People were quick to criticise Sunshine at the time but it was quite brave for Nintendo to take the series in such a different direction with the introduction of FLUDD. They could so easily have just released Mario 64.2
I remember this as a beautiful game, but the dodgy camera and those evil puzzles made it incredibly frustrating. It seems odd that Nintendo haven't tried FLUDD it in any other Mario game since, even as a bonus level.
Sorry if this is not the right place, but I'm looking to get a Wii U controller and am a little confused by it all. Is there a controller that works with both Wii and Wii U games (besides the Wii remote)?
It's entered the All Formats Charts at #4, I guess people will pay whatever Nintendo wants for it... or Wii U owners have just been starved of a decent exclusive for months.
The people who posted this video on YouTube responded with a comment saying "The video was made by a dyslexic employee. It is an error, Sorry for any inconvenience."
Would anyone be so kind as to please give me their Xenoblade code to register on Club Nintendo? Mine won't register so I've emailed Nintendo customer service about it but am worried the coins will be gone by the time they get back to me
If anyone has bought the game yet who isn't eligible for the counes, could they please send me on their code? I have Xenoblade and The Last Story and would really like to be able to get the coins! I'm still in two minds about ordering this, going to take a trip into town tomorrow and see what offers are on the Limited Edition version. Thanks
When Nintendo print another run of the game, do you think they'll make more of the Bundle edition (with the red controller)? I desperately want it, but it's going for ridiculous prices on Ebay (and sadly, I'm half tempted!)