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Everything posted by Josh40

  1. Do any of you like the new look for Mario on Super Smash Bros. Brawl?
  2. You know me Josh40. Well, let me tell you a story... I first started posts on nintendo.com. Then on officialnintendomagazine.co.uk. And then on this, my last hope of making friends. All this about spam-i don't understand it! So, admins, I promise you this! If I mess up one more time you can delete me for good... Trust Me... I know what I'm doing...
  3. Thanks for giving up your pride!
  4. Mini-Odwin sounds like a nerd. And change that avatar it really puts me off the fact that you're a Male.
  5. I Find Alot Of The Old Mario Games Annoying... Good Graphics Though... For It's Time...
  6. I don't know how to upload pictures onto here. Ha! This post is locked but I can still reply! It Might Be Some Sought Of Glitch! Yay! Glitch! I Thought One Of The Administrators Have Locked It... Hm...
  7. How Do You Post Pictures Here?
  8. What confuses me is what is the difference between graphics and effects?
  9. I'm sorry. I'll stop it now. I PROMISE!
  10. If any of you have a brain, well, you know that Twilight Princess ''Looks Good'', that's all dandy and everything, but, have you looked closely enough at the clear water? Have you concentrated enough to see it pixelized? I ask you this. And have you seen rocky mountains? No? Well if you look closely enough at them they are a bit pixelized! Plus many other effects Nintendo have cheesed their way out of. If you want good effects, buy a Sony, or Microsoft Game. (But TP is very good! Don't take me the wrong way!)
  11. I tell you what is warped! Your Avatar!
  12. Ooooooh, great... Wake me when ONM is finished...
  13. Yeah... *Pats on head and gives a cookie*
  14. You'd be lucky enough to get scrap! So count your blessings! *This is to the creator of this thread*.
  15. Oh, Finally! The right thread! Yeah, all I wanted to say was the Wii has good hardware!
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