern day Marble Madness!
  4. Perhaps this is where the whole Mii idea works with individual profiles to distinguish multiple users of the same console?
  5. Did anyone else ever play a similar game in the arcades? I think it might've been by Namco. In fact, I thought this was just an arcade conversion when I first caught a glimpse of it in the conference video the other day. It was one that worked on a similar premise, with a plastic sword and sensors around the screen that detected movement. The novelty of the whole hack and slash thing wore off as your arms grew more and more tired... I know graphics aren't everything, but I'm a little concerned that perhaps Nintendo aren't giving as much support/knowledge to the 3rd party developers as they'd like. :\
  6. urrrghh, what hideous looking arms! Far Cry looked gorgeous on my friend's PC (have no idea what his specs are) and I was hoping to see something like that.
  7. plek


    It looks lush! Shame that we'll have to wait until February for it to come out over here! :\ And yeah, I'm thinking that it would work really well as a Wii game. With the pointer function of the Wiimote to control the calligraphical elements!
  8. Definitely! The day after David Yarnton refuted rumours that the DS was getting a redesign, Iwata made a press release that announced the DS lite plans.
  9. Wow, according to an update on that blog it seems that after being inundated with emails/phonecalls, Nintendo have taken notice and contacted Telltale Games! Fingers crossed for a Sam & Max Wii game, if not something decent along those lines!
  10. I second that! A Lucasarts compilation of all their old classic adventure games would be excellent. And didn't Lucasarts announce that they were going to support the Wii? *le sigh* I think I'm going to dig out my old copy of Grim Fandango and play that at some point.
  11. I'm hoping that they do reduce the price prior to launch. Getting a Wii and Twilight Princess is all I'm bothered about really, and to get them together for around £200 would be great.
  12. Aaaaah, I'll buy it at a high price!
  13. I highly doubt that Apple will have anything to do with Nintendo. In fact, if they were to support any games console it would probably be the Playstation 3. This is because of their support for the Blu-Ray format.
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