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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. So Jonnas killed Luvdisc? And then was killed himself? A small blue and red pokemon is using a device, do we know what this does? Another blast which got more than one person. Once again I didn't get anything, but was Luvdisc a water pokemon?
  2. Honestly, I wanted to play but I really can't so you might as well take my place. I insist.
  3. Yeah ignore me I don't really want to play ..or do I?
  4. I go to Reading Uni. I'm in my final year. This should show you how bad it is.
  5. So you'd go for a 16 4? Clearly a bad choice since it will distort average age and a 32 12 is a leader for your team anyday
  6. I have no idea what those numbers mean, nor whose allegiance you lie on!
  7. I'd join but I have lack of time/ ability to even play chess? gonna be a knockout?
  8. My housemate rates new countdown lady over Carol. The Vorderman all the way!
  9. Two wrongs don't make a right Diageo.
  10. What the hell have I done? I voted for you and now you're just annoyed you be a dead pokemanz! Anyway night.
  11. I expected better of you Dan. You made a whole thread about not being able to see her and you didn't even get the job done while you had the chance?! Who knows the next time you'll see her!!!!!!! I am aware you work with her and that it will probably be a day when you next see her...
  12. Why are you so up for the lynching then?
  13. I'll roll with the Vote: EddieColeslaw
  14. Yeah I read that, and I've taken it into consideration, but my vote on you still stands unless you can choose to not kill out of choice. I don't have anything to add, my power doesn't involve tracking or investigation so I feel a bit useless =/
  15. You may just have a percentage chance of success Nintendohnut, so you may be right sometimes and others you aren't.
  16. Which one? I don't know what you're hoping for me to see.
  17. Happy Birthday Mr Shortaaaay! Hope you have a good day
  18. Vote: Cube I didn't know you HAD to kill. Usually you can abstain. You're more likely to kill one of us townies so I think you're far more likely a threat to us than the mafia right now.
  19. I've read my sidekick's role and its not exactly clear, though I think I may have an idea of what they are supposed to do.
  20. I've just spent more time catching up with this and nothing useful has come of it except the same old squabbles and reasoning being used since this afternoon. It has become stale. Diageo is either proven to be lying about his need to lynch someone or he is dead unfortunately anyway once Chair finishes the day. I have no idea what my sidekick does.
  21. I enjoyed poisoning people though. The confusion and panic was good until I got caught out unluckily by Marcamillian's power. I didn't post much so he caught be out on that one page!
  22. I personally think Nintendohnut just got his information wrong. Can anyone verify him as lilo to back up his argument? I have nothing to add. Except once again it is nintendohnut and diageo going back and forth. Deja vu? Eddie, have you roleclaimed yet? Pressure is on you and I can't remember you saying much about your role as opposed to Danny and Nintendohnut. And Cube, is it love making you better at speaking, or the fact that 3 days have past (as in you learn more as time goes on)? I'll Love: Cube to test my own theory. And what disney character hates dirt? At first I thought it was ReZ just taking the mickey out of Chair and Paj's posting mannerisms but he keeps doing it here so it must be someone who hates dirt.
  23. Who is the beloved member then? I see none in this thread :p Also 0-0 v Haden United. I will take that! Very defensive play isn't my usual kind of style, but your team are looking good Haden so I had to stop them somehow!
  24. What generation is that pokemon from? O.o
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