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About Josh40

  • Birthday 11/30/1992


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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Do any of you like the new look for Mario on Super Smash Bros. Brawl?
  2. You know me Josh40. Well, let me tell you a story... I first started posts on nintendo.com. Then on officialnintendomagazine.co.uk. And then on this, my last hope of making friends. All this about spam-i don't understand it! So, admins, I promise you this! If I mess up one more time you can delete me for good... Trust Me... I know what I'm doing...
  3. Mini-Odwin sounds like a nerd. And change that avatar it really puts me off the fact that you're a Male.
  4. I Find Alot Of The Old Mario Games Annoying... Good Graphics Though... For It's Time...
  5. I don't know how to upload pictures onto here. Ha! This post is locked but I can still reply! It Might Be Some Sought Of Glitch! Yay! Glitch! I Thought One Of The Administrators Have Locked It... Hm...
  6. What confuses me is what is the difference between graphics and effects?
  7. I'm sorry. I'll stop it now. I PROMISE!
  8. If any of you have a brain, well, you know that Twilight Princess ''Looks Good'', that's all dandy and everything, but, have you looked closely enough at the clear water? Have you concentrated enough to see it pixelized? I ask you this. And have you seen rocky mountains? No? Well if you look closely enough at them they are a bit pixelized! Plus many other effects Nintendo have cheesed their way out of. If you want good effects, buy a Sony, or Microsoft Game. (But TP is very good! Don't take me the wrong way!)
  9. I tell you what is warped! Your Avatar!
  10. Ooooooh, great... Wake me when ONM is finished...
  11. Yeah... *Pats on head and gives a cookie*
  12. You'd be lucky enough to get scrap! So count your blessings! *This is to the creator of this thread*.
  13. Oh, Finally! The right thread! Yeah, all I wanted to say was the Wii has good hardware!
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