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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. It does sound like you're leaning towards a new career path of a paedophile :p
  2. I bet he could find out more than you.
  3. I like whatever, as long as I'm included. Loved the stepping stone reference as well acknowledging how puny you all are before I reclaim what is rightfully mine ...eventually. Spotlight: Inter 2 - 1 Madpool first goal - 34th minute.
  4. How do you know he doesn't know more than you know?
  5. Micah Richards is better than Johnson... But you're right, it does say something about the quality of the squad if Henderson has been called up. Truly a dire state.
  6. Well he certainly isn't a Chelsea supporter.
  7. A close loss to a previously Elite league squad today, so can't feel too aggrieved!
  8. So it is official @Wii is a liverpool supporter. I should have known. Also, with Henderson's addition to the squad, Liverpool are now the most represented premier league team in the England squad. We.Are.Fucked. How can a team that has had such a poor season be consisting the most of teh England squad?! I said it before, as an ex-Liverpool manager it does look a bit biased!
  9. Happy birthday boy! Sorry its a little late. And by a little I mean very.
  10. I know this is off topic, but no my accidental resigning does not count!
  11. If I win this I go up 3-2 biatch!
  12. Norton replacing Ferrell pretty classy line up this year (minus the JLS losers).
  13. Well at least that's something you've beaten me in Peeps
  14. Is it just because I'm thrashing you on scrabble? *your go*
  15. Now that I'm involved in them (mostly on the losing side), you definitely should!
  16. I'd reply saying, learn to drive/ get a new hobby/ find new friends but it will all be a bit familiar!
  17. I feel like I've read that post before!
  18. And then thinking/ stating how the Liverpool players played better than anyone...ever?
  19. I was the one that tagged him, I call dibs on the lottery entry Also welcome back ReZ
  20. I genuinely think you are biased enough to think Suarez is actually better than Drogba! You can't say oh they're totally different and imply they cant be compared when you compared Henry and Drogba earlier as though they are similar!
  21. Woah I think Henry is almost as good as Drogba, I wouldn't say he's only half as good as Didier! Jokes aside, do you believe Suarez is better than Drogba?
  22. That sounds like a typical childs response when they don't get something "I didn't want it anyway!"
  23. @Wii clearly supports some lowly club and just makes himself feel better by picking on the big boys with little swipes.
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